Passengers and Crew

Presumed Dead
Died During Internment
Presumed to have Survived (known to have survived the sinking, but nothing further known)
fate not known
SALMOND –Mr. I. G. Salmond a merchant aged 37 years who succeeded in reaching Padang and tried to escape on a small boat with some “…officials and services…” but was captured by a Japanese tanker in the Indian Ocean arrived Changi 7.4.42 (TKD); this is confirmed in a four page report by I .G. Salmond ( PRO ); to UK on “Ranchi” (ALFSEA)
SAMUEL – Mrs. Samuel “Wife of Penang lawyer” – listed as on “TP” (JPB and Ruperti); Helen Violet Scott Samuel, British. B. 1889. – died in sinking of “TP” (C 4363); Mrs. Helen Violet Scott Samuel, age 53 years, wife of Charles Robert Samuel of Penang Hill, Malaya – died on “TP” (CWGC);
SAMUEL - there is a record that Mr. Samuel was on either the “Tien Kwang” or the “Kuala” (list of people on either “Kuala” or “Tien Kwang” at PRO); also see “…Samuel C. R. Logan Ross & Samuel NEI? Wife left with him…” (BPPL); “…Mr. Samuels a lawyer from Penang…” left Pom Pong Island with Oswald Gilmour and men from APC. in a ‘prau’…(STF); also a Mr. Charles Robert Ross Samuel, B.1881, Advocate Solicitor, Straits Settlement became an internee in Bankinang camp, Sumatra ( presumably after reaching Padang) (C4362); Charles Samuel recorded in his diary arriving in Padang on 7 March 1942; Mr. Samuel, Advocate , died 15.12.44 of Dysentery at Bankinang (ALFSEA)
SAMPSON – Mr. G. M. Sampson, PWD ( PWD list at PRO); Captain G. M. Sampson, Volunteer, Assistant Engineer, Works and Buildings PWD, Kuala Lumpur, he reached Padang and then India( MVDB)
SANDERS – Mr. J. O. Sanders, FMSR, Kuala Lumpur ,in UK (ALFSEA)
SARNEY – Able Seaman John ‘Jack’ Horace Sarney, aged 28 years, RNZN, # A1631, had joined the crew of the “Kuala” from the Singapore shore base “HMS Sultan “, after earlier serving on the Armed Merchant Cruiser “HMNZS Monowai”; he was later captured by the Japanese at Padang on 17.3.42 and became a POW in Sumatra, then in the camps of Mergui and Tavoy in Thailand. He survived the War and returned to Auckland, NZ. (MI9 NZ questionnaire , NZ Archives and NZ Naval Museum posting records) ; Jack Sarney states he had joined the “Kuala” on the 11 February1942 and when the ship was bombed he swam to shore, notably he states in a letter to his wife upon release from POW camp that the “Kuala” survivors were in fact machine gunned by the Japanese planes whilst they were in the water and attempting to climb onto Pom pong island; his foot became poisoned on the trek across Sumatra and he was in hospital in Padang; when the Japanese captured him he became a member of the “British (Sumatra) POW Battalion”( letter from Jack Sarney to his wife September 1945)
SAWYER – Mr. H. N. Sawyer, PWD ( PWD list at PRO); Captain H. N. Sawyer, Volunteer, reached Padang and arrived Colombo 10.3.42 on “Chitral” (MVDB & CO 980/7)
SCALES – Mr. Stuart S. Scales, now Indian Army, C/- Chartered Bank, Bombay (Ruperti)
SCOTT – Miss J. D. Scott, MEO. - listed as on “TP” (JPB); Miss Scott. “…boarded the “TP”…” (STF); Matron J. Scot (sic), K. L. seen on Pom Pong Island (CAS); Matron Jessie Dow Scott, General Hospital, Seremban, Malaya. Age 55 years, Daughter of Daniel and Margaret Scott, Carnock, Fifeshire – died in sinking of “TP” (CWGC)
SCOTT- RAM - in the Shell Oil employee escape party with Woollerton, D.S. Robertson and H.H. Sturt, he was seen on Pom Pong island and then Padang on 7 March ( letter from Mr. W. G. Taylor of Shell Oil to company magazine July 1942 ); he arrived in Padang too late to be evacuated and he was interned there with Robertson of APC and five cable & Wireless staff ( diary of John Robins, Cable & Wireless); Lt. Herbert Scott-Ram, FMSVF Reserve, escaped Singapore on Mutiara but interned Sumatra( MVDB); Mr. H. Scott- Ram, APC, to Australia on “Highland Chieftain” 29.9.45 (ALFSEA); Mr. Herbert” Scottie” Scott-Ram, born 1899, an employee of Asiatic Petroleum, was interned in Bankinang camp, he later retired to Nutfield, Surrey and died in 1980 (Moffatt).
