Passengers and Crew

Presumed Dead
Died During Internment
Presumed to have Survived (known to have survived the sinking, but nothing further known)
fate not known
ABU – seaman on “Kuala” (I. Inglis list PRO); an Abu Bakar Bin Abdul Rahman, Ordinary Seaman, Royal Navy ( Malay Section), #MN1393, is listed as having died 14.2.42 (CWGC) which may or may not be the same person
AERIA – B. Aeria”…recovered from Padang with two children…” (ALFSEA); if this list which states that this person was on the “Kuala” is correct, then it seems to have been Mrs. Gladys Aeria, aged 34 years, of 29 Martaban Road, Singapore and her daughters Collette Aeria , aged about 8 years at the time of the sinking and Patrice Aeria with whom Mrs. Aeria might have been pregnant at the time of the sinking - the source of this information is the Dutch origin listing of internees in the British Women’s camp at Padang in June 1943 which describes Mrs. Aeria as “Indo-Eng”( Mr. H. van den Bos); the fact that Mrs. Aeria and her two daughters were in Bankinang camp is confirmed by Shirley Natten who was a playmate of Patrice Aeria;
AERIA – Miss Collette Aeria, aged about 8 years ( van den Bos); and who was interned in Bankinang camp
AERIA – Miss Patrice Aeria, born soon after the sinking ( van den Bos); and who was interned in Bankinang camp; Shirley Eames , another survivor aged three years at the time, recalls playing in Bankinang camp and tormenting the Japanese guards( researchers’ correspondence with Shirley Eames during 20101)
In fact, Patrice Aeria was actually born on 17th October 1941 in Singapore, so on the day of the sinking, 13th February 1942, she was four days short of being four months' old. Information from James Ahchak, husband of Patrice.
AIRD-SMITH – Brigadier William Aird – Smith, MID, 4th Btn. Rajputna Rifles and in 1942 Deputy Assistant Adjutant General, 11th Indian Division ,Malaya, aged 49 years, husband of Dorothy Aird-Smith of Langport, Somerset - died on 17.2.42 (CWGC); on the website “British Generals” he is recorded as being “lost at sea “ on 17.2.42; there is recorded a Brigadier “…the Brigadier…”on board the “Kuala” by Major Storry (IWM 01/34/1); also Mrs. Brenda Macduff recalls a very senior Army person who was wounded insisting on boarding the “TP” (BMP )- it is more likely that the Brigadier was in fact Brigadier Walter Fawcett ( see later)- Brigadier Aird-Smith is recorded here although it is as yet unproven that he was on the “Kuala” or the “TP”
ALLAN - Janet Elizabeth ALLAN, MAS. B.1898 (Australia) died on “TP” (C85) and (CWGC), wife of Dr. Harry Allan, MAS, Penang (MVG); also Mrs. Elizabeth Allen, MAS, G.G.,1st Aid Post, was seen on the “Kuala” (CAS); Miss Allan, MAS, Singapore – listed as on “TP’ (JPB); and again almost certainly the same person as ALLEN – Sister Allen, was with a group of Sisters including Marjorie de Malmanche on the beach at Pom Pong island the day after the sinking when they went for a swim (IWMDM; STF); Miss Allen S.J.B. (CAS); and also, ALLEN – Mrs. Husband Private Practitioner in Penang – listed as on “TP”. (JPB) which seems to be a duplicate of the ostensibly Japanese record of Miss Allan, MAS, Singapore above; also Mrs. Allan, wife of Dr. Allan of Penang transshipped to “TP”(PODC); also Miss E. Allen, Singapore ,left on “TP” (Ruperti)
ALLGROVE – Mrs. Marjorie Allgrove (PRO list of people believed to be on “Kuala” ); also there is Mrs. M. Allgrove, wife of L/Cpl. J. W. Allgrove listed as being on “Kuala” (ALFSEA); however the CWGC lists Marjorie Allgrove, aged 41 years, wife of J. W.. Allgrove of Muar river Estate, Johore as dying on 13.2 42 on the “Giang Bee” (CWGC)
ALMOND – seaman on “Kuala” (I. A. Inglis list PRO)
AVIS – Mrs. Laura Philomena Avis, age 30 years, Nurse at Kandang Kerbau Maternity Hospital, wife of Alfred Avis – she died around the sinking of the “Kuala” (CWGC); also listed elsewhere as Laura Philomena Avia, (British). B.1912. Died around sinking of “Kuala” (C223)
AYERS – Sister E. N. Ayers, QAIMNSR, 17th General Hospital “…last seen after first direct hit on ship by M. A. Evans and other members of QAIMNS. Not seen since taking to sea…” (Evans); Nurse E. N. Ayers, a Sister Gavin ( Garvin) reported that Sister Evans saw Sister Ayers swimming out to someone in difficulty ( but this is not noted as such in Sister Garvin’s report), listed as missing in 1943 (CAS); Sister Eileen Norah Ayers, QAIMNS, #206581, died 14.2.42 (CWGC)
BAGNALL – Sir John (sic) Bagnall “…on Kuala made for unknown destination with Donald Grant…” (Mrs. E. Cross at PRO); Sir John Bagnall on “Kuala” (ALFSEA); Sir John Bagnall (1888-1954) was Chairman & Managing Director of Straits Trading Co.; he survived the war and was reported on an inbound ship into Singapore in 1947 (Straits Times); however one of his senior managers at the Straits Trading Co .Ltd, Mr. B .J. Cramer, recorded that he was in fact on the “Tien Kwang” with him and reached India and then Johannesburg. He died aged 66 years of age in Jo’burg in 1954 ( McCormick)
BAILLIE – Isabelle Nesbitt Baillie. (British). Died around sinking of “Kuala”. (C236) and wife of Mr. S. M. Baillie(CWGC)
BAKER – Charles Baker, Engineer from Shanghai. (IWML); officer on “Kuala” ( I. A. Inglis List PRO); Lt. C. Baker, MRNVR, also worked for electrical company, reached padang then Ceylon (MVDB)
BALL – Mrs. Dorothy Ball, VAD on duty at an emergency hospital in Singapore. Known to have been on SS Kuala which was bombed and sunk…possibly lost in this bombing, but nothing definitely known (letter from her sister Mrs. L. S. Davis, Auckland, NZ to the NZ missing and POW agency Nov. 1947) from this letter it was learned that Mrs. Ball was also the sister of Mrs. Lucy Penseler who also lost her life in the sinking of the “TP”; Mrs. D. Ball, VAD, Singapore boarded “TP” (ALFSEA); Nurse Dorothy Kirker Ball, aged 36 years, Chatsworth Military Hospital, Singapore. Of Bukit Koman, Selangor, FMS., Wife of Frank Ball – died on 17.2.42 on “TP” ( C255) and (CWGC) and also, in view of the wording of the following, her husband was possibly on the “Kuala” as well ,
BALL – “...Ball, F. RACM. Naval Base Workshops wife Kuala…” ( BPPL)
BARCLAY – Mr. Barclay on “Kuala” (Ruperti) interestingly a Mr. G. Barclay, merchant, Singapore is listed as having embarked to safety from Padang on 1.3.42
BARCLAY – “…Mrs. Barclay & son (missing)…” (Ruperti); however a Mrs. G. Barclay is listed as embarking on a ship in Padang on 1.3.42 (ECEP); which leaves the question of whether her son survived,
BARCLAY – Master Barclay , son of Mrs. Barclay above reported missing (Ruperti)
BARNES – Mrs. Barnes listed as on “TP” (JPB); could be Mrs. Barnett below?
