Harry Brown
Known as Topper

1912/04/13 - Born Ormesby, Middlesborough, Yorkshire
From Brambles Farm Estate, Middlesborough, Yorkshire
Son of William and Alice Brown
Occupation Chemical Process Worker
1930/06/24 - Enlisted
Royal Army Medical Corps
13 Field Hygiene Section
11th Indian Division
Japanese PoW
1942/02/15 - Captured Singapore
1942/02/15 - Changi, Singapore
Commander Major Gibbons, Royal Army Medical Corps
PoW No. 2593
Japanese Index Card - Side One

Japanese Index Card - Side Two

1942/10/28 - Transported overland to Thailand in Letter Party ‘U’
20th Train from Singapore to Thailand
Commander Lt-Col. S. Mackeller, F.M.S.V.R.
With 650 PoWs - 252 Officers and 298 Other Ranks, (6 were R.A.M.C.)
New PoW No. I 2030
Camp Commander Lt-Col. Clark, Royal Artillery
1944/05/27 - Transported back to Singapore
1944/06/05 - Transported to Japan, ship unknown
(believed to be Japan Party 1 via Philippines and Taiwan)
Commander Lt-Col. Thornhill
1944/06/29 - Reached Japan
Osaka PoW Camp 16 - 300 British PoWs
New PoW No. I 40321
Worked for Ishihara Industry Company
Work involved Chemical Manufacturing
Japanese Commander of Nagoya 4B was Mr. Yamashita
1945/04/06 - Name Of camp changed to Nagoya 4B - Iruku, Osaka, Japan
During his time at Nagoys 4B, Harry was hospitalised with Acute Appendicitis
1945/09/10 - Liberated Nagoya 4B POW Camp Japan
16 PoWs died at Nagoya 4B
294 PoWs Liberated from Nagoya 4B

Harry is believed to be repatriated with 500 PoWs via Australia in the ‘S.S. Aquitania’ to Southampton
(British ocean liner of Cunard Line - Troop carrier in WWII - sailed more than 500000 miles, and carried nearly 400,000 soldiers, during WWII the Aquitania was painted grey)
Post War
Harry was Chairman of the Middlesborough branch of FEPOW in Teesside
Beverly Toms
KEW:- WO 361/2180, WO 361/2170, WO 392/23, WO 361/2005, WO 361/1985, WO 345/7, WO 361/2166,