SEARS – a stoker or “fireman” according to survivor Dr. Marjorie Lyons who records, that during the bombing of the “Kuala”, he courageously helped Lyons and a nursing Sister with carrying a wounded person who had a compound fracture of the femur “…Sears, a fireman, was with me, then as the ship was hit and caught fire “…Sears hurried us off…”the ship. She later records moving people around the Island over the following few days “…again with Sears help…” (IWML); this raises a question as to when he must have later lost his life because CWGC records show “ Chief Stoker Herbert Raymond Sears, RN., aged 42 years, #P/K 60309, attached “HMS Sultan”, son of George and Emily Sears he died on 16.2.42 (CWGC); this date may have been nominated as being the last recorded sighting of Chief Stoker Sears leaving open the question of whether he died leaving Pom Pong Island on one of the later rescue vessels ( including the coincidental date of the sinking of the “TP” )SEARER/SEAVER/SCAVER – Miss Scaver (?) was on the “Kuala” (ALFSEA); Mrs. Searer. (?) Husband Brigadier RAMC. – listed as on “TP” (JPB); also listed is a Mrs. Seaver (?) as having boarded the “TP” ( list of civilians on “Kuala” and “TP” at PRO);
SELFE (see also SIEFE)– Mrs. K. M. Selfe, of Pasir Pajang, is reported as the employer in a case where the house boy stole an item from a drawer and absconded ( (STA. 19.4.39); Mr. and Mrs. Montague ‘Monty’ P. Selfe lived in Singapore and Penang prior to the war (he was employed by William Jacks & Co.(Malaya) Ltd. and a committee member of the Singapore Cricket Club STA 13.3.38 and 26.5.40); only Mrs. Selfe is reported as being on the “Kuala”; Mrs. Salf (sic), G.H., seen on “Kuala” (CAS); Mrs. Kathleen Selfe, reported drowned since unofficially reported as on “TP” ( list of civilians on “Kuala” and “TP” at PRO); also Mrs. Selfe, Colonial Nursing Service, left on “TP” (Ruperti); which is in contradiction to the CWGC record of; Mrs. Kathleen Mary Selfe, Nursing Sister, aged 38 years, wife of Montague P. Selfe of Watford, Hertfordshire – she died around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC); Montague Selfe, of William Jack Ltd., was an internee in Changi (C4481)
SELWAY – Mr. Selway, Naval base (ALFSEA); Robert Henry Selway, born 1920 was a Storehouseman, Singapore, and became an internee in Bankinang camp, Sumatra (Moffatt and Mr. H. van den Bos’ list of Bankinang internees)
SEOW – Miss Rose Seow, Singapore ( Inglis list at PRO)
SEONG – Sister (Miss) Seong Siew Yin , G.H., seen Sawalentoe (CAS)
SERGEANT – Mrs. Sergeant, Ulu Benut Rubber Estate, left on “TP” (Ruperti); Ms. D. W. B. Sergeant (ALFSEA); NOTE: a Mrs. Ruby Sergeant, aged 49 years in 1943, English and from the Norseman Estate, Ulu Sepetang, Taiping, Perak was an internee in the British Women’s Camp in Padang – this may be a relation – she died in March 1944
SERVICE - Miss Service, Sister, MMS, later Matron in charge at Dabok (sic) Hospital ( list of people on either ”Kuala” or “Tien Kwang” at PRO); Miss A. T. Service, Colonial Nursing Service, last seen at Dabat (sic) (Ruperti); listed as one of the hospital team in the Fraterhuis and Bankinang camps by Marjorie de Malmanche (IWMDM)
SHARP – “…Sharp CCT RRI Kuala with Page…” (BPPL);– “…Mr. Sharpe, Mgr Railways from KL…” was seen on Pom Pong Island by Captain Briggs of the “Tien Kwang” ( CO980/217 , MRB Report No. 23 by Captain Briggs , 12.8.42); Charles Sharp, Botanist with the RRI is also recorded as having been on the “Tien Kwang”
SHARPE – Mrs. Gwendoline Agnes Sharpe, aged 29 years, wife of Mr. R. Sharpe and daughter of George and Adolphine Baker, 10 Dukes Road, Bukit Timah, Singapore – she died around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC); finally Mrs. Gwendoline Agnes Sharpe, applicant for death certificate Public Trust, Perth, Western Australia (PODC)
SHEERLAW – Miss P. W. Sheerlaw, Kuala Lumpur , left for UK ( list of people on either “Kuala” or “Tien Kwang” at PRO)
SIE – Miss Sie, a teacher at Chong Hock School where Mrs. Low was Head. She returned to Singapore after the sinking with the Low family ( NIL)
SHAERLAW – Mrs. J. Shaerlaw wife of Mr. B. Shaerlaw (ALFSEA); could be the same person as SHERLOW
SHAW – Mrs. Shaw. In Changi it was learned that a Mrs. Shaw had been on the “Kuala” and survived to be interned in Tokyo (TKD p310; this in fact may not have been correct because in the Japanese propaganda Broadcast and in the UK investigation it was recorded that,
SHAW – Mrs. Shaw, wife of Mr. Shaw, Singapore Fire Dept – listed as on “TP” (JPB and Ruperti); also Mrs. Shaw, husband Fire Station, listed as seen on Pom Pong Island (CAS); there is also a record (by the mother of a Martin Everard, “…on the “Kuala” Nellie, wife of No.1 Fire Brigade Singapore was drowned…” in his mother’s story there is also another account which may be relevant “… Jean, beautiful young, golden girl she was, had been incredibly brave going in and out of the water rescuing people and getting them onto the sand…had been recaptured and taken back to Singapore, never heard of again…” (Martin Everard, ‘BBC. UK’ website ); also Mrs. Jean G Shaw boarded “TP” ( list of civilians on “Kuala” and “TP” at PRO ); notably in this context, Mr. James George Shaw , b. 1899, was Superintendent, Fire Brigade and an internee in Changi (C4524); also possibly her daughter,