BARNETT – Mrs. Barnett, later boarded “TP” and, when it sank, survived for several days on a raft but sadly drowned after leaving life raft to swim to nearby islands ( Matron Brebner statement); wife of Barnett, Agricultural Dept – listed as on “TP” ( JB);Mrs. Barnett boarded “TP” (ALFSEA); Mrs. Jean Patricia Barnett (British) ,b.1915 died on “TP” ( C281) and aged 27 years, wife of Mr. H. L. Barnett, Kuala Lumpur(CWGC); Mr. H. L. Barnett ,b.1901, Government Officer, was interned in Changi (C280)
BEATTIE – Miss. Nursing Sister, escaped (STF); Sister (Miss) J. Beatie, J.B. (CAS); Nursing Sister Beattie reached the Govt. Hospital, Nairobi in 1942 (ALFSEA)
BEATTIE – L/Bdr. David. Survived sinking of “Kuala” ( WNSF); but in conflict with this is the record of Lance Bombardier David Beattie, #2882320, 2/1 Maritime regiment, Royal Artillery, ,aged 22 years, son of James and Mary Beattie of Marykirk, Kineardineshire – he died on 14.2.42 (CWGC)
BEAUCHAMP- NOBBS – one record is “...E. Beauchamp-Nobbs boarded “TP” (ALFSEA); Alice Eileen Beauchamp Nobbs , British, daughter of Michael Egan, Pyrford, Surrey – died around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC); she was the widow of Major Eric Herwald Beauchamp-Nobbs, FMS Volunteer, Manager of West Country Estate, Kajang who died on 6.6.41 (Straits Times); the fact that Alice Beauchamp - Nobbs was lost at sea has been confirmed by family (JM)
BEGBIE – In 1932 Mr. Begbie was Assistant Engineer, PWD, Muar (Straits Times); Mr. H. W. Begbie, PWD, on “Kuala” ( PWD list at PRO); Captain Herbert W. Begbie, SSVF, arrived Colombo 10.3.42 on “Chitral” ( MVDB & CO980/7); after the War he became Kedah & Perlis State Engineer and returned to the UK on Leave that year (Straits Times)
BELTON/BEISON? – Mr. W. O. Belton was in 1939 the Assistant Engineer PWD Perak, Kuala Kangsar and that year married Miss L. R. Haufh from Australia (Straits Times); Mr. W. Q. Beison (spelling) on “Kuala” PWD ( PWD list at PRO) ; Mr. W. S. Belton reached Nigeria (ALFSEA)
BELL – J. M. Bell, FMSR., Kuala Lumpur listed as on “Kuala” (ALFSEA)
BELL – MURRAY – Sister (Miss). QAINMS. Escaped.(STF); Miss Helene Bell- Murray, nurse, escaped and reached Padang, evacuated with six other nurses including GARVIN (SIA); Miss H. E. Bell-Murray, QAIMNS, embarked on a ship in Padang on 1.3.42 (ECEP); reached Bombay (CAS); Mrs. H. E. Bell-Murray, QAIMNS, evacuated from Padang on “HMS Hobart” 1.3.42 ( letter from “HMS. Hobart” captain); in India (Ruperti); now stationed Doolali, India (Evans)
BENNETT – Mrs. Violette Douglas Bennett, B.1881. Wife of E. J. Bennett of Tanglin, Singapore. Died around sinking of “Kuala”. (C390) and aged 61 years (CWGC); there was a Mr. E. E. J. A. Bennett, b. 1888, planter, interned in Changi
BENTLEY – Nurse May Bentley, of Kandang Kerbau Hospital. B. 1913. – died around sinking of “Kuala” (C1329); Mrs. May Bentley, aged 30years, Nurse, Kandang Kerbau Hospital, wife of the late Mr. B. Bentley (CWGC) – died around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC)
BESWNE – Miss Beswne on “Kuala” ( Ruperti)
BINNEY (sic?) – Mrs. Binney, Head of MAS, Ipoh; she worked in Hospital in Singapore with Brenda Macduff. Children had been sent to Canada (BMP); At the wharf in Singapore after boarding the “Kuala” the ship was hit by a bomb and Sister Marjorie de Malmanche came out on deck to find “…Mrs. Binney had a fractured femur and a fractured pelvis. Lying beside (them) was a big jagged piece of hot metal…the patients had their wounds dressed and were given morphia in the cabins… (on reaching Pom Pong Island) …The doctors had Mrs. Binney out on deck on a mattress... (when the ship was first bombed at Pom Pong Island) …Mrs. Binney was lowered on a mattress (to the sea), but she rolled off it and was also drowned…” (IWMDM); also Miss Binnie, (injured at wharf) ,VAD., (CAS); Probably same as,
BINNIE – Mrs. Ethel Binnie. (British), wife of T .R. Binnie. Died around sinking of “Kuala”. (C423) and (CWGC); Mr. Binnie, Customs, was an internee in Changi(MRB); Mr. T. R. Binnie, b.1888, Malayan Customs Service (retd) was an internee in Changi
BISSEKER – Mr. F. D. Bisseker, left Padang, fate unknown (ALFSEA); F. D. Bisseker, Chairman Eastern Smelting Co., Penang, and Member Legislative Council – was the person assigned by the government to solve the manpower shortage in Malaya. In the final days he was ordered to leave Singapore by his superior, Ivan Simson.; however for those left behind in Changi prison camp in May 1942 there was a different and perhaps unkind view on his departure, as evidenced by the record by Tom Kitching in his diary “...A curious note: the verb ‘to bisseker’, meaning to make a getaway when you should have stayed’ is in common use in camp. Bisseker was number two to Brigadier Symonds in charge of Civil Defence, I believe…” (TKD p. 119); also “…we came up [to Padang] with Bisseker of the Eastern Smelting, Panang, who had been on the vessel [the “Kuala”] which took Woollerton’s party out of Singapore…” (letter 2.4.42 by Mr. W. G. Taylor of Shell Oil to Shell company magazine July 1942 after he had escaped to South Africa); F. D. Bisseker reached Padang and evacuated through to the UK, he died in London in 1978
