To honour those who served their country

“In this their finest hour”

My Home Town

Edinburgh Area



Names of FEPOWs from the Edinburgh Area




Adams, George

Far East - World War 2

Adamson, George

Far East - World War 2

Aitken, Kenneth

Far East - World War 2

Akers, Harry

Far East - World War 2

Alexander, James Main

Far East - World War 2

Allan, Andrew

Far East - World War 2

Allan, David Andrew

Far East - World War 2

Allan, David Beattie

Far East - World War 2

Allan, John Gottfried

Far East - World War 2

Allison, Alexander James

Far East - World War 2

Amos, Thomas Touck

Far East - World War 2

Anderson, Colin

Far East - World War 2

Anderson, Fred

Far East - World War 2

Anderson, James Charles

Far East - World War 2

Anderson, James William

Far East - World War 2

Andrews, Marcus Douglas

Far East - World War 2

Archibald, Hugh Hyslop

Far East - World War 2

Archibald, Robert

Far East - World War 2

Auld, Alexander

Far East - World War 2

Axon, Edward

Far East - World War 2

Baillie, George

Far East - World War 2

Bailward, James Tennant

Far East - World War 2

Bain, George

Far East - World War 2

Bain, John

Far East - World War 2

Bankier, Robert

Far East - World War 2

Barr, Frank Lewis

Far East - World War 2

Barrie, Allan Robertson

Far East - World War 2

Barry, David

Far East - World War 2

Bartlett, William Nathaniel

Far East - World War 2

Baxter, George Alexander

Far East - World War 2

Baxter, James John Smalley

Far East - World War 2

Bayliss, A

Far East - World War 2

Beattie, William Robert

Far East - World War 2

Bell, Charles Edward

Far East - World War 2

Bell, Reginald

Far East - World War 2

Bell, Robert

Far East - World War 2

Black, Alex Mclean

Far East - World War 2

Black, Alexander Stuart

Far East - World War 2

Black, Robert Brown

Far East - World War 2

Blake, Alan

Far East - World War 2

Boswall, Alexander

Far East - World War 2

Boyd, Hector Mcdonald

Far East - World War 2

Braidwood, William Pattison

Far East - World War 2

Braude, Arthur Nathaniel

Far East - World War 2

Brooker, William

Far East - World War 2

Brotherton, William

Far East - World War 2

Broughton, Thomas Richard

Far East - World War 2

Brown, Charles

Far East - World War 2

Brown, George Howat

Far East - World War 2

Brown, George Morrison

Far East - World War 2

Brown, Robert Millar

Far East - World War 2

Brown, Thomas

Far East - World War 2

Brown, William Henry

Far East - World War 2

Browne, Leon

Far East - World War 2

Bruce, John

Far East - World War 2

Bryden, Eric Mcdonald

Far East - World War 2

Buchanan, Mungo

Far East - World War 2

Buckle, Francis Victor

Far East - World War 2

Burns, Henry

Far East - World War 2

Burns, James

Far East - World War 2

Burns, James

Far East - World War 2

Burns, Thomas

Far East - World War 2

Burson, Reginald Anderson

Far East - World War 2

Burt, George Veitch

Far East - World War 2

Byron, William James

Far East - World War 2

Cairns, Robert

Far East - World War 2

Cairns, Stanley

Far East - World War 2

Calder, William S

Far East - World War 2

Caldicott, Geoffrey Harvey

Far East - World War 2

Campbell, Donald Francis

Far East - World War 2

Campbell, Duncan

Far East - World War 2

Campbell, Gordon

Far East - World War 2

Campbell, Thomas

Far East - World War 2

Cant, Charles Baxter

Far East - World War 2

Capitelli, Luigi

Far East - World War 2

Carrington, William

Far East - World War 2

Carruthers, Michael George

Far East - World War 2

Carruthers, William Nigel

Far East - World War 2

Charles, Thomas Hayward

Far East - World War 2

Charles, Walter Henry

Far East - World War 2

Clarke, George

Far East - World War 2

Clarkson, George Rennis

Far East - World War 2

Clarkson, John Harrison

Far East - World War 2

Clyne, Thomas Finley

Far East - World War 2

Collacott, Ronald Alfred

Far East - World War 2

Collins, Norman Leonard

Far East - World War 2

Combe, Alexander

