Arthur Brooks

1920/02/10 - Born London
Son of Samuel William and Emily Matilda (nee Jordan) Brooks
Occupation Labourer
1940/04/18 Enlisted
Sherwood Foresters
1/5 Battalion

1941/10/30 - Sailed in ‘Orcades’ with Convoy CT.5 from Liverpool with the 18th Division

1941/11/08 - Arrived Halifax and transferred to USS West Point with 55th Infantry Brigade, consisting of 1st Cambridgeshires and 5th Beds and Herts (3250 troops).
1941/11/10 - They sailed from Halifax in Convoy William Sail 12X. Sailing via Trinidad and Cape Town.
1941/12/08 - Japan entered the war by attacking Pearl Harbour and Malaya.
1941/12/25 - Mount Vernon left convoy with the 53rd Infantry Brigade, sailing for Singapore in convoy DM1
1941/12/27 - Arrived Bombay, now became Task Force 14.2
1942/01/02 - Sailed from India destination Singapore in Task Force 14.2
1942/01/29 - Arrived Keppel Harbour Singapore
1942/02/15 - Singapore Surrendered to the Japanese
Japanese PoW
1942/02/15 - Captured Singapore
PoW No. M-4574
Japanese Index Card - Side One

Japanese Index Card - Side Two

Changi, Singapore
Lt-Col. H.H. Lilly
Overland to Thailand
Lt-Col. D.R. Thomas, 5 B&Herts
With ‘Q’ Letter Party
650 PoWs
24th Train from Singapore
New PoW No. IV 622
Work Group Four
Tarsao, Thaliand
Lt-Col. Knight, Royal Norfolks
Tha Muang, Thailand
Lt-Col. Knight, Royal Norfolks
New PoW No. IV 3513
Tamajo, Thailand
Maj. P. J. White RA
Nakom Nai
1945/09/02 - Liberated Thailand

1945/10/01 - Boarded SS Chitral, sailed next day
1945/10/05 - Wage on board was £1 per week, received £4, it was to last till they got back to Britain
1945/10/06 - Tied up at Colombo where about 50 women and children boarded. Allowed shore leave.
1945/10/12 - A brilliant meteor display, next day reached the Red Sea
1945/10/18 - Passed Gibraltar
1945/10/28 - Berthed at Southampton
Andy Kendall
Mike Heather
Martyn Fryer
Keith Andrews
Glenda Godfrey
Ray Withnall
Thailand-Burma Railway
COFEPOW Liberation Questionnaire
KEW:- WO 361/2172, WO 392/23, WO 361/1979, WO 361/1954, WO 361/2196, WO 361/1987, WO 361/2169, WO 361/2176, WO 361/2058, WO 345/7,