BLACK – Nurse” (Miss) C. F. Black, QAIMNSR sic” (Inglis list at PRO) – later survived sinking of “TP” and was on a raft with six other Nursing sisters and three seaman from the “TP”, but died of wounds to her leg on 24 .2.42 on a beach on Banka Island and was buried there (post war testimony of Able Seaman. J Baird); Sister Charlotte Florence Black, QAIMNS, 20th C. General Hospital, aged 26 years, #206670, daughter of Robert and Charlotte Black, died 24.2.42 (CWGC)
BLACK – Miss D. Black , nee Fowler-Wright (CAS); also possibly the person on “HMS .Hobart” on 1.4.42 as “Miss Duncan Black” ( “letter by captain of “HMS Hobart”); also Miss Duncan Black ,embarked Padang on 1.3.42 (ECEP)
BLACKWELL – Mr. A. G. Blackwell, aged 47 years of age, Cable and Wireless was an internee in Bankinang Men’s camp, Sumatra (Mr. H. van den Bos);post war record indicating he had been on the “Kuala” states “… Mr. A.G. Blackwell, Cable & Wireless, to Madras on Devonshire …”( ALFSEA)
BLADES – seaman on “Kuala” ( I. A. Inglis list PRO)
BLAIR – H.H. Blair ( PRO list of people believed to be on “Kuala”); also ALFSEA list
BLAKE – Mr. A. J. Blake, Inspector Marine Police on “Kuala”(ALFSEA); in 1940 he was Court Inspector in Singapore and in 1948 he was appointed Assistant Inspector in the Singapore police (Straits Times)
BOARDMAN – Mr. H. Boardman , PWD (PWD list at PRO); Lt. H. Boardman, Volunteers, reached Padang, then arrived Colombo 10.3.42 on “Chitral” (MVDB & CO 980/7); in Indian Engineers (ALFSEA)
BOISSIER – Mr. J. S. Boissier, PWD (PWD list at PRO); Lt. Col. John Scobell Boissier, Volunteers, “S” Support Coy., Executive Engineer Waterworks branch, PWD Johore, arrived Colombo 10.3.42 on Chitral” (MVDB & CO 980/7); ”…in Bombay …”( J. Hutton letter 11.4.42) ; “…left for England…” (ALFSEA)
BOLTON – Mr. J. Bolton, PWD (PWD list at PRO); also seen by K. A. Brundle after the bombing (IWM 99/50/1); also “… in Australia...” (ALFSEA); Captain J. Bolton, 1st Btn, SSVF, SRE (V), #13248, Assistant Engineer Rural SS, arrived Colombo 10.3.42 on “Chitral” (MVDB & CO 980/7)
BORYER – Mr. M. S. Boryer, aged 27 years, a store man at the Singapore Naval Base, was interned in Bankinang Men’s Camp, Sumatra ( Mr. H. van den Bos);post war record indicating that he had been on the “Kuala” states “… Mr. Boryer, Naval base recovered Padang…” ( ALFSEA)
BOSTOCK – Miss V. M. Bostock, QAIMNSR, “…arrived Bombay, now stationed at Calaba…” (Evans); Mrs. Muriel Bostock survived. Wife of Leonard Bostock. She reached Padang and India( MVG); Nurse Muriel Bostock reached Singkep and then Eastern Sumatra with Nurse Edith Wood and Padang where they boarded a Dutch cargo vessel reaching Colombo on 6.3.42 (WSF)
BOSTON – Sister Violet Boston. (British). From Grimsby, Lincolnshire. In her 30’s, she worked in Batu Gajah Hospital, Ipoh, and was known to Brenda Macduff (BMP).Died around sinking of “Kuala”. (C499); also Sister (Miss) Boston seen on “Kuala” (CAS); also”…wounded, last seen at Dabat...” (Evans); Miss Violet Boston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Boston of Brigg, Lincolnshire - died around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC)
BOUDVILLE – Miss Catherine Boudville, Nurse, seen on Pom Pong Island and Sinkiep (CAS); Miss Catherine Boudville, General Hospital, Singapore ( described as “Indo-Eng”) is listed as an internee in the British Women’s Camp at Padang in June 1943 ( Mr. H. van den Bos); after the war she was recorded as working at No. 7 B. G. H., Singapore; a Catherine Boudville married a George Rignall in Penang in 1949 ; a telephone conversation by the researcher with Catherine Rignall in 2010 revealed that she had drifted in the sea for almost two days before being rescued by Malay fishermen, she made it across Sumatra to Padang only to arrive too late to be evacuated and was interned in Padang and then Bankinang camps; Mrs. Rignall now lives in Sydney ,NSW, Australia ( MNCP)
BRADLEY – Colin Bradley, listed as on “Kuala” and buried Senajang (ALFSEA); however this is at variance with “…A/S/Lt. Colin Ridings Bradley, MRNVR, Giang Bee, Customs Officer, Parit Buntar…” (MVDB & ADM 199/266A).