Far East - World War 2

Combe, John George

Far East - World War 2

Connell, James Christopher Ferrier

Far East - World War 2

Connolly, John

Far East - World War 2

Connolly, Micheal Francis

Far East - World War 2

Cook, Hendry

Far East - World War 2

Cook, John

Far East - World War 2

Couper, John Paxton D

Far East - World War 2

Coventry, D K

Far East - World War 2

Coyle, Hugh

Far East - World War 2

Coyle, Jack

Far East - World War 2

Craig, George

Far East - World War 2

Craig, James

Far East - World War 2

Craik, Thomas Baldwin

Far East - World War 2

Crawford, D B

Far East - World War 2

Crichton, George

Far East - World War 2

Crombie, John Milward

Far East - World War 2

Cruden, Stewart Hunter

Far East - World War 2

Cruickshank, J

Far East - World War 2

Culbard, Alexander

Far East - World War 2

Cullerton, Clifford

Far East - World War 2

Cummings, William Stobie

Far East - World War 2

Cuthbert, Robert Henry

Far East - World War 2

Dair, Robert Francis

Far East - World War 2

Daly, Joseph

Far East - World War 2

Davidson, David

Far East - World War 2

Davidson, David Percy

Far East - World War 2

Davies, Charles

Far East - World War 2

Davies, J

Far East - World War 2

Dempster, George Campbell

Far East - World War 2

Deuchards, David Henry Mcavin

Far East - World War 2

Devine, John

Far East - World War 2

Dickson, Frederick

Far East - World War 2

Divine, William Edward

Far East - World War 2

Dixon, James

Far East - World War 2

Doherty, James Syme

Far East - World War 2

Donaldson, Robert Peter

Far East - World War 2

Dooley, John Joseph

Far East - World War 2

Downey, Walter Joseph

Far East - World War 2

Downie, David Livingstone

Far East - World War 2

Downie, George

Far East - World War 2

Drummond, Robert

Far East - World War 2

Dryden, David

Far East - World War 2

Duff, James Smith

Far East - World War 2

Duff, Joseph

Far East - World War 2

Duffy, John

Far East - World War 2

Duke, C L B

Far East - World War 2

Dunn, Arthur Edmund

Far East - World War 2

Dunn, Robert

Far East - World War 2

Durie, George

Far East - World War 2

Durrand, James Garvie

Far East - World War 2

Dykes, James Oswald

Far East - World War 2

Edgar, Morris

Far East - World War 2

Edgar, Robert

Far East - World War 2

Edwards, Alexander Napier

Far East - World War 2

Elder, James

Far East - World War 2

Ellis, Ernest

Far East - World War 2

Elvin, George

Far East - World War 2

Entwistle, Richard

Far East - World War 2

Fairbairn, Alexander

Far East - World War 2

Fairbairn, George Douglas

Far East - World War 2

Fairley, Harold

Far East - World War 2

Falconer, Leslie Charles

Far East - World War 2

Fasson, James G H

Far East - World War 2

Faughnan, John

Far East - World War 2

Ferdinando, Harry

Far East - World War 2

Ferguson, James Johnson

Far East - World War 2

Finlayson, James

Far East - World War 2

Finlayson, Peter Anton

Far East - World War 2

Finlayson, William Drummond

Far East - World War 2

Finlayson, William Forbes

Far East - World War 2

Fletcher, James Firth

Far East - World War 2

Forrest, Woodrow

Far East - World War 2

Fortune, John Park

Far East - World War 2

Fraser, Donald

Far East - World War 2

Fraser, Eric Douglas

Far East - World War 2

Fraser, James

Far East - World War 2

Fyfe, Hurbert

Far East - World War 2

Gallaher, James

Far East - World War 2

Gardner, Lewis Paul

Far East - World War 2

Gauld, George Alexander

Far East - World War 2

Gibson, Adam Ramsay

Far East - World War 2

Gibson, George Alexander Fraser Rae

Far East - World War 2

Gibson, Richard

Far East - World War 2

Gilbert, Gordon John

Far East - World War 2

Gillies, Kenneth

Far East - World War 2

Gilroy, Dennis Afeleck

Far East - World War 2

Glass, Neil Mckenzie

Far East - World War 2

Glass, Robert Rutherford

Far East - World War 2

Goodall, John William Durrell

Far East - World War 2

Gordon, Hugh Mckinnon

Far East - World War 2

