To honour those who served their country

“In this their finest hour”

Royal Artillery-tn



John Thomas Dwyer



Born 1918/04/19

Son of William and Sarah Dwyer

Brother to Olive, William, Laura, Joseph and Elsie

1921 Census, lived 23, Margaret Street, Walsall, Staffordshire

1939 Census, lived 21, Margaret Street, Walsall, Staffordshire

1939 - Married Emily Etheridge, Walsall


1938 - Enlistered

Royal Artillery

Search Light Regiment


1941/04/26 transferred to

 Pioneer Corps



Searchlight personnel would highlight planes at night for thr Artillery Guns, they were especially needed during the Battle of Britain.


Attestation Form

Attestation forms are documents signed when first recruited or upon transfer between units. This is John’s transfer from Royal Artillery to Pioneer Corps.

Pioneer Corps

Pioneer Corps

The Royal Pioneer Corps was a British Army combatant corps used for light engineering tasks. It was formed in 1939 and performed a wide variety of tasks including full infantry, mine clearance, guarding bases, laying prefabricated track on beaches, and with the Royal Engineers, constructed airfields, roads, erected bridges and constructed of the Mulberry Harbour.

Twenty-three pioneer companies took part in the Normandy landings.




Leamore, Staffordshire

Probate Birmingham


''Our Thanks are for being a Chapter in Life.''


Keeping The Candle Burning

Fepow Family

In Memory of FEPOW Family Loved Ones 
Designed and Maintained by Ron Taylor.


 [Roll of Honour] [D]


Honorary Life Member-1tn

Honorary Life Member of COFEPOW


Email Ron Taylor 

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