
Royal Army Ordnance Corps
attd. 9th Bn Royal Northumberland Fusiliers
Far East - Prisoner of the Japanese
Arthur Lanes book "Lesser Gods greater Devils"
1943/03/08 Attempted Escape from Takirin Camp
Date of Death:
Cause of Death:
Shot at Bhankow village whilst trying to escape after being betrayed by villager
Place of Death:
Bhankow Village, Thailand
Loved Ones
Son of Edward and Katherine Fitzgerald; husband of Beatrice Fitzgerald, of Warrington, Lancashire
The town of Kanchanaburi is 129 kilometres North-West of Bangkok and is best reached by road, along the National Highway which runs north from the capital. There are bus and train services from Bangkok.
In 1956 the remains of the three executed were exhumed and transferred to Kanchanaburi cemetery and placed alongside the Grave of Fitzgerald. Major General SASA Akira was tried at Singapore War Crimes Trial, found guilty and sentenced to death by hanging.