Gordon, Murdoch Henderson

Far East - World War 2

Gough, Albert

Far East - World War 2

Govan, Harry

Far East - World War 2

Gracie, ames

Far East - World War 2

Greechan, Ronald

Far East - World War 2

Gregoire, John Morgan

Far East - World War 2

Greig, Joseph

Far East - World War 2

Greig, William

Far East - World War 2

Grieve, G F

Far East - World War 2

Grieve, Harold Graham

Far East - World War 2

Grieve, John

Far East - World War 2

Grieves, Peter

Far East - World War 2

Guiler, Peter

Far East - World War 2

Gunn, John

Far East - World War 2

Hall, Thomas

Far East - World War 2

Hamilton Moore, Francis

Far East - World War 2

Hamilton, Douglas Haig

Far East - World War 2

Hanley, Daniel

Far East - World War 2

Hardie, A S

Far East - World War 2

Hardie, Gordon

Far East - World War 2

Hardie, Robert Stephenson

Far East - World War 2

Hart, Colin J

Far East - World War 2

Hay, W

Far East - World War 2

Henderson, George

Far East - World War 2

Henderson, Robert

Far East - World War 2

Henderson, Robert

Far East - World War 2

Hickey, Patrick

Far East - World War 2

Hiddleston, Andrew

Far East - World War 2

Hill, Gilbert Urquhart

Far East - World War 2

Hogg, Archibald Murray

Far East - World War 2

Holden, Robert Stewart

Far East - World War 2

Holmes, Roy Semple

Far East - World War 2

Home, James Laurence Forrest

Far East - World War 2

Hooper, Gerald

Far East - World War 2

Hope, Andrew

Far East - World War 2

Hope, Thomas

Far East - World War 2

Hope, William

Far East - World War 2

Horne, Bishop Alfred

Far East - World War 2

Horsburgh, George Gair

Far East - World War 2

Hughieson, Jack Hitchison

Far East - World War 2

Hume, George Forrest

Far East - World War 2

Hunter, Adam

Far East - World War 2

Hunter, Adam Marshall Brown

Far East - World War 2

Hutchison, James Gordon

Far East - World War 2

Inglis, Frederick George

Far East - World War 2

Inglis, John Grant

Far East - World War 2

Ironside, George Alexander

Far East - World War 2

Jack, Arthur

Far East - World War 2

Jack, William Allison

Far East - World War 2

Jackson, Edward John

Far East - World War 2

Jackson, James

Far East - World War 2

Jackson, James Duncan Ronald Grant

Far East - World War 2

Jamieson, Alexander

Far East - World War 2

Jamieson, James Caldwell

Far East - World War 2

Jarvis, Thomas

Far East - World War 2

Johnston, D

Far East - World War 2

Johnston, Thomas Norman

Far East - World War 2

Johnstone, Daniel

Far East - World War 2

Johnstone, William

Far East - World War 2

Jones, William Walter

Far East - World War 2

Kavanagh, Patrick Francis

Far East - World War 2

Kay, James

Far East - World War 2

Keddie, Fred

Far East - World War 2

Keenan, C

Far East - World War 2

Keith, John

Far East - World War 2

Kennedy, John

Far East - World War 2

Kennedy, Robert Murray

Far East - World War 2

Ker, Thomas M

Far East - World War 2

Ketchen, Alexander

Far East - World War 2

King, William

Far East - World War 2

King, William Edward

Far East - World War 2

Laidlaw, James Armstrong

Far East - World War 2

Laing, Robert

Far East - World War 2

Laird, George

Far East - World War 2

Lait, Graham Markeness

Far East - World War 2

Lamb, Kenneth

Far East - World War 2

Larnach, Harry

Far East - World War 2

Law, Thomas

Far East - World War 2

Lawson, Alexander Brown

Far East - World War 2

Lawson, Donald

Far East - World War 2

Lawson, John Hogg

Far East - World War 2

Lawson, Thomas

Far East - World War 2

Legg, David

Far East - World War 2

Leslie, Alexander

Far East - World War 2

Lindsay, Charles Robert

Far East - World War 2

Lindsay, John Mcguire

Far East - World War 2

Littledyke, George Logan

Far East - World War 2

Loughlan, Andrew Stewart

Far East - World War 2

Lourie, James Perves

Far East - World War 2

Low, Robert Pearson

Far East - World War 2

Lumsden, David

Far East - World War 2

Lyall, R T

Far East - World War 2

Lyle, Ian Fargie

