Camp History
The former civilian prison converted to a POW camp, hospital and transit camp for POWS.

The Former Bilibid Prison
Almost every man captured on Corregidor passed through this camp at one time or another. As it was a transit point for movement to other camps, e.g., Davao, and for hell ships to Japan, it is safe to say that over 80% of all survivors from Bataan also passed through this camp.
First major use as transit point for high ranking officers from Bataan and for all men from Corregidor.
1942 27 May
First shipment of Corregidor POWS depart for Cabanatuan
1942 3 June
Exodus of high rank officers to Tarlac begins.
1943 2 October
150 doctors, medics and patients transferred to Cabanatuan. Included were Doctors Ferguson, Berley, Bookman and Glusman. Corpsmen Richard Bolkster, Bernard Hildebrand and Ernie Irvin.
Remaining were: Doctors Carey Smith, Max Polhman, Marion Wade (Exec Officer) & Gordon Lambert. Source: John Glusman
The medical staff was commanded by Col Hayes who replaced Captain Lea B. Sartin who was assigned by Japanese. [Sartin- first Med CO at Bilibid]
Captain Kusamoto was in charge of the camp but Bilibid doctors under control of Nogi Naraji, Captain IJA (MC)