HMS Grasshopper

Sunk 14th February 1942
With Japan entering the war, the HMS Grasshopper along with two other gunboats, the ‘Scorpion’ and ‘Dragonfly’, sailed from Hong Kong to Singapore.
The crew had a pet dog called Judy, she fell into the Yangtse from the ‘Gnat’ and nearly drowned, survived the sinking of the HMS Grasshopper, torpedoed in SS Van Waerwijck, wounded by Japanese rifle fire in Sumatra and lacerated by an alligator. She survived the camps and was awarded the Dickin Medal - the animal VC.
1942/02/10 - The HMS Grasshopper left Singapore for Batavia.
1942/02/14 - Off Rusuk Buaga Island in the Banka Straights, she was attacked and sunk by Japanese aircraft at 0800 hours.
The roll below is of the crew fatalities
As supplied from Commonwealth War Graves Commission
Also good reference found in ‘Singapore’s Dunkirk’ by Geoffrey Brooke
Also ‘The Judy Story - The Dog With Six Lives’ by E. Varlry
Please click below on a name to extend information
Bakaria Bin Haji Abdul Samat,
Able Seaman
Ball, Frederick Walter
P/JX 127951
Leading Seaman
Best, Edwin
P/LX 611519
Betteridge, Thomas
Ordinary Seaman
Bittles, Robert Mackie
D/JX 170087
Able Seaman
Blakemore, Daniel
C/K 37600
Leading Stoker
Boyne, David Forbes
C/JX 262355
Ordinary Seaman
Brown, Thomas Barry
C/SSX 28834
Able Seaman
Bryce, Alexander
Stoker 1st Class
Christopher, William
P/KX 81363
Petty Officer Stoker
Copping, Norman
Leading Stoker
Deste, Frank Duncombe
P/K 60218
Petty Officer Stoker
Dunford, Alfred Joseph
P/K 62043
Petty Officer Stoker
Dunster, Arthur Frederick
C/JX 201763
Able Seaman
Hopkins, Reginald Horace
P/KX 78613
Petty Officer Stoker
Houghton, Jack
P/JX 219794
Able Seaman
Ingram, Thomas William Robertson
C/JX 156927
Leading Seaman
Ismail Bin Puteh,
MN 127
Yeoman of Signals
Jamal-Ud-Din Bin Haji Abdullah,
MN 1058
Jantan Bin Mahmud,
Able Seaman
Jones, Alfred Victor
D/MX. 68905
Engine Room Artificer 4th Class
Jones, Alun Wyn
P/KX 116335
Stoker 1st Class
King, Stanley
P/J 97030
Able Seaman
Lythgoe, John
D/SSX 32464
Ordinary Signalman
MacCue, Rees Morgan
C/KX 79483
Petty Officer Stoker
Macdonald, James
D/JX 169451
Able Seaman
Marshall, Gordon Winston Hall
D/JX 169960
Able Seaman
Monk, Donald John
Able Seaman
Muhammad Darus Bin Umar,
MN. 778
Able Seaman
Muhammad Nur Din Bin Ismail,
MN. 1077
Able Seaman
Neep, Adam William
D/KX 109869
Stoker 1st Class
Nurden, Percy Eldon
Petty Officer
Preston, William G.
P/UD/X 1509
Able Seaman
Rayfield, Alfred
C/KX 121544
Stoker 2nd Class
Renowden, John
D/JX 168931
Able Seaman
Rogers, Frederick
P/KX 87726
Leading Stoker
Slater, Roland
P/JX 162454
Smith, William Edward
P/KX 87116
Petty Officer Stoker
Sparrow, Joseph George
D/JX 172435
Able Seaman
Stubbs, Norman
P/MX 54062
Engine Room Artificer 4th Class
Wilson, John Stephen
C/JX 163163
Yusuf Bin Haji Sayid,
Able Seaman