My Home Town
Thetford Area
Names of FEPOWs from the Thetford Area
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Algar, Thomas Clifford George
Far East - World War 2
Amos, Alec Ronald
Far East - World War 2
Angus, George
Far East - World War 2
Askew, Ernest Frederick
Far East - World War 2
Aylott. Sydney Roland
Far East - World War 2
Bailey, Henry Arthur
Far East - World War 2
Barker, George Henry
Far East - World War 2
Betts, Frederick Charles
Far East - World War 2
Blake, Richard Albert
Far East - World War 2
Bond, Lawrence
Far East - World War 2
Bourke, Guy Gordon
Far East - World War 2
Brown, Arthur Ernest
Far East - World War 2
Butters, Sydney
Far East - World War 2
Calver, Jack Wilkinson
Far East - World War 2
Catchpole, Bertie Albert
Far East - World War 2
Cater, Neol Frederick
Far East - World War 2
Clarke, Edward Arthur
Far East - World War 2
Clarke, Thomas Evans
Far East - World War 2
Cole, Bertrum Edward
Far East - World War 2
Cooke, Thomas Harold Steward
Far East - World War 2
Cooper, Jack Ernest Chapman
Far East - World War 2
Crick, Reginald William
Far East - World War 2
Crook, Alfred John
Far East - World War 2
Dack, Edward
Far East - World War 2
Davies, William Emrys
Far East - World War 2
Diver, Gilbert
Far East - World War 2
Dove, Alec George William
Far East - World War 2
Downing, George Frederick
Far East - World War 2
Emuss, William George Gordon
Far East - World War 2
Eva, Owen Vyvyan
Far East - World War 2
Feakes, Harry William
Far East - World War 2
Flack, Ernest William
Far East - World War 2
Galley, Walter Lewis
Far East - World War 2
Garrod, Jack Lewis George
Far East - World War 2
Hadley, Melville
Far East - World War 2
Hales, Jack Lionel
Far East - World War 2
Harvey, Alan Percy
Far East - World War 2
Hill, John Frederick
Far East - World War 2
Holden, Frederick Claude
Far East - World War 2
Howe, Leonard Edward
Far East - World War 2
Howell, Fred Henry
Far East - World War 2
Hubbard, Eric Henry
Far East - World War 2
Humberston, Leslie Edwin
Far East - World War 2
Hunt, Frank George
Far East - World War 2
Hunt, Leslie Walter
Far East - World War 2
Hunter, James Henry
Far East - World War 2
James, D F
Far East - World War 2
Kemp, Eric
Far East - World War 2
Kendle, Cecil Robert
Far East - World War 2
Langhorne, Edward James
Far East - World War 2
Layte, Walter George
Far East - World War 2
Lord , William Thomas
Far East - World War 2
Manning, Charles William Kitchener
Far East - World War 2
Mercer, Reginald Harry
Far East - World War 2
Mower, George Edward
Far East - World War 2
Nelson, Jack Leach
Far East - World War 2
Nutt, Richard Harwood
Far East - World War 2
Page, Bertie Clarence
Far East - World War 2
Palmer, Albert William
Far East - World War 2
Parnell, George Edward
Far East - World War 2
Pearson, Cyril Charles Patrick
Far East - World War 2
Prentice, Reginald
Far East - World War 2
Seager, Arthur James
Far East - World War 2
Secker, Walter Edward
Far East - World War 2
Smith, Thomas George
Far East - World War 2
Spinks, Kenneth Henry
Far East - World War 2
Starling, Peter Robert
Far East - World War 2
Steward, Stanley Charles
Far East - World War 2
Thetford, John Wesley
Far East - World War 2
Warren, Cyril Oswald
Far East - World War 2
Whitmore, Bertie
Far East - World War 2
Winter, Harry Suvla
Far East - World War 2
Names of Service Personnel who Died in Europe
Click on icon next to name for further Information
Allison, Neville
Europe - World War 2
Backlog, Thomas Federick James
Europe - World War 2
Blackshall, Charles Albert
Europe - World War 2
Bloomfield, Derek Jim
Europe - World War 2
Bottomley, Archiald
Europe - World War 2
Christie, Alan Wright
Europe - World War 2
Collins, Robert Arthur
Europe - World War 2
Cooper, Arthur John
Europe - World War 2
Cooper,Arthur John
Europe - World War 2
Dayton, Stanley Roland
Europe - World War 2
Dickenson, Reginald William
Europe - World War 2
Dorrington, Arthur William Zipple
Europe - World War 2
Farman. Joseph Samuel
Europe - World War 2
Fuller, Ernest William
Europe - World War 2
Hansord, Geoffrey Edward
Europe - World War 2
Harradine, Jeffrey James
Europe - World War 2
Hockney. Alfred Stanley
Europe - World War 2
Europe - World War 2
Knights, Walter Robert Charles
Europe - World War 2
Lockwood, Robert George
Europe - World War 2
Lyne, Walter Allan
Europe - World War 2
Europe - World War 2
Scarborough, Frederick
Europe - World War 2
Stearne, William
Europe - World War 2
Thacker, Albert Edward
Europe - World War 2
Thacker, Albert Edward
Europe - World War 2
Walton, Sam
Europe - World War 2
White, Herbert Albert
Europe - World War 2
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