Federated Malay States Volunteer Force
Compiled with the help of the Commonwealth War Graves
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Waller, Keith Inet
1st (Perak) Bn.
Ward, Leonard George William
Lt. Bty.
Watt, Leslie Ian
1st (Perak) Bn.
Whitchurch, Walter William
White, Thomas Leslie
2nd (Selangor) Bn.
Wickett, Douglas James
Wicksteed, Philip Henry
4th (Pahang) Bn.
Wilkie, Donald John Talbot
Williams, Clarence James
1st (Perak) Bn.
Witherby, James Herbert
4th (Pahang) Bn.
Wood, Geoffrey Ashlin
2nd (Selangor) Bn.
Woodroffe, Arthur Stanley
Wylde, John G.