Passengers and Crew

Presumed Dead
Died During Internment
Presumed to have Survived (known to have survived the sinking, but nothing further known)
fate not known
DALGETTY – Mrs. Hannah Wiggott Dalgetty, British, wife of Mr. Robert Simon Dalgetty, Engineer, Austral Tin and an internee in Changi – died around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC) and (C1104)’ Mrs. Hanna Dalgetty, aged 46 years,( List of civilians believed to have been on Kuala at PRO); also she and her daughter were reported presumed dead by the Missing Persons Bureau, Colonial Office, Singapore in 1946 “ …Mrs. Hannah Waggott Dalgetty and Miss Yvonne Dalgetty, wife and daughter of Mr. R. S. Dalgetty, reported to have been on the Kuala…” (STA 29.5.46)
DALGETTY – Miss Yvonne Dalgetty, daughter of Robert and Hannah Dalgetty – died around sinking of “KUALA” (CWGC) and (C1103)
DARLINGTON – Nurse, killed by bomb on board (IWM- S); Sister (Miss) Darlingtons (sic), T.T.S., seen on “Kuala” (CAS); Nursing Sister Elizabeth Darlington, British, died on “TP” (CWGC); also Irene Eliz. Darlington “...interned ex S.S. Kuala...” ( list of civilians on “Kuala” at PRO); ALFSEA says she boarded the “TP”; Sister I. E. Darlington (QH)
DA SILVA – Miss Aurea da Silva, Medical Auxiliary Service swam to shore during the bombing and later met up with a friend from her schooldays, a Miss Clio Pattara. Clio’s mother, Mrs. Pattara was on the other side of the island with another daughter (Ino) who had been wounded and recalls Aurea and Clio going in search of food but a passing ship ( the “TP”) picked them up and they were never seen again ( Singapore Medical Journal, account of his life by Mr. L. S. da Silva , retired Pathologist and what he had learned from Mrs. Pattara after the War about Pom Pong Island)
DAVIES – Mr. D. J. Davies, PWD (PWD list at PRO); he is mentioned in a report as “…On the 16th February, D. J. Davies and three others arrived in a prahu from a small island to which they had drifted…” ( DIGEST of Williams, O’Grady and Inglis reports , Report No. 3, Malayan Research Bureau); Captain D. J. Davies, FMSVF, Attached SRE (V), aged 37 years, Engineer PWD ,HQ, Kuala Lumpur, then British Sumatra Battalion, OC Party May 1943 – July 1944, “Br G3 Bur/V” emplaned Singapore 12 .19.45 (MVDB): so Captain Davies appears to have been captured in Padang and possibly a POW on the Burma Railway
DAVIES – “Mr. J. G. Davies, PWD, missing after bombing at Pompong” (PWD list at PRO); also “…Davies J. G. PWD left drowned…” (BPPL); John Glover Davies, BSc. Asst. Engineer PWD, State Engineer Kelantan. Major FMSVF. Wife Nancy Elisabeth – he was lost at sea on “Kuala”(MVG); also recorded on PWD list at PRO; also Major John Glover Davies, SSVF., aged 39 years, husband of Nancy Edith Davies ( nee Shakespear) of Kuala Lumpur died 14.2.42 (CWGC); Mr. and Mrs. Davies lived in Kota Bahru when the war came and Nancy Davies had left for Australia by flying boat on 9.1.42 (FTB)
DAVIES – Mr. and Mrs. Davies, Eastern Smelting (CAS); Mr. and Mrs. Davies, Eastern Smelting, Penang. Wounded, seen in Colombo. Now in England (Ruperti); also recorded as “…Davies , one of our whom you have met – they lived in front of my house in Penang – and his wife had two days on a raft at the end of which three of them were left of seven and Davies was delirious…” ( D. Mackay report No 2 Malayan Research Bureau, CO 980/217); an email in 2009 from their granddaughter ( Mrs. Deline Roberts, Wales) says that they boarded a raft during the bombing and after several days adrift were picked up by the patrol boat “ Kingfisher” and taken to a hospital in Tembilan( sic) , then Rengat and finally Padang. Evacuated on the destroyer “Scout”, transferred to the “Danae” and reached Colombo, Durban and the UK. Settled in South Wales.