BRADLEY – Mr. R .P. Bradley, PWD (PWD list at PRO); in Australia (ALFSEA)
BRADY – Mr. E. F. Brady, PWD ( PWD list at PRO); also ALFSEA list
BRANCH – Miss M. Branch, Q.A. (killed) died nearing Tembilan (sic) Peritonites (sic) (CAS)
BRAND – Sub. Lt. T. S. Brand, an officer in the crew of the “Kuala” Survived sinking. (WNSF); also listed as officer (I. A. Inglis list PRO); also ALFSEA list; also “…BRAND T S Ch OFF KUALA MISSING …”(BPPL)
BRAND – Nursing Sister, she survived the sinking of the “Kuala” but died later from wounds incurred in the bombing at Pom Pong Island (SIA); Miss M. Brand, QAIMNSR, 1st Malayan general Hospital, “…died following blast of abdomen. Buried in Tembilihan, Sumatra, death witnessed by Col. Hennessey, RAMC, and Maj. Kilgow, RAMC…” (Evans); Miss M. Brand, Sister Mary Brand, QAIMNS, #206787, daughter of Charles and Lucy Brand of King’s Heath, Birmingham died 16.2.42 (CWGC); she is presumably buried at Pompong Island
BRAY – Mr. P.A. Bray, aged 52 years, of Malayan Electrical Supply, was interned in Bankinang Men’s Camp, Sumatra( Mr. H. van den Bos); a post war record indicating that he had been on the “Kuala” states “…Mr. P. Bray, Electrical Dept., Kuala Lumpur, recovered Padang…”(ALFSEA)
BREBNER – Matron. Singapore (STF); also Miss Brebner seen on Pom Pong island (CAS); on Pom Pong island Marjorie de Malmanche records “just then I saw Miss Brebner, Matron - Singapore…with her handbag under her arm, struggling down the hillside. She said how happy she was to see us alive. She was heartbroken about all her nurses and Sisters killed and injured. She herself was killed two days later…”also recorded that “…she boarded “TP” ( IWMDM); listed as on “TP” (JPB); Matron Margaret Brebner, General Hospital, Singapore, age 57,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brebner, Aboyne, Aberdeenshire - died on “TP” (CWGC); Miss Brebner had been nursing in Kelantan in 1928, by 1934 was Matron of the women’s hospital at Kota Bahru, and became matron of Singapore general Hospital in 1939 ( Straits Times); there is another record with a different story on the death of Matron Brebner which is in CO 980/217which is a report by Lt. F. T. Goodwin to the Malayan Research Bureau ,Sydney in 1943 where he states”… Sister Jones also on the “Katoomba’ told Goodwin that she was on the “Kuala”. She says that Matron Brebner was hiding under a rock on Pom Pong Island with other nurses when the rock collapsed and killed Brebner and a lot of others…”
BRENT – Miss S. Brent in Singapore (ALFSEA)
BRETT – “…Mrs. Brett left on the “TP” with Miss I. Brett, Miss E. Brett and Miss S. Brett…” (Ruperti); Mrs. Dorothy Victoria Brett (British). B.1897.Aged 45 years, wife of Harry Cyril Brett, 3 Namly Ave., Bukit Timah Road, Singapore - died on “TP” (C544) and (CWGC) ; the Brett family were friends with the Hartleys ( the boys having attended boarding school together and then offered the Hartleys accommodation when they arrived in Singapore) and it appears there were four or five children in this family on the “Kuala”; Mrs. Brett , Joan and Eleanore must all have landed on the “beach camp” side of the Island since they were never seen on Pom Pong island by Kenneth Hartley before they must have boarded the “TP” ( who was a friend of the Brett children) also ALFSEA records a D. Brett as having been on the “TP” but recovered Sumatra but this must be an error with Sylvia Brett recorded below
BRETT – Eleanore Barbara Delicia Brett (British). Aged 4 years, daughter of above. B. 1938. Died on “TP” ( C545) and (CWGC); also on ALFSEA list for “TP”;
BRETT – Joan Helen Lilian Brett. Aged 15 years, British. B.1927. Daughter of above. Died on “TP” (C546) and (CWGC); the ALFSEA list records an I. Brett as on the “TP”
BRETT – a Miss Brett was seen on the “Kuala” (CAS); a Miss S. Brett is recorded with the above as having been on the “TP” (list of civilians on “Kuala “and “TP “at PRO); ALFSEA list records an S. Brett as being on the “TP” but having been recovered Sumatra more definitively a Miss Sylvia Brett, aged 16 years in June 1943, and with the address of 3 Namley Avenue, Bukit Timah, Singapore , described as “Indo-Eng”, is listed as being interned in the British Women’s camp at Padang ; Kenneth Hartley has recorded that Sylvia Brett, daughter of Mrs. Brett above, survived Muntok prison and returned to live in Singapore – so this is the oldest child of Harry and Dorothy Brett
BRETT - There was also a 14 year old boy interned in Padang and Bankinang camps by the name of M. C. Brett – it seems possible that he might have also been part of the above family, Master M. C. Brett was born 1928 and firstly interned in the British Women’s camp in Padang (he must have been about 14 years old), later transferred to the Men’s camp in Padang and then on 18.1043 he was transferred to the Bankinang men’s Camp ( Mr. H. van den Bos records); Kenneth Hartley has recorded that one of his school friends Malcolm Brett ( about 14 years) and the son of Harry and Dorothy Brett, survived the sinking of the “Kuala” and Muntok camp and returned to live in Singapore after the war, years later he went to live in Sydney or Melbourne
BREWER – Mrs. F. W. Brewer, from Singapore, boarded “TP” (STF); also listed as Mrs. Nell Brewer ( list of civilians who were on “Kuala” and “TP” at PRO); also listed as on “Kuala “ or “Tien Kwang” was F. Brewer Architect, seen Daboh ( passenger list at PRO), he made the voyage from Dabo to Tembilihan in the small boat operated by Messrs. Hedley, Parsons and Poole – also in this boat were Messrs Potts, Joyce, Feakes and Riviere ( STF); Frank Wilman Brewer, was aged 56 years at the time of the “Kuala” sinking and had been an Architect in Singapore since 1920. He had designed the Capitol Building (cinema and flats), Singapore in 1938. He became an internee in Palembang. When he returned to Singapore after the War he designed the Odeon Cinema as well as many other buildings. He retired to Jersey and died in 1971. (Moffatt and Straits Times)
BRIDGES – Noel Bridges is recorded in Thomas Kitching’s diary (TKD p.59) on 13.2.42 as”…And Noel Bridges has gone to Java. He doffed his Colonel’s uniform yesterday, so was a Colonel for 2 days…”; “... Mr. Bridges, Survey Dept, listed as being on the “Kuala” , then probably missing on “ Rooseboom” (ALFSEA); other records indicate that Mr. Bridges actually boarded the SS. Ban Ho Guan a day after the “Rooseboom “ left Padang and he was lost in the sinking of that ship on 28.2.42 by a Japanese submarine with all hands lost.
BRIGGS – Lt. (WNSF); this is in fact Lt. W. G. Briggs, the Captain of the “Tien Kwang” who reached safety in Colombo. (JM Malayan List)
BRISK –Miss Esther Regina Brisk ( born Singapore 1909), a stenographer working for D. H. Kleinman (see below) of Queens Ltd., had boarded the “Kuala” with her employer ( who died of injuries later).Her family lived in a large house on East Coast Road. Her father, Albert Wolfe Brisk, and brothers remained in Singapore where they were interned in Changi and Sime Road .Esther entered the water when the ship was bombed and was swept out to sea where she floated for eight hours before being rescued by Chinese fishermen and taken to an island. She was captured by the Japanese and interned in Sumatra. A”… very precise person who was well regarded in her working life. She was very diligent…” according to her sister Lulu, Esther contracted Ber8i Beri and experienced great psychological stress in internment. She was treated at the Liverpool Tropical Diseases unit after the war went back to Singapore a couple of times during the 1040’s and 1950’s before finally moving to Britain in 1957. She died in 1983.
