Leading Writer
Clifford Montaque Cook

1917/11/07 - Born
Son of Victor Wallace and Lilian Mary Cook
1939/09/07 - Enlisted
HMS Tamar (Hong Kong Naval Base)
Japanese PoW
1941/12/25 - Captured
Japanese Index Card - Side One

Japanese Index Card - Side Two

1941/12/25 - Shamshuipo Camp (Camp Leader Maj. Boon RASC)
1942/09/25 - Transported in ‘Lisbon Maru’ to Japan

1942/10/01 - Lisbon Maru torpedoed by USS Grouper 6 miles from Tung Fusham Island, off the China coast, 29°57'N, 122°56'N.
1942/11/10 - Osaka No 2 Camp
(Camp Leader Sgt Maj Matheson, Royal Scots)
1945/05/20 - Osaka 9B - Notogawa-Machi
(Camp Leader CWT Scott, American Navy)
1945 May/June - St Theresa Hospital, Kowloon
!945/08/15 - Liberation
1990 10th April Clifford quietly passed away having suffered cancer for several months. His family were by his bedside as he wished.
KEW:- WO 361/1964, WO 392/23, WO 361/1963, WO 345/11