Keeping the Candle Burning.
The Changi Cross was made by Staff Sergeant Harry Stogden, RAOC, as a prisoner of war in Changi and is used throughout the Roll of honour with a poppy as the centre piece. It is used as a symbol of unity for those who lost their lives in the Far East and is not meant to categorise the prisoners in any religion or faith.
Sergeant Harry Stogden lost his life 15th September 1945 before reaching home.
All the pages within the Roll of Honour are written to help the FEPOW Families in remembrance of their Loved Ones and are not ‘Public Domain’.
Permission must be obtained before their use.


Added Information which will help

Many Articles included and Bureau of Record and Enquiry

A separate database is now available for

Rolls of those who died unnecessarily

Rangoon Jail is the first camp

More to follow

Contains information on cemeteries in the Far East

With a roll of those named within

United Kingdom Authority Reports

With a roll of those named within

Contains information of passengers and crew trying to escape the Japanese invasion

Compiled by Michael Pether

Contains information on awards granted to Far East personnel

Information collated from the London Gazette

Contains information by Australian Tribunal

IInformation will be added as research unfolds

A separate database is now available for

Rolls of prisoners who died within Japanese ships sunk by the Allies

A separate database is now available for

Rolls of British prisoners who died within the Japanese homeland camps

Anthea Beckett’s

British & Commonwealth POWs held in Java 1942-45

Collective Service Personnel

From Village, Town, City or Area

Roger Mansell

Mostly American Servicemen but a few British & Hollanders from the Hofuku Maru Sinking

Contains information on Far East Regiments

British & Commonwealth

Contains information on Ships

Each has their own page

Add service personnel to the site memorial

Each has their own page

High Ranking Officers and Civilians

American, Australian, British, Dutch, and Civilians

A separate database is now available for

Now Being Compiled
British, Commonwealth, Dutch and American POWs

A separate database is now available for


British, Commonwealth and Dutch POWs