
Lisbon Maru

Sunk 1st October 1942

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Gadd, George Richard
Royal Artillery
12 Coast Regiment
Gailey, Leonard Henry
Royal Artillery
8 Coast Regiment
Gale, Edward George
Royal Corps of Signals
Hong Kong Sig. Coy.
Gale, John Frederick T.
Middlesex Regiment
1st Battalion
Gallagher, Joseph Brendin
Royal Artillery
H.Q. 5 H.A.A. Regiment
Gardiner, George
Royal Scots
2nd Battalion
Gardner, Andrew Pollock
Royal Scots
2nd Battalion
Garrett, Arthur Thomas
Royal Navy
H.M.S. Tamar
Garth, Patrick
Royal Scots
2nd Battalion
Gates, Edwin William
Royal Navy
H.M.S. Tamar
Gentry, Frederick James
Middlesex Regiment
1st Battalion
George, Alfred William
Royal Artillery
8 Coast Regiment
Gibson, Frederick William
Middlesex Regiment
1st Battalion
Gibson, Hugh
Royal Scots
2nd Battalion
Gibson, Richard
Royal Scots
2nd Battalion
Gill, Norman Henry
Royal Artillery
8 Coast Regiment
Glister, Montague Henry
Royal Artillery
8 Coast Regiment
Glover, Herbert Edwin
Middlesex Regiment
1st Battalion
Godfree, Ronald Frank
Royal Navy
H.M.S. Tamar
Godfrey, Alfred Trevor
Royal Artillery
8 Coast Regiment
Godson, Austin
Royal Scots
2nd Battalion
Goff, James Henry
Royal Engineers
22 Fortress Coy.
Goldie, Charles
Royal Scots
2nd Battalion
Goodman, Albert
Middlesex Regiment
1st Battalion
Gordon, Ian Francis
Middlesex Regiment
1st Battalion
Gorman, James Thomas
Royal Corps of Signals
Hong Kong Sig. Coy.
Goudie, Harold
Royal Corps of Signals
Hong Kong Sig. Coy.
Gould, Henry Y.J.
Royal Artillery
12 Coast Regiment
Gourlay, Ian Douglas
Royal Engineers
40 Fortress Coy.
Gracey, Peter Douglas
Royal Corps of Signals
Hong Kong Sig. Coy.
Graham, Duncan
Royal Navy
H.M.S. Tamar
Grainger, James
Royal Scots
2nd Battalion
Grant, Denis
Royal Engineers
40 Fortress Coy.
Grant, Edward
Royal Scots
2nd Battalion
Gray, Christopher Frederick
Royal Engineers
22 Fortress Coy.
Gray, Frederick Bernard
Middlesex Regiment
1st Battalion
Green, Albert John
Royal Artillery
8 Coast Regiment
Green, Ernest Edward
Royal Corps of Signals
Hong Kong Sig. Coy.
Green, Frederick
Middlesex Regiment
1st Battalion
Green, Herbert
Royal Navy
H.M.S. Tamar
Green, Jack Garfield
Royal Engineers
22 Fortress Coy.
Green, William Henry
Royal Marines
H.M.S. Tamar
Green, William John
Royal Artillery
8 Coast Regiment
Greenwood, Norman Thomas John
Royal Navy
H.M.S. Tamar
Gregory, Thomas Henry
Royal Engineers
22 Fortress Coy.
Greig, William
Royal Scots
2nd Battalion
Grey, William Edward
Royal Navy
H.M.S. Tamar
Grist, Victor Charles
Middlesex Regiment
1st Battalion
Gubb, Percy William M.
Middlesex Regiment
1st Battalion
Guille, John Robert
Royal Artillery
12 Coast Regiment
Haines, Charles Henry
Middlesex Regiment
1st Battalion
Hall, Douglas James
Royal Corps of Signals
Hong Kong Sig. Coy.
Hall, Geoffrey Nathaniel
Royal Artillery
15 A.A. Battery, 8 Coast Regiment
Hall, Reginald Ernest
Middlesex Regiment
1st Battalion
Hall, Samuel
Royal Scots
2nd Battalion
Hall, Thomas
Royal Scots
2nd Battalion
Hall, Walter
Royal Artillery
965 Defence Battery
Hall, Walter John
Middlesex Regiment
1st Battalion
Hamill, Thomas
Royal Scots
2nd Battalion
Hamilton, Isaac
Royal Scots
2nd Battalion
Hammond, Frank
Royal Navy
H.M.S. Tamar
Handford, John Frederick
Middlesex Regiment
1st Battalion
Hanley, George
Royal Artillery
8 Coast Regiment
Hannan, Thomas Bernard
Royal Artillery
12 Coast Regiment
Hardington, Ronald
Royal Artillery
12 Coast Regiment
Hardy, Francis Gordon
Royal Navy
HMS Tamar
Hare, Charles
Middlesex Regiment
1st Battalion
Harkinson, William John
Royal Corps of Signals
Hong Kong Sig. Coy.