BROAD – officer on “Kuala” ( I. A. Inglis list PRO)
BROOKE – Mrs. Brooke, Singapore seen on “Kuala” (CAS); also Miss Brooke, (Kuala Pilah) seen on “Kuala” (CAS); also Nurse A. C. (G) Brookes, on “Kuala” (ALFSEA); there may however be confusion with ,
BROOKS – Miss Brooks, believed lost. (STF); also Sister (Miss) Brookes, Kuala Pilai, seen on “Kuala” (CAS).; probably same as, BROOKS – Ethel. (British), on “Kuala”. (C592); also “Mrs. Brooks, Colonial Nursing Service, husband Govt. Analyst Dept., left on “TP” (Ruperti); finally Nurse G. (E?) Brooks, General Hospital, on “Kuala” (ALFSEA)
BROOKS – given the variety of Miss Brooks referred to above it is worth noting that, in the Padang Women’s’ Camp in 1943 which comprised an overwhelming proportion of women from the “Kuala” there was listed a Miss Rachel Brooks, Australian, aged 39 years, Chemistry Dept , Singapore ( Mr. H. van den Bos)
BROWN – Alexander J. Brown, Chartered Marine Engineer, Inspector of Machinery and Ex. of Engine Drivers Penang, Supt. Fire Brigade, Penang. Sub. Lt. SS. MRNVR. Wife was Mrs. N. R. Brown. – he died in the sinking of the “TP” (MVG)
BROWN - Mr. G. E. Brown (CAS); also Mr. E. G. Brown, aged 52 years of age, a Civil Engineer, Railways, was an internee in the Bankinang Men’s Camp, Sumatra (Mr. H. van den Bos)
BROWN – Miss Jean Brown, believed lost. (STF); Miss Brown on “Kuala’ (CAS); Miss Brown H. Q.A. ( Inglis list at PRO)
BRUNDLE – Mr. K. A. Brundle, PWD recorded on “Kuala” (PWD list at PRO); Kenneth A. Brundle, Asst. Architect PWD. Straits Settlement 1938-41 and SSVF. Recorded as on Pom Pong Island. Reached Padang and then by “Hobart” to Ceylon, the India (MVG); Lt. Ken A. Brundle ,1st Btn., SSVF, “S” Support Company, arrived Colombo via “Chitral” 10.3.43 (MVDB & CO 980/7);; also K. A. Brundle, Assistant Architect Malayan PWD, mentions ‘…seeing Edgar Green wounded but survived, Graham Morgan a Senior PWD engineer, J. Bolton of the PWD, two young Chinese nurses dead (drowned) on the beach, Cdr. Terry of “Kwan Yu” and 650 survivors on Pom Pong Island…’, his file at the IWM contains the official record of the PWD evacuation ( IWM 99/50/1)
BRYAN – Mr. J. J. Bryan, PWD ( PWD list at PRO); he reached Padang and then Colombo before finally India (JM)
BRYANT – Miss M. Bryant, QAIMNS, evacuated on “HMS Hobart” on 1.3.42 (letter from Captain of the “Hobart”); a list of people embarking from Padang on 1.3.42 on the “Dragon” also lists Miss Bryant (ECEP); Sister. Escaped and gave evidence to 1943 inquiry (CAS); Sister (Miss) Bryant on “Kuala” (CAS); Miss E. M. Bryant T.A.N.S. (Inglis list at PRO); Miss M. Bryant “…TANS. now stationed Mhow, India. Posted to BGH…” (Evans)
BULLEN – Miss E. Bullen, Singapore (Inglis list at PRO)
BURKE-GAFFNEY – PWD list at PRO; also Lt. Col. Edward Mary O’Donnell Burke-Gaffney, FMSVF, SREV, Senior Executive Engineer, NS, reached Padang, arrived Colombo on 10.3.42 on “Chitral”. Wife Phyllis. (MVG & MVDB & CO980/7)
BURTON – Mrs. Dorothy May Burton, aged 46 years, British but daughter of Canadians. Born 1896. Wife of Walter Livingston Burton, Duncarn Road, Singapore. Died around sinking of “Kuala”. (C681) and (CWGC); possibly more correctly there is a reference to Mrs. Dolly Burton having actually boarded the “TP” ( Mrs. Stevens letter 21.6.42) ; Mr. W. L. Burton of Anglo-French was an internee in Changi (MRB)
BURTON – Mr. J .N. M. Burton, PWD ( PWD list at PRO); also J. H. M. Burton, Volunteer, PWD “Ind/V” (MVDB)
CAIRNS –Mr. James Cairns, aged 46 years, Accountant & Financial Assistant, Electricity Dept/Transport Dept/ Penang Hill Railway, Penang. WW1 veteran (Moffatt); his wife was killed during the bombing whilst the “Kuala’ was anchored at Singapore (MacKay) and he was left with his two year old son (see below) to escape the ship at Pom Pong island. He and his son floated in the sea for seven or eight hours; James Cairns had served in the trenches during the First World War and had been highly decorated for his courage, being awarded the MC with bar, he was an enthusiastic ornithologist and spent many hours roaming the hills and mountains of Scotland. He also achieved a reputation as an artist and poet. He floated for eight hours at sea holding his infant son, Jimmy, on a lifebelt before being rescued and making his way to Sumatra. He was interned with Jimmy in the Bankinang men’s Camp and survived the War. After recuperating in Scotland he returned to Penang after the war (records of grandson Nick Cairns); Mr. J. Cairn (sic), Municipality, Penang, left for UK on “Antenor” (ALFSEA)
CAIRNS – Mrs. …Cairns, of Penang, wife of Mr. J. Cairns (above) and mother of Master Cairns (below), was killed during bombing at Singapore wharves on 13.2.42 before the “Kuala” departed and was one of the two women buried at sea that night whilst the “Kuala” was on its way to Pom Pong Island (many references to Mrs. Cairns death – including D. Mackay, Captain Caithness)
CAIRNS – a child, Master James Aloysious Cairns, born 1940, son of Mr.& Mrs. J. Cairns (above) was with his father through the sinking of the “Kuala” their escape to and across Sumatra and then spent the next three and a half years of his childhood in Bankinang Men’s internment camp in Sumatra; with his father he survived and was repatriated to the UK via Padang – the only memory he had was of being plucked from the water and he could not stand the sight, taste or smell of Tapioca! He had actually gone to sleep on the life belt and only woke when being rescued (AWM and son Mr. Nick Cairns); Master J. Cairn (sic), son of above, left for UK on “Antenor” (ALFSEA); after the war he attended boarding school at Hawick, then joined his father in Penang where he later joined the British Army and served for 22 years. He passed away aged 63 years in August 2003 – the father of three, grandfather of six and as stated by his grandson “…the gentlest man I ever knew…” ( grandson Nick Cairns); there is a photo of Nick, his father and other men being repatriated by plane form Padang ( Australian War Memorial archives)
