Lance Corporal
Herbert Elsey

1917/03/05 - Born Huddersfield
Occupation Mechanic
1940/02/15 - Enlisted
Gordon Highlanders
2nd Battalion
Southern Area

The Bridge of Don barracks in Aberdeen was the headquarters of the Gordon Highlander Regiment. Training for the recruits started immediately after being kitted out in full highland dress and trews.
Reveille was at 6am, then on parade for P.T. outside in singlet and shorts. Breakfast at 8am, on parade for drill 9am, followed by weapon training, during the six weeks initial training all recruits were confined to barracks. The recruits were a mixed group, with more than 600 of their number coming from within a 50-mile radius of Aberdeen.
The 2nd Battalion, Gordon Highlanders were transported to Singapore in 1937 safeguarding routes to Australia, New Zealand and the rest of the Pacific. Fresh recruits joined the battalion in Singapore.
1941/12/01 - The 2nd Battalion were ordered to take up defensive positions at Pengerang, Jahore.
1942/12/08 - Japan attacked Malaya and the Gordons were organised laying anti-tank and anti-personnel mines to protect their position.
1942/01/15 - The Japanese reached Johore and the Gordons organised the evacuation of the civilian population at Penerang before being relieved by the Ist Mysore Infantry and taking up positions in Singapore.
1942/01/25 - Called back to Jahore yet again they were to reinforce the 27th Australian Brigade on the main road from Ayer Hitam, taking up positions at Milestone 50, which was about 50 mile from the Causeway to Singapore.
1942/01/26 - The Japanese aircraft attacked in the morning and with no air defence, the 27th Brigade were hit hard, not only from the air but also the Japanese infantry closed in.
1942/01/28 - After retreating through the 2/26th Australian Battalion the Gordons were again used to block the Japanese advance with close hand to hand fighting. The Japanese used their technique well of outflanking and orders were given to retreat under darkness towards Singapore.
1942/01/29 - The Gordons orders were to stop the Japanese outflanking the 2/26th Battalion.
1942/01/31 - The 2/26th Battalion together with the Gordons retreated through the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders and crossed the Causeway into Singapore with two the sound of bagpipes playing the Gordon’s regimental march.
As the Selarang Barracks was now a hospital, the Gordons made camp at the Birdwood Camp on Changi Road.
1942/02/07 - The Birdwood Camp was bombed killing eight Gordons and destroying all the regiments records.
1942/02/15 - After close hand to hand fighting, Singapore surrendered to the Japanese.
1942/02/15 - WO 417/40, Casualty List No. 770. Reported to War Office Casualty Section for the 24 hours ending at 09:00. Missing
Japanese PoW
1942/02/14 - Captured Singapore
1942/02/21 - Changi Camp
PoW No. II 16799
1942/04/16 - Haverlock Road
Japanese Index Card - Side One

Japanese Index card - Side two

Transported overland to Thailand, train 5
9th train to Thailand
Arrived Bang Pong, Thailand
New PoW No. 2555
Att:- Work Party 4, ‘D’ Battalion
Wang Pho
Lt-Col.. Lilley
Tonchan South
Lt-Col Dunlop
Tha Sao Hospital - Malaria
Tha Sao Hospital - Tropical Ulcers
Kontoita (Conquita)
Lin Thin (Rintin)
Chungkai (Chunkia)
Katchu Mountain, Petchaburi
Work:- Aerodrome Construction
New PoW No. II 6225
Names in brackets above from Liberation Questionnaire
Sketches by Herbert

“Our Home”
Built by ourselves to Japanese Specification
Sole Materials Bamboo and Attap

“Operating Theatre”
Portrait Herbert did of Peter Allen of the Royal Engineers, 2092635, a Driver who was in Tha Sao hospital camp with Herbert in November 1943
1945/08/30 - Liberated Katchu Mountain, Petchaburi
1945/09/19 - WO417/97_1, Casualty List No. 1862. Previously shown on Casualty List No. 1137 as reported Prisoner of War now Not Prisoner of War. Previous Theatre of War, Malaya.



Pacific Star
War Medal
1939-1945 Star
Chris Anderson - Daughter
Jennifer Pulleyn - Daughter
Andrew Snow - Thailand Burma Railway Centre
Japanese Transport
Thailand - Burma Railway
KEW:- WO 361/2172, WO 392/24, WO 345/16, WO 361/1954, WO 361/1979, WO 361/2196, WO 361/1987, WO 361/2169, WO 361/2059, WO 417/40, WO417/97_1,