Danaher, Clifford Edmund
Far East - Prisoner of the Japanese
Bell, Earnest James
Far East - Prisoner of the Japanese
Cumming, Thomas Stephen
Far East - Prisoner of the Japanese
Davies, Leslie George
Far East - Prisoner of the Japanese
Emmett, Aubrey Alfred
Far East - Prisoner of the Japanese
Gale, Victor Lawrence
Far East - Prisoner of the Japanese
Glover, Alan William
Far East - Prisoner of the Japanese
Jones, Arthur Henry
Far East - Prisoner of the Japanese
Jones, Caryle Benjamin
Far East - Prisoner of the Japanese
Quittenton, Matthew Wallace
Far East - Prisoner of the Japanese
Reeve, Arthur
Far East - Prisoner of the Japanese
Bell, Joseph Kenneth
Far East - Prisoner of the Japanese
Wilson, James Alexander Thomas
Far East - Prisoner of the Japanese
Breavington, Rodney Edward
Far East - Prisoner of the Japanese
Goulden Robert Stuart
Far East - Prisoner of the Japanese
McLachlan, Kenneth Donald
Far East - Prisoner of the Japanese
Whitfield, George Herman
Far East - Prisoner of the Japanese
Waters, Harold
Far East - Prisoner of the Japanese
Fletcher, Eric
Far East - Prisoner of the Japanese
Schuberth, William Forges
Far East - Prisoner of the Japanese
Pillai, Mark
Far East - Prisoner of the Japanese
Radhakrishnan, V
Far East - Prisoner of the Japanese
Van Rennan, Frank Campbell
Far East - Prisoner of the Japanese
Harvey, William Percy
Far East - Prisoner of the Japanese
MacDonald, Giffard Douglas
Far East - Prisoner of the Japanese