CAITHNESS – Lt. Frank. Caithness was Captain of the “Kuala” and was badly injured during the bombing of the ship at Pom Pong island but still worked to rescue people and was the last to leave the ship along with Lt. George. He was evacuated from the island on the fishing vessel (later to become the “Krait) to Sumatra (WNSF); The account of the last voyage of the “Kuala” by Lt. Franklin Caithness is told in full on the website www.navyhistory.org.au/the-loss-of-hms-kuala-1942;. He was the Senior Captain of the Straits Steamship fleet - a large jovial, kind man who was renowned as a keen beer drinker. He managed to get away from Sumatra and reached South Africa where he worked on ferry services for the visiting fleets for a time. When the Japanese surrendered Singapore the Straits Steamship ships were given the honour of leading the Royal Navy ships back into the Harbour and Frank Caithness was accorded the honour of leading the Victory Parade into St. Andrews Cathedral (Personal recollections of Audrey McCormick)
CAMBRIDGE – Mr. R.R. Cambridge, PWD (PWD list at PRO);”…I was on the ship [when she was hit}. I hadn’t gone ashore to get foliage….the Japs kept coming over and machine gunning us you see…” (his quote from p. 75, FTB); Lt. R. R. Cambridge, Volunteers, Assistant Engineer PWD , Kuala Kansar, arrived Colombo 10.3 42 on “Chitral” (MVDB & CO 980/7); also on ALFSEA list
CAMERON – Miss Jessie Cameron, MEO, - listed as on “TP” (JB and Ruperti); also Sister (Miss) J. Cameron, GH, seen on Pom Pong Island (CAS); the same person as , CAMERON – Sister J. (BRITISH) - died on “TP” (C716) and (CWGC); also J. N. Cameron, Colonial Nursing Sister (MVG); also Miss Jessie Cameron of the General Hospital “…who was captured by the Japs about Feb 20 1942 on the Tanjong Pinang which she had boarded at Pom-Pom Island…” was reported presumed dead in 1946 by the Missing Persons Bureau , Colonial Office ,Singapore (STA 29.5.46)
CAMPBELL – Mr. A. D. Campbell, PWD ( PWD list at PRO);Captain A. D. Campbell, Volunteers, Executive Engineer PWD, Perlis, arrived Colombo 10.3.42 on “Chitral” ( MVDB & CO980/7); to UK on “Cilicia” (ALFSEA); possibly this person or the next listed is recorded in the secret Changi list of Bennett as “…CAMPBELL MAJOR SEEN KUALA…” (BPPL)
CAMPBELL – Captain John Victor Telfer Campbell, 13 Aux PC (Volunteers), BSc., Exec. Engineer PWD. Reached Padang, arrived Colombo 10.3.42 on “Chitral” then to Bombay (MVG & MVDB & CO980/7)); also PWD list at PRO
CARROLL – Miss Carroll, QAIMNS, “…not seen by any survivors after raid on ship…”(Evans); Nurse E. K. Carroll – listed as missing in 1943 (CAS); Nurse Edith Katherine Carroll, QAIMNS, aged 38 years, daughter of Thomas and Mary Carroll, died 14.2.42 (CWGC)
CARTWRIGHT – Mr. W. N. Cartwright, PWD (PWD list at PRO); Lt. W. M. Cartwright, 13 Aux PC ( Volunteers) , Executive Engineer PWD, arrived Colombo 10.3.42 on “Chitral” (MVDB & CO 980/7); also David Nelson record says “Nige/V”
CHAN – Miss M. S. Chan, GH., (CAS)
CHAPLIN – Mrs. K. Chaplin, Malacca-Singapore (Inglis list at PRO); this is almost certainly Mrs. Kate Chapman (below) who lost her life in the sinking of the ship
CHAPMAN – Kate Chapman. (British). B.1866. Widow of Walter Chapman (this was Dr. Geoffrey Walter Chapman, Soils Chemist, Malacca) (MVDB), Kemedore estate, Malacca. – she died on 14.2.42 around sinking of “Kuala” (C786) and (CWGC); also confusingly, because of the reference to his mother, but possibly another person “…Chapman Dr. MRP POW mother left?...” (BPPL); finally Mrs. Kate Chapman, Kemadae Estate, Jasmin, Malacca (PODC)
CHARMAN – Sister F. M. Charman QAINMS’ #206887, 1st Malayan General, “..making for Jambi likely cut off…”, reached Singkep and Sumatra, listed as POW in 1943 (CAS and WO 361/467); in fact she was interned in Bankinang camp and survived the war (QH); Miss Mary Charman, Canadian national, aged 30 years in 1943, 1st General Hospital, Singapore listed as in the British Women’s camp at Padang and arrived at the Mission complex in Padang on 24.6.43( Mr. H. van den Bos); then to UK on “Antenor” (ALFSEA)
CHEN – Dr. Chen Su Lan (1885-5 May 1972) was one of Singapore’s first local medical graduates. He was also an anti-opium fighter, philanthropist and social reformer. Born in Fuzhou, China, Chen was a third generation Methodist. In 1905 he left for Singapore where he enrolled to become one of the first students at what was later known as the king Edward VII College of MEDICINE. HE GRADUATED AS ADOCTORAND BECAME VERY CONCERNED WITH HEALTH AND SOCIAL PROBLEMS IN Singapore> he boarded the “Kuala” and after the bombing at Pom Pong island he ended up clinging to a raft with a few other survivors> During this time in the sea he reevaluated his life and committed to becoming a preacher> he landed on shore at a mangrove forest and eventually made his way back to Singapore where he was detained by the Kempetai. They later released him. In 1946 he founded the Chinese YMCA in Singapore and in 1947 he founded the Chen Su Lan trust; in 1968 the Methodist Children’s Home was named after him> He published a book “Remembering Pom Pong and Oxley Rise” (Wikipedia and obituaries in “Straits Times” archive 6.5.72 p. 32).
