Warrant Officer 1st Class (SSM)
Kenneth Blundell Carey

1908/06/01 - Born Lewisham
Son of Henry Blundell and Eugenie Carey
Occupation Regular Army
1923/08/22 - Enlisted
Next of Kin - Parents, H B & E Carey, 46 Hamilton, Salisbury, Wiltshire
Royal Army Service Corps
Enlistment Medical
First Name:-
Kenneth Blundell
15 years 2 months
Birth Town:-
Birth County:-
Where Attested:-
Attestation Date:-
Personal Details:-
Height 5 feet 1.1/4 inches. Weight 80lbs. Chest 30. 1/2inches, expansion 2.1/2inches. Complexion fresh. Eyes brown. Hair dark brown. Distinguishing marks scar +.
Primary Unit:-
Royal Army Service Corps
Archive Reference:-

1937/05/12 - SHC_2496_31, Corporal, Kings Coronation Medal
1942/03/30 - WO 417/40, Casualty List No. 784. Acting Staff Sergeant Major. Reported ‘Missing’.
1942/10/12 - WO 417/52, Casualty List No.952. Previously shown on Casualty List No.784 as Missing, 15/02/1942. Acting Squadron Sergeant Major . Now Reported a ‘Prisoner of War’.
Japanese PoW
1942/02/15 - Captured Singapore
PoW No.I 1825
Japanese Index Card - Side One

Japanese Index Card - Side Two

New PoW No. 2720
1945/09/05 - On Changi Roll
1945/11/02 - Liberated Singapore
General Seishiro Itagaki, Japanese Commander of Singapore, would not accept the surrender. Plus it gave him time to cover up all Japanese Atrocities in Singapore. The allied naval landing force 'Operation Tiderace' were delayed as it was still understood the Japanese would dispose of all the PoWs in Singapore if they landed. Mountbatten ordered British paratroopers into Singapore to protect the camps. To many of the PoWs in Singapore, those red berets of the paratroopers were the first signs that the war had ended. All this delayed organising the PoWs. It wasn't till the 12th September that Lord Mountbatten accepted the Japanese surrender at the Municipal Building. Hospital cases were the first to leave Singapore 1945/09/10 on the HMHS Koroa. They were soon followed by Repatriation ships which started reaching the UK about the 15th of October 1945. Why many of the liberated PoWs on these ships had November on their Japanese Index cards, I don't know as in other areas of the Far East, PoWs were marked as Liberated at their PoW camps with the correct date. Unless General Seishiro Itagaki did not make the cards available when the camps were liberated.

1945/12/17 - WO417/100, Casualty List No. 1938. Acting Staff Sergeant Major. Previously shown on Casualty List No. 952 as reported Prisoner of War now Not Prisoner of War. Previous Theatre of War, Malaya.

1937 Coronation Medal

Defence Medal



Pacific Star
War Medal
1939-1945 Star
Medals Awarded
The Japanese
by Kenneth Blundell Carey
The Japanese
I have no regard for the Japanese, none whatever. I view them with no little distaste.
Due to unprovoked Japanese attack on Chinese territory at the start of 1932, my return from Hong Kong to England, at that time, was delayed for a months their aggression interrupted Far Eastern maritime operations in a big way, especially at the important Chinese port of Shanghai.
Throughout the 1930s their militaristic disposition surfaced in a big way when they seized several Chinese ports, something they would not succeed in doing with the present Chinese regime.
Then territorial aims were extended in December 12941 when they seized and occupied (until 1945) British, American, French and Dutch territory in the Pacific region. Their aim was political domination and the mineral wealth of those areas coupled with strategic advantage in French Indo-China, as they used that territory as a spring board for their subsequent operations against Malaya and Burma. All of the territories were liberated in August/September 1945 when Japan capitulated following the atom bomb.
After World War II the Japanese developed their economy to a successful level. Prior to the war, the Japanese were great copyists of the technology and merchandise of other Nations.They produced in Japan the products of other countries, which they marketed as their own, under their own trade names, so expertly that it took a highly skilled technical eye to detect which was the copy and which was the real thing.
I had personal had first hand experience of the Japanese race as a prisoner of war in their hands for three and a half years (1942/45).
The Japanese general in overall command of our camp (on Singapore Island) possessed the “inspiring” name of:-
Shimpo Foo Kee.
That was too much for us so we gave him a name of our own. Whenever this disagreeable personage appeared on the horizon we quickly passed the word around:-
“Look out chaps here comes Cock-Eye”.
Cock-Eye had an overwhelming opinion of his own importance. On one occasion we had to parade and stand in the gruelling tropical heat, with no shelter whatever, for some four hours, awaiting the presence of the celebrity as he intended to “address us in person”. When this luminary and his cavalcade of followers eventually appeared, some four hours late, he mounted a rostrum, contemptuously surveyed us and through an interpreter announced that we were “to obey all Japanese orders”. He then departed, all in the space of one minute. For that we had waited, drenched in perspiration, for four hours and we were not impressed.
During the early days of our captivity he ordered the execution of four of our comrades, who had attempted to escape. For that diabolical crime he experienced a similar fate of his own in 1946, ordered by the Allied Post War Crimes Tribunal in the Far East. That was the end of Major General Shimpo Foo Kee of the Imperial Japanese Army, better known to us as “Cock Eye”, By then we had returned to England but needless to say, there were no regrets from us.
Over the three and a half years, we had suffered a catalogue of atrocities at his hands and those of his barbarous minions.
KBC - 19/04/1972

Captain K.B. Carey
Served Africa 1955/57
Martin Wright
Glenda Godfrey
London Gazette:-
KEW Files:- WO 345/9, WO 361/1946, WO 392/23, WO 361/2044, WO 361/2058, WO 361/2229,