SHAW – Miss M. Shaw boarded “TP” ( list of civilians on “Kuala” and “TP” at PRO)
SHERLOW – Mrs. Sherlow, Klang. Fate unknown? (STF); could be the same person as SHAERLAW
SIEFE (sic) – Mrs. Siefe. On 16 .10 42 Mrs. Siefe’s(sic) husband ,who was interned in Changi learned by wireless that his wife had been on the “Kuala” and had survived (TKD p.194) – this was however incorrect – see SELFE
SIM – Sister Agnes Slim(sic), in company with another Sister from the Western Infirmary, Glasgow, Sister Logan, was on the “Kuala” but went down with the ship…” (NHS., Greater Glasgow Health News 26.3.06); ALFSEA ( it appears incorrectly) had her reaching Singkep Island: Miss Agnes Moore Sim , civilian – died around sinking of the “Kuala” (CWGC)
SIM – “…Sim???? Customs Kuala? Padang? India? …” (BPPL); Alexander Woodrow Stuart Sim, OBE, MID., was Asst. Supt. Customs Officer, FMS. Lumut, Perak and a Sub. Lt. MRNVR,; “…Next we saw a man floating about some distance away, a Sub-Lt RNVR – Stuart Sim by name. He was wounded in the leg. A bomb splinter having gone into his ankle and embedded itself…We pulled him on board, and he did magnificent work in helping to manage the boat and rescue others in spite of his wounded foot. We were now drifting with the current on to breakers which marked a reef just awash. The situation was desperate; there were some 39 people on board and we were half full of water. I therefore asked Sim to take command of the boat and be Coxswain, which he did, seating himself in the stern and shipping the rudder. What magnificent work he accomplished too, giving commands from the end of that crowded boat….But for Stuart’s seamanship I am prepared to say we would never have got clear of that reef, but been upset and all drowned…” ( p36 SDGB , Arthur Ross account); Stuart Sim was interned in Padang and returned post war to Malayan Customs until 1961
SIM – Miss B. Sim, G.H., MAS, seen on “Kuala” (CAS); this would almost certainly be Miss Agnes Moore Sim, age unknown, British nationality, died 14.2.42 in the sinking of the “Kuala” CWGC; also Miss Agnes Moore Sim, Colonial Nursing Sister, Singapore general Hospital , killed in air attack 14.2.42 Singapore (JM Malayan list)
SIMS – Miss. “…believed lost…” (STF); Nurse Carmen Sims. b.1921. - died around sinking of “Kuala’ (C2288); Miss Carmen Sim, S/N, G.H., Eur., seen on “Kuala” (CAS); Nurse Carmen Sims, aged 21 years, daughter of Ernest and Margaret Sims, 32 Jervois Road, Singapore – died around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC)
SKEHAN - Miss Mary Skehan, MEO. Malayan Nursing Service, General Hospital – listed as on “TP” (JPB and Ruperti); also Miss Skehan, Sister , MMS ( list of people on “Kuala” and “TP” at PRO); Miss Mary Skehan, aged 27 years, daughter of John and Anne Skehan, Broadford , Co. Clare – she died in the sinking of the “TP” (CWGC)
SLEIGH – Ms. Sleigh with three children was on the “Kuala” , but did not get on the “TP” (ALFSEA)
SLOAN – Miss Sloon (sic) was on the “Kuala” (Ruperti); Miss Sloan, Penang. Escaped. (STF); Miss P. F. Sloan, Pg.( Penang?), M. C. P. (CAS)
SMART –Leslie M. Smart, Volunteer?, General Manager FMS Railways in Pudu Gaol (MVDB); Mr. L. M. Smart, FMSR (ALFSEA); Mr. Leslie Masson Smart, born 1899, from Kincardineshire , Scotland, went to Malaya as general manager, FMS Railway HQ, Kuala Lumpur, and was a Member of the Federal Council. He was aged 53 years at the time of the fall of Singapore; it is very possible that he and his wife Annie, aged 56 years , who were both interned in the Bankinang camps were in fact on the “HMS Grasshopper “ when that ship was sunk ( Moffatt, Bankinang men’s camp list and BMP)
SMITH – Mr. D. B. Smith, PWD (PWD list at PRO)
SMITH – Mrs. and four children, Bukit Timah Road, Singapore – listed as on “TP” (JPB); children therefore listed as follows,
SMITH – child – listed as on “TP” (JPB)
SMITH – child – listed as on “TP” (JPB)
SMITH – child – listed as on “TP” (JPB)
SMITH – child – listed as on “TP” (JPB); almost certainly this is the same family as,
SMITH – Mrs. Flossie Smith, age 36 years, wife of W. T. Smith, 13 Simon lane, Singapore – died around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC); also could be the same person as Mrs. Welna Smith aged 40 years, ,one daughter and two sons, boarded the “TP” ( list of civilians on “Kuala” and “TP” at PRO)
SMITH – Miss Maggie Smith, aged 15 years, daughter of W. T. and Flossie Smith, 13 Simon Lane , Singapore – died around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC)
