Captain Wilke’s Diary - Fukuoka 25B - 1944:-
Entrained early morning for new camp. Received good meal on train. Arrived mid-day and marched to new camp. Hot bath was ready and afterwards received an issue of good warm clothing. Underpants shirt, jacket, trousers, towel (face). A good meal was waiting for us. Then signed a non-escape form under Capt. Wilkie’s authorization following precedent at Changi, Singapore). Quarters:- Capt Wilkie,Medical Officer (Capt. Matheson) and Adjutant (Lt. Miller).
10 Safety razors and 25 blades along with cigarettes issued.
Washing powder and tooth paste issued to whole party. Tooth brushes and soap issued to half the party.
General. Rations most of this period both good and adequate.
Working clothing made of sack cloth issued to all men, also a light calico shirt. No. 1115278 Gnr. Lea, Ronald Percy, 88/Fd. Rgt., R.A., died of injuries received at sea, exposure and lack of drugs etc.
First visit to Factory and distribution of workers to various jobs.
Work at factory commenced. One man dangerously ill.
Two more men placed on dangerously ill list.
Night of 15/10/44-16/10/44
No.246241 Dvr. Taylor, Thomas Charles, R.A.S.C. died, exposure, lack of drugs. Next of kin, wife, 24 Darwin Street, Old Kent Road, Walworth, London, S.E.17. (Leaves twin brother in camp). Next of kin Gnr. Lea Father, 66 Ing’s Lane, Castleford, Yorks.
No. 2876671 Pte. Elder, Henry died (2/Gordons). Exposure, lack of drugs. Next of kin Mother, 9 McGill Terrace, Gourion, Kincardineshire.
Greatcoats issued to all tps. Lt. Miller given powers to try and punish as from 14/11/44.
(Approximately) First concert performed. Very satisfactory.
No. 900327 Gnr. Erin, John Arthur, 118/Fd. Rgt., R.A., died. Next of kin Father, 9, Wemyss Rd., Blackheath, London, S.E.3
Six men arrived from Moji Hospital. Total strength now 291.
American Red Cross boots issued.
Canadian Red Cross boxes issued. One box to five men. Cheese bad.
PoW gaoled by I.J.A. for five days for stealing soap and tooth powder from Orderly Room.
Visit from civil and Army officials from Japanese Government. Object: To give facilities for letter writing. From conversation with them letters obviously desired for propaganda purposes. Wireless broadcasts radio recordings and cabled messages promised to selected men. Usual attempts to get us to admit animosity against the Americans for the torpedoing incident.
PoW gaoled for four days by I.J.A. for laziness at the factory and failing to obey an order given by a Japanese overseer. Whole party punished by being made to kneel on the parade ground because a tap was broken.
General Holiday. Service followed by games. Lunch and boxing. Dinner and then a concert. Evidently desired us to enjoy ourselves.
Wilkes Diary - Fukuoka 25B - 1945