Thanbyuzayat War Cemetery
Roll of Honour
The Roll is in alphabetical order
United Kingdom
SHAND, Gunner, HENRY HENDERSON, 994876. 135 (The Hertfordshire Yeomanry) Field Regt. Royal Artillery. 17th August 1943. Age 28. Son of William J. Shand and Henrietta Henderson Shand, of Aberdeen; husband of Patricia Brook Shand, of Old Aberdeen. B4. D. 6.
SHARPE, Private, FREDERICK ARTHUR, 5828152. 5th Bn. Suffolk Regiment. 20th November 1943. Age 25. Son of Arthur and Eva May Sharpe, of Langham, Essex. B6. W. 1.
SHAW, Private, JOHN, 3858915. 2nd Bn. The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire). 9th November 1943. Age 23. B3. Z. 8.
SHAW, Gunner, JAMES EDWARD, 1811518. 3 H.A.A. Regt. Royal Artillery. 15th June 1943. Age 21. Son of James and Mary Shaw, of Hatton, Derbyshire,. B6. L. 20.
SHAW, Leading Aircraftman, ROBERT NICHOLAS, 1273480. Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. 11th November 1943. Age 23. Son of Robert William Neville Gerald and Mary Josephine Shaw; husband of Irene Beatrice Shaw, of Pauls Grove, Hampshire. B6. U. 12.
SHAW, Private, THOMAS, 3859550. 2nd Bn. The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire). 16th November 1943. Age 24. Son of James and Ann Shaw, of Fulwood, Preston, Lancashire. B3. T. 11.
SHAW, Private, WILLIAM, 3527858. 1st Bn. Manchester Regiment. 4th October 1943. Age 26. Son of Hugh and Margaret Shaw; grandson of Mr. W. E. Johnson, of West Gorton, Manchester. B6. N. 15.
SHELDON, Gunner, BERNARD, 1786964. 7 Coast Regt. Royal Artillery. 16th May 1945. Age 26. Son of Herbert Sheldon and of Edith Annie Sheldon, of Walton, Somerset. B4. Q. 16.
SHELDRAKE, Private, FREDERICK ARTHUR, 5828019. 4th Bn. Suffolk Regiment. 11th June 1943. Age 23. Son of Bertie Albert and Lily Sheldrake. of Woodbridge, Suffolk. B4. L. 17.
SHERRIDAN, Private, CHARLES STEWART, NX44384. ALIAS. 30th November 1943. See CHRISTIE, the true family name.
SHERRING, Lance Corporal, JOHN ELLIOTT, 7684606. 18 Div. Provost Coy. Corps of Military Police. 6th November 1943. Age 23. Son of Frederick Ernest Shearing and of Margaret Alice Shearing, of Broomfield, Chelmsford, Essex. B3. S. 16.
SHERWOOD, Private, IAN THELWELL, 2890066. 2nd Bn. Gordon Highlanders. 14th September 1943. Age 21. Son of George W. J. Sherwood and Jeanne M. Sherwood, of Potters Bar, Middlesex. B3. U. 5.
SHIMMIN, Private, JOHN, 3781486. Royal Army Ordnance Corps. 19th September 1943. Age 43. Son of William and Miriam Shimmin; husband of Eleanor May Shimmin, of Mill Hill, Middlesex. B1. K. 14.
SHIPP, Lance Serjeant, KEN WILLIAM, 3854676. 2nd Bn. The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire). 3rd November 1943. Age 28. Son of William and Edith Mary Shipp, of Newport, Monmouthshire. B3. X. 11.
SHORE, Trooper, ROBERT TAYLOR, 4131663. 18th (5th Bn. The Loyal Regt.) Regt. Reconnaissance Corps. 13th September 1943. Age 29. Son of Robert and Elisabeth Ann Shore; husband of Ruth Shore, of Colwyn Bay, Denbighshire. B1. H. 8.
SHORT, Serjeant, JACK, 7262401. Royal Army Medical Corps. 11th November 1943. Age 26. Son of John Charles and Amy Beatrice Short; husband of Zaida Short, of Singapore. B6. U. 14.

