D/J 52100
Chief Petty Officer
Walter Alfred Ainge

Royal Navy Unit
H.M.S. Exeter
Age: 39
13th December 1939
Battle of the River Plate
Loved Ones
Son of Henry John and Elizabeth Ainge
Husband of Florence Hilda Ainge, of Plymouth
Panel 33, Column 1.
Without a grave unknelled , uncoffined and unsung,
Thou sends them shivering with thy playfull spray.
Into the deep their rendezvous with death to keep.
With whistling winds and sighing seas a choir invisible
The Southern Cross appears at dawn is their celestial cenotaph .
To you who have passed the veil that we call death
We come in pride to cheer you on your way,
Like you with courage high , yet scorning death
With a fitful music in its roar
We sail the oceans far and wide.
Your phantom ships and men our courage guide.
When at last from this mad cruelty of war we emerge
Though we wander lonely as a cloud o'er storm swept seas
Down through the years there memories live on into eternity.
In Memory of Walter Ainge CPO
Written by brother CHJ Ainge - Merchant Navy