SMITH – Miss Vera Ramon Smith, aged 13 years, daughter of W. T. and Flossie Smith, 13 Simon Lane , Singapore - died around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC) and also probably two brothers,
SMITH – son of Mrs. Welna Smith ( list of civilians on “Kuala” and “TP” at PRO)
SMITH – son of Mrs. Welna Smith( list of civilians on “Kuala” and “TP” at PRO); possibly related or part of the same family,
SMITH – Miss Smith , aged 16 years, boarded the “TP” (ALFSEA)
SMITH – Ms. G. Smith, left Palembang for Singapore 4.12.42 (ALFSEA)
SMITH – Master C. Smith left Palembang for Singapore 4.12.42 (ALFSEA)
SMITH – Sister E. M. Smith was either a Civilian or Colonial Nursing Service nurse who lost her life (QH); Miss E.? Smith, M. MEO. General Hospital Singapore – listed as on “TP” (JPB); must be the same person as “Miss Smith, Singapore Fate unknown? (STF); and probably Elsie Mary Smith, Nursing Sister, aged 41 years, daughter of Joseph and Mary Smith, Wadsley Bridge, Sheffield – died in sinking of “TP” (CWGC); and Elsie Mary Smith, Nursing Sister, b.1898 – died on “TP” (C4678)
SMITH – Miss Smith, Nursing Sister Penang – listed as on “TP” (JPB); may be also Miss Smith, Sister MMS., sister of Mrs. A. E. Fallows ( list of people on either the “Kuala” or “Tien Kwang” at PRO)
SMITH – “… Smith HDE H Cicely Kuala bvd drowned…” (BPPL); possibly the husband of a Cicely Smith from the wording; also Cicely Smith, from Telok Anson, was lost at sea in February 1942 (Moffatt)
SMITH – Sister (Miss) N. Smith, Johore, seen on “Kuala” (CAS); also Miss Nota Smith (seen at wharf) J.B. sister Kedah (CAS); also “…Miss Smith, Sister, FMS – a stout fair Scots girl…”(list of people on “Kuala” and TP” at PRO); it was possibly this person who Mr. D. Mackay recorded “…One girl I had met (at Senejang) had two and a half days in the water, helping a Eurasian girl without a lifebelt, clinging to the fishing stakes etc. When I saw her the day after she was rescued she had lost her voice from laryngitis but was otherwise OK and seemed to think it a normal experience….this was Miss Smith, a Sister from Ipoh Hospital…” ( D. Mackay, No.2 report, Malayan Research Bureau)
SMITH - Sister ( Miss) J. Smith, B.J.B.G.H., seen on “Kuala” (CAS); also “Miss Smith, Sister, MMS, Johore Bahru – a short dark girl” ( list of people on “Kuala” and “TP” at PRO); also Nursing Sister J. F. F. Smith to UK on “Antenor” (ALFSEA)
SMITH – “…Smith Dr (lady? Dr. C. B.) “Kuala” …” (BPPL); Mrs. C. B. Smith, aged 40 years became an internee in Sumatra;
SMITH – WOODYEAR – Miss M. Smith-Woodyear, MEO. Malayan Nursing Service, general Hospital – listed as on “TP” (JPB) – see also the CWGC listing for the same person under the correct name of WOODYEAR – SMITH.
SOMERVILLE – Sister G. Somerville was either a Civilian or Colonial Nursing Service nurse who lost her life (QH); Mrs. Somerville (husband with John Little & Co. Ltd.) – listed as on “TP” (JPB and Ruperti); also Sister (Miss) Somerville, G.H. seen on Pom Pong Island (CAS); from deduction she was the wife of William Somerville, Assistant, John Little & Co. Ltd., he died at Roberts Hospital, Singapore aged 41 years in August 1942 as a POW (MVDB); there is also the 1942 reference “ …Somerville W. J. Little died dys as POW Sept 42 wife left with MAS…” (BPPL) – sadly there is no CWGC record of either of these deaths, presumably there was no one to remember them and record their deaths
SOONG – Mrs. Soong Siew Ling was on the “Kuala” (Ruperti)
SOUZA - Cissy de Souza (Mother of Gladys Aeria) presumed died in bombing of S.S. KUALA. Patrice Aeria recalls her Mother telling her they were rescued by a Chinese fisherman and taken to one of the nearby islands. They spent 3 1/2 years as internees. Information by James Ahchak, husband of Patrice Aeria. Information by James Ahchak, husband of Patrice Aeria.
SPEDDING – Miss V. C. D. Spedding, QAIMNS, “…wounded during raid on ship. Seen on island. Last seen Savaluntah, Sumatra by M.A. Evans (Evans); Matron (Miss) V C. D. QAINMS, #206432, 20th C. General Hospital,. Listed as POW Sumatra in 1943 (CAS and WO 316/462); Miss Spedding became an internee and nurse in Bankinang Camp with Brenda Macduff who recalls her as possibly an Indian Army nurse (BMP); also “…an Army matron… was on Pom Pong island nursing wounded (IWMDM); probably the same person as “…Miss Speading. Fate unknown...” (STF)’ there is also the reference to Olive Spedding, Matron in (SIA); Miss Violet Spedding, aged 51 years of age and English, of 20th Combined General Hospital, Gillman Barracks, Singapore, was listed as interned in the British Women’s Camp, padang and moving to the Mission Complex on 24.6.43 (Mr. H. van den Bos); finally “…Ms. V. Spedding, QAIMNS, recovered identity not certain…” (ALFSEA); after the War there is a newspaper article in the STA 1.10.?? as to Captain Jennings writing in his book “Ocean without Shores” as to seeing “…Miss Spedding, Matron, of 21st Indian general Hospital, Taiping,…” in Padang.