Harper, Henry George
Royal Artillery
12 Coast Regiment
Harper, Ronald George
Royal Navy
Harrigan, Francis William
Royal Engineers
22 Fortress Coy.
Harris, Charles Richard
Middlesex Regiment
1st Battalion
Harris, George Arthur
Royal Navy
H.M.S. Tamar
Harrison, Richard Stuart
Royal Navy
Hong Kong Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve
Hart, Robert
Royal Scots
2nd Battalion
Harvey, Cyril
Royal Artillery
7 Battery, 5 H.A.A. Regiment
Harvey, Cyril
Middlesex Regiment
1st Battalion
Harvey, James
Royal Scots
2nd Battalion
Hatchett, Percy John
Middlesex Regiment
1st Battalion
Hatfield, Charles Henry
Middlesex Regiment
1st Battalion
Hatton, Thomas
Royal Artillery
12 Coast Regiment
Havercroft, Samuel
Royal Scots
2nd Battalion
Haviland, Charles Stephen
Royal Navy
Hawkins, Joseph Edward
Royal Engineers
40 Fortress Coy.
Hawkins, William Henry
Royal Artillery
12 Coast Regiment
Hawksworth, William E.J.
Royal Navy
H.M.S. Tamar
Haynes, Harold George
Royal Engineers
22 Fortress Coy.
Hayward, Walter Alfred
Middlesex Regiment
1st Battalion
Headley, William Arthur
Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery
1st Hong Kong Regiment
Healy, Dennis
Royal Navy
HMS Cicala
Hemmingfield, Arthur
Royal Artillery
15 A.A. Battery, 8 Coast Regiment
Henderson, David
Royal Scots
2nd Battalion
Henderson, Francis
Royal Scots
2nd Battalion
Henderson, Lancelot
Royal Artillery
8 Coast Regiment
Hendy, Norman
Royal Navy
H.M.S. Tamar
Heslop, James
Royal Artillery
12 Coast Regiment
Hewer, Edward Henry John
Royal Corps of Signals
Hong Kong Sig. Coy.
Hewitt, Frank
Royal Artillery
965 Defence Battery
Hewson, Thomas James
Royal Artillery
965 Defence Battery
Hickman, Oscar
Royal Artillery
12 Coast Regiment
Hildred, Reginald John
Royal Artillery
965 Defence Battery
Hill, Ernest
Royal Artillery
8 Coast Regiment
Hill, George
Royal Navy
HMS Thracian
Hinge, Frank Charles
Royal Navy
H.M.S. Tamar
Hiscock, Albert Roy
Royal Artillery
8 Coast Regiment
Hitchin, Henry Alfred
Royal Artillery
8 Coast Regiment
Hodge, John Henry
Royal Corps of Signals
Hong Kong Sig. Coy.
Hodge, Walter Resolution
Royal Corps of Signals
Hong Kong Sig. Coy.
Hodgson, Robert
Royal Navy
H.M.S. Tamar
Hodkinson, Kenneth Townson
Royal Scots
2nd Battalion
Hogan, William
Royal Artillery
8 Coast Regiment
Holt, James Samuel
Royal Navy
H.M.S. Tamar
Homburg, John Sydney
Royal Engineers
40 Fortress Coy.
Hooley, Reginald
Royal Artillery
8 Coast Regiment
Hope, Arthur
Middlesex Regiment
1st Battalion
Hopkins, Francis Yonge
Royal Navy
H.M.S. Tamar
Horner, George Borham
Royal Artillery
12 Coast Regiment
Horsley, Eric
Royal Marines
H.M.S. Tamar
Hosford, Robert
Royal Navy
H.M.S. Tamar
Houghton, Francis John
Middlesex Regiment
1st Battalion
Howarth, John William
Royal Artillery
12 Coast Regiment
Howson, Ronald
Royal Navy
H.M.S. Tamar
Hughes, William
Royal Scots
2nd Battalion
Hull, George James Parsons
Royal Navy
H.M.S. Tamar
Husband, Edwin
Royal Corps of Signals
Hong Kong Sig. Coy.
Hutchinson, George William
Royal Navy
H.M.S. Tamar
Hutchison, William
Royal Scots
2nd Battalion
Hutton, Edmund Feltham
Royal Navy
H.M.S. Tamar
Iles, Arthur Henry
Middlesex Regiment
1st Battalion
Irving, Malcolm
Royal Scots
2nd Battalion
Isaac, Harry
Royal Artillery
8 Coast Regiment
Iszard, George
Middlesex Regiment
1st Battalion