CHERRY – Mrs. Cherry nee Sister Law (QH); Mrs. C. R. Cherry, Head of Singapore MAS – died in a cabin during the bombing of “Kuala” at Pom Pong Island (IWMDM); also “… Mrs. Cherry, husband Bousteads, killed on “Kuala”, direct hit on temple…” (Ruperti); Mrs. C.R. Cherry “believed lost” (STF); Superintendent Mary Ada CHERRY, MAS. (British), b.1888. Wife of HON. Cecil Robins Cherry, who was interned in Changi. – died around sinking of “Kuala” (C802) and (CWGC); also Mary Ada Stopford Cherry brought the St John’s ambulance to Singapore and was meeting with other nurses on the “Kuala” when killed in the first bomb attach at Pom Pong island, Cecil Cherry was Managing Director of Bousteads & Co., Singapore ( Rick Burgess , great nephew of Cecil Cherry) and the Cold Storage company ( Straits Times); also, raising the possibility of another member of the Cherry family being involved, is the following record
CHERRY – Ms. R. Cherry is listed as having been on the “Kuala” with no other information (ALFSEA)
CHIN – Miss Chin Kim Thye ,seen on “Kuala” (CAS); Miss Chin Ken Thye, nurse, General Hospital, Singapore left on “TP” (Ruperti); also see THYE
CHOONG – Nurse (Miss) Choong Kwee Cheo a 20 year old from Kuantan Hospital who had evacuated to Singapore and was working at Kandang Kerbau Hospital, later boarded the “TP” and when that ship was sunk she was on a raft for six days with another Eurasian nurse before they reached an island near Banka Island. She returned to Singapore in August 1942 (undated transcript of “Syonan Times” article ) ; also Nurse Chuong Kwee Choo, in Kuala Lipis (ALFSEA)
CLARK – Mrs. “Paddy” also “Patsy” Clark (nee Brennan), midwife from Batu Gajah Hospital, was a very strong swimmer who left the “Kuala” with Dorothy Garvin and her friend Lydia. Survived and escaped, initially with Brenda Macduff and others to the Indragiri River on Capt. Bill Reynolds boat. Paddy Clark made it to Padang in time to evacuate with six other nurses including GARVIN (SIS); then “…Mrs. Clark (Miss Nichol) Emergency Nursing Service last seen Sumatra…” (Ruperti); also Sister (Miss) Paddy Clark, E.M.H., “Bengal”, (CAS); also Mrs. Clarke (sp?) EMNS, Alexander Hospital “… evacuated with her husband…England from Colombo. See by Evans and E. M. Bryant…” (Evans); it is possible the following entry refers to her husband; “…Clark P. G. McAty wife Kuala…” (BPPL)
CLARKE – Mrs. Clarke, Penang Municipality – listed as on “TP” (JPB and Ruperti).; almost certainly the same person as, Miss Daphne Clark, M.C.P, seen on Pom Pong Island (CAS); and also Daphne Clarke (British). Wife of Mr. J. R. A. Clarke, Penang – died on “TP” (C849and also in CWGC); also in contradiction, “Mrs. Daphne Clark, reported by Spanish Embassy, Tokyo as being in Sumatra after being on “TP” (list of civilians on “Kuala’ and “TP” at PRO); it is possible that the following entry refers to her husband “Clark J. E. Alan PMC wife Kuala…” (BPPL)
CLARKSON – Isabella Clarkson, Nursing Sister – died on “TP” (MVG)
CLEWETT – Miss Clewett “…not seen by any survivors after raid on ship…” (Evans); Nurse C. H. Clewett – listed as missing in 1943 (CAS); Sister Catherine Hilda Clewett, QAIMNS, aged 30 years, daughter of Charles and Ada Clewett of Holloway, London died 14.2.42 (CWGC)
CLIFFORD – Mr. George Fitzmon Clifford, United Engineers had been rebuilding airfields in Singapore before he boarded the “Kuala”. His two sons, Michael aged 5 years and Charles aged two years, had left with their grandmother and cousins on the Orion in late December 1941 for Freemantle where they arrived on 1.1.42. George was on the “Kuala” poop deck (at the stern of the ship) when the bombs hit at Pom Pong Island with many Chinese people and jumped into the water. His account is graphic of the swim to shore and the casualties on the Island. He was in one of the groups picked up by Captain Reynolds and reached Padang and then from Emmahaven on the “HMAS Australia” to be later transferred on the “HMS Hobart” to Ceylon. He became a Major in the Indian Army Engineers for the remainder of the war. He returned to Singapore after the war and migrated to Australia in 1953 where he passed away aged 93 years in about 1998 ( personal memoirs of George Clifford and recollections of his son Mike Clifford, Western Australia)
COALES – Francis George Coales. (British). AMICE. Malayan Volunteer Forces. Deputy Director Public Works (MVDB) Age 53. From Buckinghamshire. Husband of Janie E. Coales – died around sinking of “Kuala” (C885) and (CWGC);”…body found at Pom Pong Island, V. McC…” (MVDB) and presumably buried there; also “Mr. F. G. Coales, PWD, missing after bombing at Pompong” (PWD list at PRO); also “…Coales F. G. left drowned PWD…” (BPPL)
COBB – officer on “Kuala” ( I. A. Inglis list PRO)
COFFEY – Mr. Coffey mentioned as being on the “Kuala” by Major Storry (IWM 01/34/1); Lt. Leonard Mitchell Coffey, Intelligence Corps., /General list, Tin Mine Manager, Terrenggong, he assisted two Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders on Grik Road, was evacuated in February 1942 to India (MVDB)
COLE – seaman on “Kuala” (I. A. Inglis list PRO); it is possible that the same person is Cook(S) Charles Cole, Royal Navy, HMS Sultan, D/MX 61661 – he died on 16.2.42(CWGC) since many men were assigned to the “Kuala” and other ships from the Singapore shore base HMS Sultan, but navy records were not updated ( understandably because it was within two days of the Surrender to the Japanese) and many were classified as having absconded or ‘AWOL’
COLLETT – Mrs. Collett, Collett & Whittle, Kuala Lumpur – listed as on “TP” (JPB); Marguerite Collett, aged 43 years, (British). Wife of J. R. W. Collett, Whittal & Co., Chartered Accountants, Golf View Road, Kuala Lumpur and an internee in Changi – she died on “TP” (C914) and (CWGC); also listed by ALFSEA as having boarded the “TP”
COLTMAN – Miss Doreen Coltman ,British, aged 43 years, of 165 High Street, Kuala Lumpur was listed as being in the British Women’s Camp in Padang and arriving at the Mission Complex in Padang on 24.6.43 ( Mr. H. van den Bos); then, as a person who had been on the “Kuala”, she is again listed after the war as Ms. D. S. Coltman, to UK on “Antenor”
COOPER – Miss M. Cooper, QAIMNSR, Alexander Hospital, Singapore “… seen on island by members of QAIMNSR. Evacuated on “TP” .Not since heard of…” (Evans); Sister Mary Cooper, QAINMS , later survived the sinking of the “TP” after getting on a raft, but died in an internment camp in Muntok ( Wingate); she is also mentioned in Phyllis Brigg’s dairy as having joined then in captivity “The only other QA with us was an Irish Girl ,Mary Cooper, whose hands were badly lacerated from sliding down the ship’s rope into the sea before getting onto a raft ( not clear whether this means the “Kuala’ or the “TP”, also Mary Cooper died in June 1945 after ill-treatment after being put in Gaol whilst an internee ( PBD); survived sinking of “TP’ but interned at Palembang and died of typhoid in 1945 (IWMDM)
CORK – Miss M. Cork, MEO – listed as on “TP” (JPB and Ruperti); also Ms. Cork, AIF Nursing Service, last seen Pom Pong island (ALFSEA); almost certainly these references are to Nurse Hetty Corke, Australian, below
CORKE –; Miss Hetty Corke, aged 38 years, is listed as having been on the “TP” ( list of civilians on “Kuala” and TP” at PRO); also ALFSEA list Ms. H. Corke as having boarded the “TP”; Nurse Hetty Corke, MAS, parents live in Australia. Died on “TP” (C973) and also (CWGC)
COSMACK – C. H. A. Cosmack, Ipoh ( Inglis list at PRO)’ actually probably Mr. C. H. K. Cormack, of Ipoh who arrived in Bombay from Ceylon ( Archives list of people arriving Bombay from Ceylon)
COWARD – Miss Coward on “Kuala” (Ruperti); Ms. B. Coward, QAIMNS, in London (ALFSEA)
COWARD – Miss Coward, QAIMNS. Alexander Hospital, Singapore “… not seen by any survivor since first attack on ship. Believed killed direct hit on cabin. Direct hit witnessed by survivors…” (Evans); Ms. L. Coward, QAIMNS, reported dead (ALFSEA); Sister Laura Coward, QAIMNS, #206068, died 14.2.42 (CWGC)
COX (BROKER) – seen on the “Kuala” (CAS) – not clear whether this is a name, or a broker named Cox; interestingly a Mr. C. Cox, Government Officer, Singapore embarked on a ship from Padang on 1.3.42; this points almost certainly to it being Charlie D. Cox, stock & share broker, C.D. Cox & co., 33 Mercantile Bank Building, Singapore, who lived at 30 Orange Grove Road, Singapore who did evacuate from Padang on the Hobart on 1.3.42 to Colombo and Bombay, post war he had an association with J. M. Sassoon & Co , he retired to Penang and died there in the 1960’s(JM Evacuees).