SPENCE – Mr. J. R. Spence, PWD ( PWD list at PRO); Captain J. R. Spence, Volunteers; Executive Engineer PWD Central Branch SS; arrived Colombo 10.3.42 on the “Chitral” (MVDB & C) 980/7)
SPREADBROW / SPRADBROW– W. W. Spreadbrow was on a raft with Janet Lim ( “Sold For Silver”) and survived with a diary of events; MRB (2/43) notes Mr. W. A. Spreadbrow was last seen in the NEI ; also “…Spreadbrow W. A. printing Padang?...” (BPPL); William Arthur Spreadbrow ( some references mention him as ‘Spradbrow’ ) was born in 1900 and a printer with the Government Press in Kuala Lumpur ( Moffatt); he was interned in Bankinang camp where in May 1942 he taught beginners Malay classes(Mr. H. van den Bos’ Bankinang camp list and diary of Mr. Lampen- Smith)
STAFFORD – “…In the water I saw … Mrs. Diana Stafford, who were not wounded and who reached, as far as I know the Sumatran mainland safely…” (I. G. Salmond report PRO); “Stafford C U POW wife Kuala – T. Pinang? …” (BPPL); Mrs. C.V. Stafford, Taiping. - listed as on “TP” (JPB); Mrs. Diana Stafford left on “Kuala”, then on “TP” ( Mrs. E Cross at PRO); is presumably the same person as “Miss Stafford, Taiping …boarded “TP” (STF); and same person as Nurse Diana Evelyn Stafford. B.1917. died in sinking of “TP” (C4814); and the same person as Mrs. Diana Evelyn Stafford, aged 25 years, Nurse, Singapore Hospital, wife of Cecil Stafford, Salamai Estate, Trong , Perak – died in sinking of “TP” (CWGC); also Mrs. Diana Stafford, VAD, Alex, seen on Pom Pong Island and boarding “TP” (CAS); Cecil Stafford was a planter, also a Private, Armoured Cars Company, FMSVF and a POW in Thailand (MVDB) - their marriage in 1937 had brought together two of Taiping’s oldest European families ( Straits Times); and Diana Stafford was in fact travelling with her mother , Mrs. Jacques, on the “Kuala” and they together boarded the “TP” – see Jacques above
STALLWORTHY – Mrs. Stallworthy, husband Petrol Rationing, was seen on the “Kuala” (CAS)
STAUNTON – Mrs. E. G. Staunton, Singapore…believed lost…” (STF); “…Mrs. Staunton, husband vehicles dept., Singapore Municipality, died on Pom Pong Island…” (Ruperti); Mrs. Eva Staunton, Matron MAS., age 48 years, wife of Mr. E. G. Staunton - died on 14.2.42 around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC); Mr. Edward George Staunton, b.1904 was Registrar of vehicles and an internee in Changi (C4830)
STEED – Mr. R.?. Steed, PWD (PWD list at PRO); Major R. A. Steed, 1st Btn SSVF, SRE (V) ,#13209, ;Senior Executive Engineer PWD,: arrived Colombo 10.3.42 on the “Chitral” (MVDB & CO 980/7)
STEPHENS – Nursing Sister L. Stephens left Pom Pong Island for Australia (ALFSEA)
STEPHENS – Mr. O. L. Stephens, PWD ( PWD list at PRO); Captain O. L. Stephens, 4th Btn SSVF, (MVC) Battalion HQ; Engineer Kuala Kubu, Malacca PWD; arrived Colombo 10.3.42 on “Chitral” (MVDB & CO 980/7); Owen Llewellyn Stephens, PWD reached Pom Pong Island unscathed except for a splinter in his leg , he was later evacuated to Sumatra on the second voyage in Capt. Reynolds ex –fishing boat and thereafter on the “scout” and “Danae” to Colombo. He returned to Malaya as an engineer with the invasion force in 1945 and again worked for the PWD until he retired in 1954.He passed away aged 88 years in 1992.( email from son peter Stephens and an article in “The Times” dated 17.6.42)
STEVENS – Mrs. Fate unknown? (STF); Mrs. Stevens, EMNS, Alexander Hospital, Singapore “…evacuated to UK from Colombo. Seen by M.A. Evans and E. M. Bryant…” (Evans); Mrs. K. B. N. Stevens, Singapore ( Inglis list at PRO) in fact escaped and reached the UK, i.e. Charnwood, Ilkley, Yorkshire by June 1942 ( her letter 21.6.42); also “Mrs. P. Stevens, Singapore, left for UK” ( list of people on either “Kuala” or Tien Kwang” at PRO) – she provided significant information on the fate of other women from the “Kuala”; also Mrs. P. Stevens, husband QMS, 1st Btn. SSVF(ALFSEA); Mrs. Penelope Steven (aged 29 years)s in fact arrived on the “Britannic” from St John, New Brunswick ,Canada at Bristol on 10,1142 with many other women from Malaya and including Mrs. Sophie Gowans who had also been on the “Kuala”
STEVENSON – Edith ‘Woodie’ Stevenson, Nursing Sister, Singapore Children’s Orthopedic Hospital, Then Alexandra Hospital (IWM-S); she survived and was living in Dumfries, Scotland in 2002
