Jesse Adams

‘B’ Company -1st Battalion
Japanese POW
Taken prisoner of war at Singapore, worked on the Thailand - Burma Railway and later Iruka copper mine, Japan.
Died 24th July 2001.
I stood in Adam Park again
I stood in Adam Park again
Where forty years before
I, and gallant comrades
Defended Singapore.
On that spot we rallied,
Our final stand was made
Until the sad surrender
Found us weary and dismayed
I thought of years in prison camps
Just waiting to be free,
A freedom which so few of us
Were ever blessed to see.
I stood in Kranji cemetery
Midst war graves on a hill,
Each facing home to England
In that moment time stood still.
I thought of all those yesterdays,
What had it all been for
That such a lovely Island
Could have ever seen a war
Jesse Adams.