Far East - World War 2

MacBeth, James Eymons

Far East - World War 2

MacDonald, Donald

Far East - World War 2

MacDonald, Frederick John Gair

Far East - World War 2

MacDonald, James

Far East - World War 2

MacDonald, Norman

Far East - World War 2

MacDonald, William

Far East - World War 2

MacDougal, Ralth

Far East - World War 2

MacFarlane, James Alexander

Far East - World War 2

MacFie, Alistair Bruce

Far East - World War 2

MacGruer, David

Far East - World War 2

MacKay, James

Far East - World War 2

MacKenzie, Ian Mckay

Far East - World War 2

MacKintosh, William Black

Far East - World War 2

Mailer, William

Far East - World War 2

Mailer, William

Far East - World War 2

Malkin, Reginald Alexander

Far East - World War 2

Malkin, Reginald Alexander

Far East - World War 2

Marr, Thomas

Far East - World War 2

Marr, Thomas

Far East - World War 2

Marshall, John

Far East - World War 2

Marshall, John

Far East - World War 2

Martin, Robert Mcdonald

Far East - World War 2

Mather, John

Far East - World War 2

McAnemy, James

Far East - World War 2

McAra, Francis James

Far East - World War 2

McAusland, John M

Far East - World War 2

McCabe, Bernard

Far East - World War 2

McCallum, Robert

Far East - World War 2

McConnell, James

Far East - World War 2

McCrae, John

Far East - World War 2

McCrorie, William

Far East - World War 2

McCubbin, David Mubdoch Reid

Far East - World War 2

McDonald, Archibald

Far East - World War 2

McDougal, Alexander

Far East - World War 2

McDougall, George

Far East - World War 2

McFarland, Archibald Gordon

Far East - World War 2

McGee, James Hamilton

Far East - World War 2

McGeorge, Jimmy

Far East - World War 2

McGhee, James P

Far East - World War 2

McGovern, Henry

Far East - World War 2

McGowran, Thomas Alexander

Far East - World War 2

McGuire, Frank

Far East - World War 2

McKay, Alexander

Far East - World War 2

McKay, David John Martin

Far East - World War 2

McKay, John

Far East - World War 2

McKay, William

Far East - World War 2

McKechnie, Michael

Far East - World War 2

McKenna, Patrick

Far East - World War 2

McKenzie, Robert Adam

Far East - World War 2

McLagan, Douglas Craig

Far East - World War 2

McLauchlan, Albert Edward

Far East - World War 2

McLaughlin, J

Far East - World War 2

McLeod, Angus

Far East - World War 2

McLeod, George Stewart Smith

Far East - World War 2

McLeod, Thomas Kerr

Far East - World War 2

McMullin, Daniel

Far East - World War 2

McMullin, Daniel

Far East - World War 2

McNaughton, James

Far East - World War 2

McNaughton, James

Far East - World War 2

McNeil, Archibald

Far East - World War 2

McNeil, Archibald Mclean

Far East - World War 2

McPherson, Charles

Far East - World War 2

McPherson, Charles

Far East - World War 2

McPherson, William Morrison

Far East - World War 2

McPherson, William Morrison

Far East - World War 2

McQueen, P

Far East - World War 2

McQueenie, P

Far East - World War 2

McTavish, A

Far East - World War 2

McTavish, A

Far East - World War 2

McVie, J W H

Far East - World War 2

McVie, J W H

Far East - World War 2

Meikle, Thomas

Far East - World War 2

Melvin, James

Far East - World War 2

Messer, Andrew Johnson

Far East - World War 2

Metcalf, Robert Bissett

Far East - World War 2

Middleton, David Skene

Far East - World War 2

Miller, Alan

Far East - World War 2

Miller, James Girdwood

Far East - World War 2

Miller, William

Far East - World War 2

Minty, James David Gordon

Far East - World War 2

Moncur, William

Far East - World War 2

Montogomery, Carr James Low

Far East - World War 2

Morrison, James Mcintosh

Far East - World War 2

Mowatt, John

Far East - World War 2

Moyes, Henry

Far East - World War 2

Muir, Harry Ellis

Far East - World War 2

Munro, John Copland Sutherland

Far East - World War 2

Munro, John Meiklejohn

Far East - World War 2

Murphy, William Dobson

Far East - World War 2

Murray, Alastair

