Louis Albert Alexander

1904/11/16 - Born Pagongan
Son of H.W. and L.W. Alexander
Husband of Victoria Louise Albertine “Lily” (nee Frijling) Alexander
Netherlands Infantry
Landstorm Cheribon
Japanese PoW
1942/03/08 - Captured Cheribon, Java
No.1 Branch Camp, Java
PoW No. I 10761
Japanese Index Card - Side One

Japanese Index Card - Side Two

1944/05/14 - Transported from Batavia, Java in Chuka Maru with Java Party 21
With 1925 PoWs, 310 British and 1615 Dutch
1944/06/22 - Arrived Pekanbaru, Sumatra
New PoW No. I 19569
Working on Sumatra Railway
1944/11/03 - Fell ill
1945/02/15 - Died at 10.15am
Cause of death Beri- Beri and Enteritus
Patient Receiving Station Pekanbaru
Buried Grave 80
Camp 2, 500M east of 4km point from Pekanbaru, Sumatra
Loved Ones
Son of H. W. amd L.W. Alexander
Husband of Victoria Louise Albertine “Lily” (nee Frijling) Alexander
Father to daughters:-
Margaretha Louise Maria (born 1932/11/24)
Else Hermine Albertine (born 1934/06/15) and Son-in-Law Denis Campbell
IV 249
Kembang Kuning, Surabaya
Arthur Frijling - Nephew
Japanese Transports
Sumatra Railway
KEW Files:- WO 361/1949, WO 361/2002,