Edward William Fearless Boryer

1914/08/28 - Born Portsmouth
Son of William and Annie Boryer
Hong Kong
Dockyard Defence Corps
Japanese PoW
1941/12/25 - Captured Hong Kong
Japanese Index Card - Side One

Japanese Index Card - Side Two

1943/01/11 - Japanese show draft. This draft was made up of 664 Canadians, 430 British and 82 HKVDC. PoWs in draft segregated and made to undergo various medical checks including the rectal rod. Five days before departure the PoWs were vaccinated, examined and then an enforced isolation from the rest of the camp.
1943/01/15 - Another medical inspection took place.
1943/01/16 - Further vaccinations which caused fever symptoms.

1943/01/19 - Transport Draft - XD3A/XD3B. Left Shamsuipo Camp, 0500 hrs; left Hong Kong 1300hrs. in the Tatsuta Maru,
1176 PoWs on board
Under Commander Surgeon Commander Page, RN
1943/01/22 - Arrived Nagasaki, taken to Osaka 4D - Sakurajima
PoWs worked on the building of ships and manufacture machines
1945/05/15 - Osaka 4D destroyed by bombing, transferred to Osaka 21B
1945/05/18 - Osaka 4D was closed
1945/08 - Renamed Osaka 6B, Akenobe, Japan
Worked in the Mitsubishi Corporation copper mine
Known by the POWs as "Three Star Diamond Mine"
1945/09/05 - Liberated
1945/09/09 - Released for repatriation
KEW:- WO 345/6, WO 361/1963, WO 392/23, WO 361/1964
(WO 361/1964 gives name as William Edwin Boryer)