STEWART – Mr. Stewart, Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank (ALFSEA); it is not confirmed whether Mr. Stewart was on the “Kuala” (although it is most likely) or the “Tien Kwang” but he was certainly on Pom Pong island as recorded by Oswald Gilmour”…The most picturesque citizen of Pom Pong Island was, I think, Mr. R.A. Stewart, Manager of the Hong Kong and Shangahi Bank, Singapore. His hair and beard were reminiscent of a biblical figure…in addition he always carried long staff and looked like a sage…”(STF);
STOCKS – Mr. Stocks (ALFSEA); it is not clear whether this is the same person as Corporal Arthur James Stocks, Corps. Of Military Police, #7688069, aged 31 years ,died between 14.4.42 and 15.2.42 (CWGC)
STOREY – seaman on “Kuala” ( I. A. Inglis list PRO)
STORRY – Major George Richard “Dick’ Storry, since 29.12.41 had been attached to HQ, Intelligence ,Singapore and who on 13.2.42 was ordered to leave Singapore with other Japanese speakers and report to Wavell’s HQ in Batavia. He boarded the “Kuala” and mentions Coffey, Harfburn (?), and “The Brigadier” also on board. Storry was ashore cutting foliage for camouflaging the ship when it was bombed. He was evacuated by Captain Bill Reynolds to Sumatra and left Emmahaven on the “HMS Danae” for Colombo; then “HMAS Hobart and then “HMS Chitral” to Bombay. (IWMM 01/34/1)
STRACHAN – Sister E. Strathan (sic), “…seen after shipwreck. Taken from Island on “SS.TP”. Not since heard of (injuries witnessed by QAIMNS members, blast of abdomen, shrapnel of chest right side)…” (Evans); Nurse E. Strachan, IANS, listed as missing in 1943 having boarded the “TP” (CAS); Sister Elizabeth Strachan, Territorial Army Nursing Service, #215508, she died on 17.2.42 (CWGC) – she was one of the wounded taken aboard the “TP”
STRATFORD – a 1942 record “… Stratford S.D. Lindsay RAF Missionary RAF Kuala… “ (BPPL); Lindsay James Harold Stratford, aged 34 years, British, son of James Stratford, Moorak, Mt. Gambier, South Australia – died around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC); also Lindsay Harold Stratford – applicant for PODC was A. R. Mitchell, Missionary, 457 Sims Avenue, Singapore (PODC)
STRINGER – Olga Stringer (“…Richard Hoop’s sister went on “TP” …” (IWML); also Mrs. C. H. Stringer, husband Brigadier, RAMC. seen on “Kuala” (CAS); Mrs. Olga Stringer, age 50 years, Nurse VAD. Wife of Col. C. H. Stringer – died in sinking of “TP” (CWGC); also Olga Stringer, VAD. B.1982. – died in sinking of “TP” (C4800)
STURT – H. Sturt, A.P.C. (Inglis list at PRO); also “… Sturt N. H. APC Kuala NEI? … “ (BPPL); Mr. H. H. Sturt was in the same Shell Oil /APC escape party that boarded the “Kuala “… as Messrs. Woollerton, Robertson and Scott-Ram , he was seen at Pom Pong Island and then Padang on 7 March …”( letter by Mr. W. G. Taylor dated 2.4.42 whilst in Durban after escaping from Singapore , to Shell Oil company magazine July 1942) but presumably arrived too late to be evacuated and was interned; Mr. Sturt of APC left Pom Pong Island with Oswald Gilmour and the APC party in a ‘prau’ and reached Sinajang (sic) (STF); Mr. E. H. Sturt, APC, to Madras on “Karoa” 4.10.45 (ALFSEA); Horace Holford Sturt, born 1896 and educated Corpus Christi, Cambridge ; saw WW1 service and was MID; arrived Singapore 1919 and married Evelyne Brooke; Assistant Manager, Asiatic Petroleum, Singapore; interned at padang and Bankinang camps; post war with Shell, London and retired to Wimborne, Dorset; he died in 1962 ( Moffatt and Mr. H. van den Bos, Bankinang camp list)
SU – C. H. Su, Singapore ( Inglis list at PRO)
SULLIVAN – Mrs. Sullivan, husband was a Captain, seen on “Kuala” (CAS); Sister Nancy Sullivan, QAIMNS, aged 40 years, #366317, wife of Major G. M. Sullivan, RASC., of Fareham, Hampshire – she died on 14.2.42 (CWGC)
SUM (SIM?) – Miss Sum, (Eurasian), Nurse ,S’pore, left on “TP” (Ruperti)
SUTHERLAND – Miss Sutherland of the Adelphi Hotel, Singapore listed as on the “Kuala” and seen on Pom pong Island (CAS)
SUTHARISANAM / SUTHERASANA – Sister A. Sutherisanam, Indian Military Nursing Service lost her life (QH) and seems to be the person listed as being on the “Kuala” - and possibly the “TP” next; Miss A. Sutherasana, Singapore , General ( Inglis list at PRO)
SUTTON – Mr. C.F. Sutton, PWD ( PWD list at PRO); C.F. Sutton, Volunteers, Kuala Langat, Selangor ( MVDB & CO 980/7)
SWEENIE/SWEENEY – Miss Sweenie, IMNS., seen on Pom Pong Island (CAS); Sister N. Sweeney, Indian Military Nursing Service, lost her life (QH); this strongly suggests that Sister Sweeney either died of wounds on Pom Pong Island or boarded the “TP” and lost her life then
