EGALAKARUVA, Pioneer, 104114. 1237 Coy. Indian Pioneer Corps. 27th March 1944. Age 25. Husband of Egala Latcha Mma, of Peddanadi, Vizagapatam, India. Face 90.
EGAN, Gunner, LAURENCE MICHAEL, 1800531. 88 Bty., 82 Lt. A.A. Regt. Royal Artillery. 17th March 1944. Age 22. Face 2.
EGAU EMALU, Private, N/25214. 34th Bn. King's African Rifles. 10th October 1944. Face 102.
EGERTON-SMITH, Lieutenant, PETER EGERTON, 155036. 2nd Bn. Durham Light Infantry. 5th May 1944. Age 29. Son of William Egerton Egerton-Smith and Louisa Hannah Egerton-Smith, of Altrincham, Cheshire. Face 17.