CRAIG – Miss Craig, “boarded “TP” (STF); also Miss Craig (youngest) seen on Pom Pong island (CAS); CRAIG – Miss,”...sister of Dr. Craig MEO, Education Dept, Singapore...” – listed as on “TP” (JPB), who must be the same person as, Miss Agnes Beatrice Craig, B.A. /LLB. Aged 37 years, (from New Zealand with British nationality), b.1905. Daughter of Dr. George Craig of Sydney, Australia – died on “TP” (C1042) and (CWGC); also Dr. Agnes Craig – from NZ, Lady Medical Officer, Women’s Hospital, Kuala Pilah, NS. (MVG); must also be “Nessie” Thompson, sister of Dr. Florence Craig and Dr. Tessie Thompson ( see below for both)
CRAIG – “…I came to lying on a sack on the beach of a small island, Pulu Medan, …lying alongside was a lady doctor, gravely wounded poor soul, by blast….next evening we went to Senayang…the sorely wounded lady doctor (I think her name was Miss Craik) died after intense suffering most bravely borne…this poor lady lies at rest in a pathetically lonely grave on one of the small islands of the Rhio Archipelago…” (H. Scobie Nicholson diary IWM) Dr. (Miss) died at Dabo (STF); also “…one Dr. died on an island later” (IWML); also “..Dr. Craig died on Senejang after rescue from Pom Pong Island (IWM-S); also Dr. (Miss) Craig died Sinkiep (CAS); however there is no CWGC listing of her death; Dr. Florence Eileen Craig – from NZ, Lady Medical Doctor, Taiping. Sister of Dr. Tessie Thompson and Ms. Nessie Craig – died of wounds on Senejang Island 17.2.42(MVG); also “of the 75 to 100 persons accommodated at Senejang, about 75 percent were wounded. On 17.2.42 Miss F. Craig (Dr.) died of Tummy Blast. I believe she was a New Zealander and had two sisters nursing in Malaya…” (I. G. Salmond report at PRO); Dr. Craig, Edu. Dep’t., died 17.2.42 buried Senejang (ALFSEA)
CRAWFORD - Mr. Crawford, Capt. in the Mysore, ex FMSVF planter. Capt. Crawford was with a major 2i/c of the Mysore in Malaya. Went to Java (Ruperti) – see below
CRAWFORD – Ms and Mr. Crawford, (as above) …went to java…” (Ruperti); Mrs. D. Crawford, Johore, “…believed lost…” (STF); “…reached Australia…” (MVG); Mrs. Dora Crawford, believed from Sungei Patani, seen Padang ( passenger list at PRO)
CRISP – Albert Ernest Crisp, British. B.1879. Volunteer Force. Husband of Margaret Kate Crisp. – died around sinking of “Kuala” (C1027); Albert Ernest Crisp, Volunteer, of Goswells, Western Australia, husband of Margaret Kate Crisp – he died around the sinking of the “Kuala” (CWGC); one report has him lost on the “Redang”, another as in “War Taxes” on “Giang Bee “ (BPPL); almost certainly the Deputy Collector General( Income Tax) , Straits Settlement ( book ”Singapore Tragedy” p.264); “…died 14.2.42 and his wife Margaret in 1957…” (website of Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter day Saints); also he was reported presumed dead in 1946 by the Missing Persons Bureau, Colonial Office , Singapore :…Mr. Albert Ernest Crisp, Collector of war tax, Singapore who was known to have been on the Kuala…”( STA 29.5.46)
CROWE – Dr. (Miss) Elsie Crowe, Singapore,”…reached Sumatra…” (STF); also Dr. Mrs. Crowe (Head Injured) seen Sawalentoe (CAS); Dr. Elsie Crowe confirmed at length in IWML record; to UK on “Antenor” (ALFSEA)
CURTISS – Mrs. Connie Curtiss, wife of Brigadier Curtiss, wounded by shrapnel on Pom Pong Island. Remembered by Brenda Macduff as an older woman in Internee hospital in Padang who was very nice. She died in captivity in Padang in 1942 from Tuberculosis (IWMDM); “…Mrs. Curtiss, the wife of Brigadier Curtiss, had been on the “Kuala” and, when I left the broom cupboard on the ship, she went in, but in spite of putting a bucket on her head when the bombs fell, she got a piece of metal behind her ear which destroyed her balance. Brenda and I became very fond of Connie Curtiss, who was much older than us. Connie spent a lot of time polishing a coconut shell with a piece of broken glass, intended for a pipe ashtray for her husband. After the war, he received it…” (IWMDM); Mrs. M.M. Curtis, Ridley Park, Military, see Sawalentoe (CAS); a reference to her husband is “Curtiss A. D. Brigdr. H.Q. POW…” (BPPL); “…Mrs. Curtiss, suffering from abdominal pain…Connie Curtiss was kept under observation. I found her an old copy of the London Illustrated News which I gave her and she was thrilled to see her two sons in a group of paratroopers on one of the pages. Some Japanese officers straight from Japan came to see her and told her that her husband was a prisoner in Japan, and that he had sent her fifty dollars. She had to sign for the money but never received it. Soon after she experienced a violent attack of pain. All we had was some heroin and a few hours later she died …” She had died from TB.(IWMDM); also Mrs. Margery M. Curtis – Barlow, British, aged 55 years of 4 Cornwall Alexandre, Singapore listed as in the British Women’s camp in Padang and transferred to the Mission complex , Padang on 24.6.43 and listed as deceased on 5.10.43 ( Mr. H. van den Bos) – there is no explanation for the variance in the dates of her death