SYMONDS – Miss L. Symonds, QAIMNSR, 1st Malayan General, “…not seen since shipwreck…” (Evans); Nurse L. S. Symonds, QAIMNS. - listed as missing in 1943 (CAS); Lorna Symondson (sic), QA, was killed by a bomb on the “Kuala” (QARANC website);”…Lorna Symondson(sic) was killed with her friend Helen Montgomerie (sis0 when they went up to the top deck of the “Kuala” and were killed by the bomb which hit the part of the ship occupied by the Eurasian and Chinese nurses(QH); Sister Lorna Sybil Symonds, QAIMNS, 17 General Clearing Hospital, #209317, MID., daughter of William and Sybil Symonds – she died on 14.2.42 (CWGC)
SYN – Miss T. C. Syn ( list of people believed to have been on “Kuala”); Nurse T. C. Syn passed through Medan (ALFSEA)
TAN – Nurse Choo Lim – listed as on “TP” (JPB); possibly “… Mrs. Tan Chen Lym (Johore) , MAS, left on “TP” (Ruperti); not clear whether this might have been one of,
TAN – Misses Tan ( two ) , Dental I.M.N.S., seen at Sinkiep (CAS)
TAN – “…Tan Cheng Pan Kuala…” (BPPL)
TAN – Dr. Tan Su Lan and his son (Wang) – they reached an island called Redjai (?) (Wang)
TAN – Master Tan, son of Dr. Tan Su Lan (Wang)
TANG – Mr. Tang Yong Pang, Singapore ( Inglis list at PRO)
TANG – Mrs. Tang Yong Pang, Singapore ( Inglis list at PRO)
TATE – Mrs. Tate, wife of Mr. Tate, Singapore Municipality Water Department – listed as on “TP” (JPB and Ruperti and ALFSEA); Mrs. Singapore “…boarded “TP”…”(STF); Mrs. Gladys Josephine Tate, aged 33 years, wife of Arthur Tate, Mount Emily Bungalow, Singapore – died in sinking of “TP” (CWGC); Mr. Arthur Tate, mechanical engineer, b. 1903, was an internee in Changi (C4997)
TAY – The Hon. Kian Teck Tay, civilian, husband of Tay Chew Ned – he died around the sinking of the “Kuala” (CWGC); ‘…TAY LIAN TECK KUALA DEAD?...” (BPPL); also Tay Lian Teck , of Ho Kong SS Co., and all the women and children left on the “Kuala” (Wang); ”Teh Lam Teck” left on Pom Pong (Ruperti); the official notification of the death of Tay Lian Teck did not take place until 16.6.46 (Straits Times); also “Tay Lian Teck & family, Legislative Councillor ( list of people on either “Kuala” or “Tien Kwang” at PRO) in which case there are possibly other casualties , or survivors from Mr. Tay’s family so it is also recorded that,
Tay – family members?; two Chinese sisters Tays (ALFSEA)
TAYLOR –“…Taylor J. R. Educ Kuala…” (BPPL); also Mr. J. R. Taylor, late Master of Marlborough College on “Kuala” (ALFSEA); John Rowland Taylor, MA. (Cantab), aged 72 years, civilian - died around the sinking of the “Kuala” (CWGC);
Taylor – Petty Officer Taylor recorded by author Geoffrey Brooke as”…I was met at the gangway of the “Kuala” [when anchored at Pom Pong island prior to the bombing by Japanese ] by Petty Officer Taylor, one of my anti-parachute force, brandishing a huge spanner which he said was to keep people off the food stores…” (p.29 , SDGB)
THATCHER – Mr. S. S. Thatcher, PWD (PWD list at PRO); Mrs. Thatcher reported that her husband left Singapore on the “Kuala”…Mr. Thatcher was swimming beside a Mr. Fallows, who after a big explosion in the water near him, died from the effect of the blast…he was taken off Padang on the Hobart and arrived safely in Colombo…he was ill, went into hospital and the others went to Bombay. He was in hospital for a month… he came back on the ‘Dominion Monarch’…” ( Mrs. Thatcher’s report , report No. 5, Malayan Research Bureau); also “ in Palestine” (ALFSEA)
THERESA – Miss I. Theresa, Nurse, seen on Pom Pong Island (CAS); Nurse I. Theresa left on “TP” (Ruperti); also see the letter “I” listing
THOMPSON - Dr. Margaret Thompson, born in Edinburgh, husband Daniel Thompson, agricultural engineer and rubber planter. She worked for Malayan Medical Service. Suffered a serious leg wound in bombing of “Kuala” (“Undiscovered Scotland “website);. also Dr. (Mrs.) Thompson, L.M.O., seen on Pom Pong island , wounded taken to Hospital (CAS); Had been wounded in the initial bombing of the “Kuala’ in Singapore, after the sinking of the “Kuala” she is said to have rowed a lifeboat for eight hours whilst severely wounded, cared for Janet Lim (‘Sold for Silver ,p.125 ); this is confirmed in the account of Raymond Frazer, RAF, who rescued her from the sea into the lifeboat and rowed the lifeboat alongside DR. Thompson, the group from the lifeboat later were taken by Chinese fishermen to Singkep where they parted ways, he recorded that she received her MBE for her bravery in the lifeboat and care for others whilst she was wounded ( McCormick) her brave care of the wounded whilst wounded herself is also recorded by G. J. O’Grady Report No .4 ,Malayan Research Bureau; in Tembilihan, later captured and interned in Palembang ( IWMDM and PBD); she survived the War and returned to Singapore. She was awarded the MBE for her medical work in the internment camp. Both she and her husband survived (he was a POW on the Burma Railway) and returned to Malaya to establish health facilities for rubber workers. She died in Scotland in 1982 ( “Undiscovered Scotland “ website)
