Herbert Frederick Bailey
Known as Sonny

1920/05/07 - Born Norwich, Norfolk
Occupation Bricklayer
1939/04/29 - Enlisted
Royal Engineer
251 Field Park Company
18th Division
1941/10/30 - Left Liverpool for Halifax in Convoy CT.5.
1941/11/08 - At Halifax transferred to American liners
1941/11/10 - Left Halifax with Convoy William Sail 12X, destination unknown, believed to be Middle East.

Above Photo of Convoy William Sail 12X supplied by the late Maurice Rooney
Vought SB 2U Vindicator Scout Bomber - USS Ranger which was flying an Anti Submarine patrol over the convoy.
Front Line Top to Bottom:-
USS West Point - USS Mount Vernon - USS Wakefield - USS Quincy (Heavy Cruiser)
Back Row Top To Bottom:-
USAT Leonard Wood - USS Vincennes (Heavy Cruiser) - USS Joseph T Dickman
(USS Orizaba Ap-24 also sailed with Convoy though not pictured in photo)
1941/12/08 - Japan entered war by bombing Pearl Harbour and invading Malaya
18th Division diverted from Middle East and sent to Singapore
1942/02/15 - Singapore surrendered to Japanese
1942/04/10 - WO 417/41, Casualty List No. 794. Reported ‘Missing’.
1943/09/09 - WO 417/65, Casualty List No. 1234. Previously posted Missing, Casualty List No. 794, 15/02/1942. Now reported a ‘Prisoner of War’.
Japanese PoW
1942/02/15 - Captured Singapore
PoW No. M-5930
Japanese Index Card - Side One

Japanese Index Card - Side Two

1942/11/03 - Transported overland to Thailand in ‘O’ Letter Party, train 10
28th Train to Thailand with 650 PoWs
Work Group 4, 07 (M) Bn
Commander Lt-Col. F.I.N. Ostrich, Royal Corps of Signals, 18th Division
New PoW No. IV 1378
1942/11/12 - Tha Sao, 125km from Nong Pladuk
Commander Lt-Col. Knights
1943/05/07 - Tha Makham, 56km from Nong Pladuk
Commander Lt-Col. Toosey
1943/12/25 - Chungki Hospital, 60 km from Nong Pladuk
1944/05/11 - Tha Muang, 38.90km from Nong Pladuk
Commander Lt-Col. Knights
New PoW No. IV 2291
1945/09 - Shampati
Commander RSM Christopher
1945/02/ - Takhil Camp in Nakhon Sawan
Commander RSM Osborne
1945/08/30 - Liberated
Liberation Questionnaire
1945/10/18 - WO417/98, Casualty List No. 1887. Previously shown on Casualty List No. 1243 as reported Prisoner of War now Not Prisoner of War. Previous Theatre of War, Malaya.



Pacific Star
War Medal
1939-1945 Star
Age 51
16th February 1973
Cheryl Warminger - Daughter
Adrian Bailey - Son
Andrew Snow - Thailand Burma Railway Centre
Matt Stanyard
Convoy William Sail 12X
Japanese Transports
Thailand - Burma Railway
Liberation Questionnaire - COFEPOW
KEW Files:- WO 361/2172, WO 345/2, WO 361/1979, WO 361/1954, WO 361/2196, WO 392/23, WO 361/1987, WO 361/2169, WO 361/2191,