Far East - World War 2

Murray, James

Far East - World War 2

Murray, John A

Far East - World War 2

Murray, Robert

Far East - World War 2

Murray, William Mclaud

Far East - World War 2

Myles, Frank Burns

Far East - World War 2

Myles, Michael

Far East - World War 2

Napier, Kennedy William

Far East - World War 2

Nealon, John Cumming

Far East - World War 2

Neeson, Bernard Alexander

Far East - World War 2

Neill, John Archibald

Far East - World War 2

Nicholson, David

Far East - World War 2

Nimmo, Thomas

Far East - World War 2

Nisbet, C

Far East - World War 2

Officer, John Moore

Far East - World War 2

Ormiston, James Joseph Brown

Far East - World War 2

Ormiston, James Joseph Brown

Far East - World War 2

Ormiston, Thomas

Far East - World War 2

Ormiston, Thomas

Far East - World War 2

O'Rourke, Thomas

Far East - World War 2

O'Rourke, Thomas

Far East - World War 2

Orr, James

Far East - World War 2

Orr, James

Far East - World War 2

Pace, Laurence Noel George

Far East - World War 2

Pace, Laurence Noel George

Far East - World War 2

Paris, John Glen

Far East - World War 2

Paris, John Glen

Far East - World War 2

Parley, Alexander

Far East - World War 2

Parley, Alexander

Far East - World War 2

Pate, Alexander

Far East - World War 2

Paternoster, Herbert

Far East - World War 2

Paterson, J

Far East - World War 2

Paton, Arthur

Far East - World War 2

Patterson, John Johnstone

Far East - World War 2

Paxton, John

Far East - World War 2

Pearce, John Edward

Far East - World War 2

Petrie, John Dunlop

Far East - World War 2

Pincott, Douglas

Far East - World War 2

Pinkerton, David

Far East - World War 2

Pirie, James Robert

Far East - World War 2

Pollock, James

Far East - World War 2

Powrie, David

Far East - World War 2

Poxon, Walter James

Far East - World War 2

Pringle, Robert

Far East - World War 2

Puller, James

Far East - World War 2

Purves, John

Far East - World War 2

Quinn, Thomas

Far East - World War 2

Rae, Thomas

Far East - World War 2

Ramage, William

Far East - World War 2

Ramsay, Francis

Far East - World War 2

Ramsay, George

Far East - World War 2

Ramsay, James Owen

Far East - World War 2

Ramsay, John

Far East - World War 2

Rayburn, George Lawson

Far East - World War 2

Reid, Frederick William

Far East - World War 2

Reid, Neil Marsh

Far East - World War 2

Reid, W

Far East - World War 2

Reilly, Andrew Dalgleish

Far East - World War 2

Reilly, James

Far East - World War 2

Reilly, Thomas William

Far East - World War 2

Rennie, Thomas

Far East - World War 2

Rennie, William Taylor Coghill

Far East - World War 2

Renton, Thomas

Far East - World War 2

Rex, Ian Douglas

Far East - World War 2

Reynolds, Andrew John

Far East - World War 2

Riley, Paul

Far East - World War 2

Roberts, Alfred Henry

Far East - World War 2

Robertson, Ernest Alexander

Far East - World War 2

Robertson, George Walter

Far East - World War 2

Robertson, Hugh

Far East - World War 2

Robertson, John

Far East - World War 2

Robertson, Richard

Far East - World War 2

Rodger, William

Far East - World War 2

Ronaldson, Patrick H D

Far East - World War 2

Rosie, Malcolm

Far East - World War 2

Rosine, James Noel

Far East - World War 2

Ross, George

Far East - World War 2

Ross, Peter

Far East - World War 2

Russell, John

Far East - World War 2

Samson, James

Far East - World War 2

Saunders, Albert Ernest

Far East - World War 2

Sclater, Alexander Barron

Far East - World War 2

Scoon, Henry

Far East - World War 2

Scott, David Barclay Houston

Far East - World War 2

Scott, Eric Kenneth

Far East - World War 2

Scott, John

Far East - World War 2

Scott, Robert

Far East - World War 2

Shannon, Patrick Gilbert Robert

Far East - World War 2

Shaw, William

Far East - World War 2

Sibbald, Alexander

Far East - World War 2

Sim, John Hart

Far East - World War 2

Simson, John Thomas

Far East - World War 2

Sinclair, Alexander

Far East - World War 2