DAVIES – Sister N. Davies, QAINMS, #206982, listed as last seen Singkep island in 1943 and POW (CAS); Miss N. Davies, QAIMNSR, Alexander Hospital, Singapore “… last seen Sinkep (sic) Island by members of QAIMNSR…” (Evans); Naomi Davies was rescued from the sea at Pom Pong Island by Raymond Frazer and with 30 others (including Arthur Ross of the PWD and Dr. Thompson who were rowing) in a lifeboat reached a small sand island near Pom Pong island, within a day or so they were taken with some Chinese women (probably also possibly the same person as ??? ) by Chinese fishermen to Singkep ( McCormick); also “…a young Army Nursing sister, Naomi Davis, who right through the three and a half year internment looked after Jean, a pretty half-European half - Chinese girl..” which is recorded about a Sister Naomi Davis in Fraterhuis Camp, Padang in 1942 (BMP); the girl referred to appears to be Jean Duncan ( see below); to UK on “Antenor” (ALFSEA); Naomi Davies later married John Hedley, Planter and Malayan Volunteer who with some other young men had made his own heroic contribution to saving evacuees in a small launch between Dabo and Sumatra
DAVIS – seaman on “Kuala” ( I. A. Inglis list PRO)
DAVISON – Mr. W. L. Davison, PWD (PWD list at PRO); also W. L Davison, Volunteers, Superintendent Workshops, PWD Kedah, arrived Colombo 10.3.42 on “Chitral” and reached Bombay (MVDB and CO 980/7); also it appears listed incorrectly as “… last seen Pom Pong Island…” (ALFSEA)
DAWSON –The Hon. J. I. Dawson, Guthries , Singapore listed as on the “Kuala” (ALFSEA); John Ivo Dawson, aged 54 years, British, husband of Ethel Dawson, Marchmon , Edinburgh – died around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC); also
DAWSON – Mrs. I. Dawson, husband Guthrie & Co., Singapore, injured and reached Pom Pong Island (Ruperti) – this is presumably Ethel Dawson mentioned above?
De AMBROSIE – Miss de Ambrosie. MEO. – listed as on “TP”(JPB); Sister (Miss) D’Ambrisie, G.H. seen on Pom Pong island (CAS);Ms. J. E. de Ambrosi, Nursing Sister, boarded the “TP” (ALFSEA); Miss J. E. de Ambrosie ( British) died on “TP” (C109); also Miss Jean Emily Henrietta De Ambrosi , aged 35 years on the “TP” ( list of civilians on the “Kuala” and the “TP” at PRO); Miss. J. E. de Ambrosi, civilian, daughter of Mrs. E. de Ambrosi of Chiswick, Middlesex – died on 17.2.42 in sinking of “TP” (CWGC)
DE BROISE / DE AMBROSIE/DU BROISE/DU BROYCE – “…Miss Joy De ‘Broise, (16 years), (her aunt killed on the “Kuala”), in England, father and mother in Singapore…” (Ruperti); also “…Miss Du Broise embarked on a ship from Padang on 1.3.42…” (ECEP); Miss Joyce de Broyce, was listed on the “Kuala’ and reached Bombay (CAS); in fact this is Miss Joyce de Broise, the niece of Mrs. Dorothy Brett (who lost her life on the “TP”) , she survived the sinking, left Pom Pong island with the Hartley brothers on a fishing boat, escaped safely with them from Padang to Ceylon on the “HMAS Hobart” then England , after the war she married one of the brothers of the Brett boys ( possibly Cyril Brett ) in the UK and perhaps moved to Western Australia ( Kenneth Hartley “Recollections”)
DELDRIDGE – seaman on “Kuala” ( I. A. Inglis list PRO)
