Rangoon Central Jail
PoW Food
These pages are compiled from KEW File AIR 40/1855
(E) Food
The overall picture is that food was deliberately limited in quality and quantity by the Japanese and that in fact there was no real shortage of supplies, although one PoW stated that the Japanese rations were little better than those of the PoWs. Often the quality of meals improved suddenly and as suddenly deteriorated. At times they were supplemented by purchases which the PoWs could make through official channels in the bazaar, It appears that food improved during the latter period of imprisonment, i.e., in the last, six months. This was especially so in the case of beef and pork.
One estimate of rations in the early days is as follows:-
12 Cucumbers: 12 Egg Fruits: 12 Marrows: for 300 men for three days.
There was also an issue of rice that was more often than not floor sweepings.
A later estimate of the scale of rations is:-
Working Men
Men on Light Duties & Sick
750 grammes per day
550 grammes per day
Meat (rare):-
3.5 ozs. per day
1.75 ozs. per day
60 pounds for 300 men for 6 days
60 pounds for 300 men for 6 days
700 pounds for 600 men for 2 days
220 pounds for 600 men for 6 days
Dried Beans:-
220 pounds for 600 men for 6 days
6 pounds per man for 6 days
Dried Fish
50 pounds for 300 men for 6 days
Peanut Oil
6 pints for 300 men for 6 days
Twice a month
Generally for the sick
Rice Bran
Issued in fairly large quantities
(Vegetables were Pumpkins and Marrows. No fruit or milk was issued.)
A typical menu for 1944 is described as follows.
Small quantity of meat every five days.
Once a week a meal of powdered beans.
Occasional dish of sweet rice.
None of the above was provided in very large quantity.
Total amount of rice - 1 1b. per man per day.
Tea supplied was Burmese tea which the PoWs describe as tasteless.
An R.A.F. officer and N.C.O. drew particular attention to the activities of an Army corporal who was detailed to work in the ration store. The N.C.O. was cook at one of the blocks and after January 1945 contacted the Corporal whilst working in a small garden near the stores. Verbal requests were made for onions, sugar, eggs and soap for sick in the block and the Corporal was able to obtain them and hand them through the window. On three, occasions the Corporal was caught by the Japanese and severely beaten up, the last occasion being when the Japanese discovered that some soap was missing due mainly to pilfering on the part of the Japanese themselves. The R.A.F. Officer and N.C.O. stated that the Corporal’s activities undoubtedly saved the lives of many sick who were suffering from malnutrition.
(iii) Conclusion:-
The food in general was meagre. For some reason which is not immediately clear, it appears to have improved over a period and on days of celebration, e.g. Xmas when a special effort was undoubtedly made by the prison authorities and by prisoners to provide fairly good meals.