Siney, James

Far East - World War 2

Skeldon, Andrew

Far East - World War 2

Skinner, Albert

Far East - World War 2

Smale, Albert Edward

Far East - World War 2

Smith, Anthony Vincent

Far East - World War 2

Smith, C

Far East - World War 2

Smith, J G

Far East - World War 2

Smith, Leonard Grant

Far East - World War 2

Smith, Robert

Far East - World War 2

Smith, Robert William

Far East - World War 2

Smith, Ronald Andrew

Far East - World War 2

Smith, William Henry

Far East - World War 2

Sneddon, Thomas

Far East - World War 2

Spence, Robert John

Far East - World War 2

Spence, Robert Ross

Far East - World War 2

Spiers, John Grant

Far East - World War 2

Stalker, Alexander Macpherson

Far East - World War 2

Stanners, Adam

Far East - World War 2

Stark, Walter William

Far East - World War 2

Steedman, Edward

Far East - World War 2

Steedman, Thomas

Far East - World War 2

Steven, Alexander

Far East - World War 2

Steven, David

Far East - World War 2

Stevenson, John

Far East - World War 2

Stewart, Charles T

Far East - World War 2

Stewart, Norman

Far East - World War 2

Stitt, John Heslop

Far East - World War 2

Storry, John

Far East - World War 2

Stuart, Joseph

Far East - World War 2

Sutherland, Alexander

Far East - World War 2

Sutherland, David

Far East - World War 2

Sutherland, George Jasper

Far East - World War 2

Sutherland, John Flett

Far East - World War 2

Sutor, Douglas Herbert

Far East - World War 2

Syme, James Matthew

Far East - World War 2

Tait, Alexander

Far East - World War 2

Tait, Robert

Far East - World War 2

Tait, William Bell

Far East - World War 2

Taylor, Alexander

Far East - World War 2

Taylor, Norman

Far East - World War 2

Taylor, Thomas Aisten

Far East - World War 2

Thomas, Wilson David

Far East - World War 2

Thompson, Thomas

Far East - World War 2

Thomson, Andrew

Far East - World War 2

Thomson, D

Far East - World War 2

Thomson, Daniel Stewart

Far East - World War 2

Thomson, David

Far East - World War 2

Thomson, David

Far East - World War 2

Thomson, John Clark

Far East - World War 2

Thorburn, John

Far East - World War 2

Togher, John

Far East - World War 2

Tollan, Duncan

Far East - World War 2

Trainer, John Walter

Far East - World War 2

Turcan, James Prentice

Far East - World War 2

Vass, John

Far East - World War 2

Veitch, Archibald

Far East - World War 2

Vesco, Frank

Far East - World War 2

Walker, Frank Warrrack

Far East - World War 2

Walker, Joseph Malcolm

Far East - World War 2

Walker, K S

Far East - World War 2

Wallace, James

Far East - World War 2

Walton, Hugh

Far East - World War 2

Ward, Edmund

Far East - World War 2

Ward, Thomas Henderson

Far East - World War 2

Watson, James

Far East - World War 2

Watson, Robert

Far East - World War 2

Watson, Thomas Coaldwel

Far East - World War 2

Watson, William Albert

Far East - World War 2

Watt, Alexander

Far East - World War 2

Wedd, Sidney Gordon

Far East - World War 2

Welsh, James

Far East - World War 2

West, James Charles

Far East - World War 2

Wheeler, Mark

Far East - World War 2

White, George

Far East - World War 2

White, John Francis

Far East - World War 2

Whiteford, Ronald

Far East - World War 2

Whitelaw, John Falconer

Far East - World War 2

Whyte, Robert Paisley

Far East - World War 2

Wilkie, Cyril Edward

Far East - World War 2

Wright, William

Far East - World War 2

Wylie, Frederick Williams Corsie

Far East - World War 2

Yeats, Harry

Far East - World War 2

Yule, Andrew

Far East - World War 2


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My Home Town


''Our Thanks are for being a Chapter in Life.''




Keeping The Candle Burning


Fepow Family

In Memory of FEPOW Family Loved Ones
Designed and Maintained by Ron Taylor.


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Honorary Life Member-1tn

Honorary member of COFEPOW


Email Ron Taylor 


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