THOMPSON – Dr. (Miss) Thompson – listed as on “TP” (JPB); Doctor Theresa Imelda Thompson, born 1908 - died in sinking of “TP” (C5066); Dr. Teresa Imelda Thompson, MB., ChB., DPH., from Sydney Australia, wife of Frank Thompson – died in sinking of “TP” (CWGC); Dr. “Tessie” Thompson , sister of Ms. “Nessie” Craig ( see above) and Dr. Florence Eileen Craig ( see above); MRB (2/43) notes Mrs.(Dr.) Thompson, nee Craig, was last seen in the NEI which may be a confusion with Dr. Margaret Thompson above,
THOMPSON - Mrs. Thompson, H. K. Eur. Husband Warder listed on “Kuala” reached Bombay (CAS)
THOMSON – Mrs. Thomson, Singapore boarded the “TP” (STF)
THOMSON – Miss J. Thomson MEO – listed as on the “TP” (JPB); probably be the same persons as; Miss J. Y. Thomson, daughter of Mrs. A. Thomson, Edinburgh – died later on “TP”(CWGC); Nurse J. Y. Thomson – died on “TP” (C5073) internees in Changi first learned that she had been on the “Kuala” in 1943 when a readdressed letter arrived saying that she had left on the “Kuala” (TKD p259)
THYE – Miss Chin Kim Thye seen on “Kuala” (CAS), Miss Chin Kem Thye, nurse, General Hospital Singapore, left on “TP” (Ruperti); also see CHIN
TOMBS – Miss Tombs, QAIMNS, Alexander Hospital, Singapore, “…seen on island by members of QAIMNS. Evacuated on “TP” .Not since heard of…” (Evans); Nurse D. H. Tombs, QAIMNS. – listed as missing 1943 having boarded the “TP” (CAS); also might have been ( as someone named “Dot” was ) on the raft with six other nursing sisters and A/Bs Baird, Hissey and Archer but in which she case died from exposure on the raft and later than the date recorded at the CWGC (letter A/B J. Baird 1946); Sister Dorothy Helen Tombs, QAIMNS, #206488, daughter of Benjamin and Ethel Tombs of Charlton Kings, Gloucestershire – she died on 17.2.42 (CWGC)
TONGUE– Edwin Tongue, civilian (British) – died at Pom Pong Island 14.2.42 (CWGC); in Changi the internees learned that”…Tongue was killed whilst swimming to shore …” after the Kuala sank…” (TKDp.106); also “… Tongue E. Estate Duty left dead…” (BPPL); aged 34 years and from Mobberly, Cheshire, Edwin Tongue worked in Estate duties, Straits Settlement treasury and was also a Volunteer Flying Officer in the RAFVR (MVDB)
TONKIN – Mr. S. Tonkin, PWD (PWD list at PRO); Major S. Tonkin, Volunteers, Senior Executive Engineer, PWD; arrived Colombo 10.3.42 on the “Chitral” (MVDB & CO 980/7) ; “…believed seen in Durban…” (ALFSEA)
TONKIN – Mrs. Tonkin, wife of the above with husband (ALFSEA)
TRAVERS – “…Travers A A Fire Officer Naval base NEI…(BPPL); Mr. A. A. Travers on “Kuala” (ALFSEA); Charles Austin Travers, born 1901, was Institute Manager and Fire Officer, Naval Base Singapore; interned Padang and Bankinang camps ( Moffatt and Mr. H. van den Bos’ Bankinang camp list)
TRY – Miss Eileen Try. MEO. – listed as on the “TP” (JPB); Miss Eileen Try (Key) left on “TP” (Ruperti); Miss E .Try, G. H., (CAS); Miss Eileen Mary Try, Nursing Sister, aged 32 years, British, daughter of Herbert and Eliza Try, Leigh-on-Sea, Sussex – died in sinking of “TP” (CWGC)
TURNER –Miss Turner, QAIMNS (Inglis list at PRO); Sister E. M. Turner, QAINMS. Listed as POW in Sumatra 1943 (CAS and WO 361/462)
TURNNIDGE – Mr. W .A. Turnnidge, PWD (PWD list at PRO); W. A Turnnidge, Volunteers, Chief Inspector waterworks PWD, Kinta, Perak; arrived Colombo 10.3.42 on the “Chitral” (MVDB & CO 980/7)
TURRELL - Mrs. Jessie Dunsmore Turrell, aged 41 years, Medical Auxiliary service, of Johore Baru, wife of Francis Henry Turrell – she died around the sinking of the “Kuala” (CWGC); also Mrs. Frank Terrell, J.B. on “Kuala”(CAS); Mr. Francis Henry Turrell, b. 1896, an electrical engineer , was interned in Changi (C5157) – however she is also (in contradiction) recorded as Mrs. Turrell, husband Johore Electrical Dept., left on “TP” (Ruperti)