Australian - Canadian - Indian - South African - New Zealand
SHADLOW, Private, JOHN HENRY, NX7098. A.I.F. 8 Div. Mobile L. and F.D. Unit. Australian Army Ordnance Corps. 3rd December 1943. Age 27. Son of George Henry and Florence Edith Shadlow, of Hornsby, New South Wales, Australia. A2. D. 1.
SHAW, Private, MERVYN DAVID, NX53747. A.I.F. 2/30 Bn. Australian Infantry. 29th May 1943. Age 35. Son of Robert Thomas Shaw and Maude Mary Shaw, of North Bondi, New South Wales, Australia. A1. C. 15.
SHAW, Warrant Officer Class II, WALLACE ANTHONY, NX19965. A.I.F. 2/15 Field Regt. Royal Australian Artillery. 25th October 1943. Age 21. Son of Walter and Annie Shaw, of Guildford, New South Wales, Australia. A16. C. 5.
SHAW, Corporal, WILLIAM JOHN, QX20824. A.I.F. 3 Res. M.T. Coy. Australian Army Service Corps. 26th May 1943. Age 41. Son of Joseph and Josephine Alice Shaw; husband of Elsie May Shaw, of Southport, Queensland, Australia. A11. C. 16.
SHAW, Driver, WILLIAM THOMAS, TX4423. A.I.F. 2/3 Motor Ambulance Coy. Australian Army Service Corps. 23rd October 1943. Age 23. Son of Henry Francais and Lila Ruby Shaw, of Hobart, Tasmania. A2. C. 7.
SHEPHERD, Private, THEODORE LOT, NX68604. A.I.F. 3 Res. M.T. Coy. Australian Army Service Corps. 4th July 1943. Age 42. Son of Urban Lot Shepherd and Ellen Shepherd; husband of Teresa Jane Shepherd, of Mona Vale, New South Wales, Australia. A10. F. 3.
SHEPHERD, Private, WALTER LEWIS, NX32309. A.I.F. 2/18 Bn. Australian Infantry. 4th November 1942. Age 38. Son of Walter and Caroline Shepherd; husband of Amelia Shepherd, of Crows Nest, New South Wales, Australia. A12. B. 8.
SHERIDAN, Private, JAMES ALBION, VX57668. A.I.F. 2/2 Pnr. Bn. Australian Infantry. 20th October 1943. Age 37. Son of Charles James Sheridan and Lillian Sheridan; husband of Nellie Maria Sheridan, of Merbein, Victoria, Australia. A4. C. 12.
SHERWOOD, Private, WALTER EDWARD, NX21132. A.I.F. 2/18 Bn. Australian Infantry. 2nd August 1943. Age 46. Son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Sherwood: husband of Francis Jessie Sherwood, of Tamworth, New South Wales, Australia. A10. E. 5.
SHIELDS, Private, ROBERT LEONARD, NX73675. A.I.F. 2/20 Bn. Australian Infantry. 10th October 1943. Age 34. Son of William Mark Shields and Edith Rose Shields, of Goulburn. New South Wales, Australia. A10. D. 14.
SHIRLEY, Private, ERIC JOHN, QX14762. A.I.F. 2/26 Bn. Australian Infantry. 22nd August 1943. Age 26. Son of William and Jessie Shirley, of Norman Park, Queensland, Australia. A13. D. 10.
SHORE, Private, GEORGE ROBERT, NX58605. A.I.F. H.Q. Malaya. Australian Army Ordnance Corps. 13th November 1943. Age 47. Son of William and Mary Jane Shore; husband of Helena Shore, of Strathfield, New South Wales, Australia. Joint grave A14. B. 2.
SHRADER, Private, ALAN COLIN, VX56424. A.I.F. 2/2 Pnr. Bn. Australian Infantry. 3rd November 1943. Age 34. Son of Donald Angus and Janet Shrader, of Bairnsdale, Victoria, Australia. A7. D. 7.