UGA MOSHI, Private, GC/43388. 1st Bn. Gold Coast Regiment, R.W.A.F.F.. 16th March 1945. Face 108.
UGGAR SEN, Sapper, 25218. King George V's Own Bengal Sappers and Miners. 25th January 1943. Age 18. Son of Darshan Singh and Raj Wati, of Uenretha, Agra, India. Face 28.
UGHAM SINGH, Naik, 17831. 3rd Bn. 6th Rajputana Rifles. 1st March 1945. Age 27. Son of Ram Narain Singh and Achana Bai, of Satnali, Patiala, India. Face 34.
UGMA, Sepoy, 41020. 8th Bn. 13th. Frontier Force Rifles. 3rd May 1944. Age 31. Son of Sugna; husband of Nandi, of Nadi, Ajmer, India. Face 45.
UGMA RAM, Rifleman, 31920. 3rd Bn. 6th Rajputana Rifles. 7th December 1944. Age 27. Son of Banna Ram and Teju; husband of Parki, of Bhinchawa, Jodhpur, India. Face 35.
UGNIKERI, Havildar, K B, P/76. 152nd Bn. Indian Parachute Regiment. 27th March 1944. Age 25. Son of Baswantappa and Neelwa, of Gulganji Kop, Dharwar, India. Face 54.