DE MALMANCHE – Sister Marjorie de Malmanche. Survived sinking and reached Sumatra ,only to be captured in padang and interned in Bankinang camp (IWMDM)
DENNISON – Miss Dennison was on the “Kuala” (Ruperti)
DE PIRO – Joseph William de Piro, aged 48 years, British, husband of Emily Louise de Piro – died around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC); Mr. J. W. de Piro was a leading figure in Singapore commerce, society and golfing as evidenced by the fact that in 1930 he was a Director and Deputy Chairman of McAlister’s and then during 1936 he had been appointed a Justice of the Peace, also the Honorary Consul of Finland in Singapore, and the Chairman of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce. In 1939 he was appointed a Member of the Legislative Council. (Straits Times)
DE SOUZA – Miss Z. de Souza, Singapore – listed as on “TP” (JPB and Ruperti). Probably the same family (one of the children?) as ,
DE SOUZA – Cissy Catherine de Souza, ( British) died around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC); Mrs. Cecelia “Cissy” de Souza and six children – with the exception of Marie (below) they all died around the sinking of the “Kuala” (MVG)
DE SOUZA – Marie de Souza, 25 years of age, daughter of Mrs. C.C. de Souza (above) survived and interned in Sumatra (MVG)
DE SOUZA – child of Mrs. C. C. de Souza – died around sinking of “Kuala” (MVG)
DE SOUZA – child of Mrs. C. C. de Souza –died around sinking of “Kuala” (MVG)
DE SOUZA – child of Mrs. C. C. de Souza – died around sinking of “Kuala” (MVG)
DE SOUZA – child of Mrs. C. C. de Souza – died around sinking of “Kuala” (MVG)
DE SOUZA – child of Mrs. C. C. de Souza – died around sinking of “Kuala” (MVG)
DICKSON – Nurse R. H. Dickson last seen Singkep Island then interned and possibly died in internment (CAS); also Miss Dickson Sister “…18 hours Davo…” (CAS); Sister R. H. Dickson was either a QAIMNS or TANS nurse who lost her life (QH); Ruth Dickson died at age 50 years in internment at Palembang, Sumatra (JM)
DIMMOCK – Mr. E. M. Dimmock, PWD ( PWD list at PRO); this is Edmund Newey Dimmock, Senior Engineer, PWD who reached Padang and evacuated to India on 2.3.42 ( JM evacuees)
DOCKER – C.E. Docker, Singapore (Inglis list at PRO); also “…Docker C. E. C&W Padang…” (BPPL), Mr. Docker had tried to evacuate Singapore with other C & W staff on the “Grasshopper” but had been delayed at the docks and had boarded the “Kuala” with Mr. Joyce, they later caught up with other C & W staff after the sinking when they reached Sinkep Island ( John Robins, C & W , diary); Mr. Docker, Cable & Wireless, safe (ALFSEA) also Mr. Dicker ( Sic?) , E. E. T. Co, reached Pom Pong Island (ALFSEA); Mr. C. E. Docker, aged 47 years, of Cable & Wireless was interned in Bankinang Men’s Camp, Sumatra ( Mr. H. van den Bos)
DOCKER – Mrs. Docker, Cable & Wireless , safe (ALFSEA)
DOIG – Mr. T. D. Doig, PWD (PWD list at PRO); Lt. T. D. Doig, Volunteers, FMS. Government factory PWD, arrived Colombo 10.3.42 on “Chitral” ( MVDB & CO 980/7); and listed as RNVR ( ALFSEA)
DOMBY – Miss Domby on “Kuala” (Ruperti)
DONALD – Mrs. Donald, Kuala Lumpur. – listed as on “TP” (JB); also Mrs. K. L. Donald listed on “TP” ( list of civilians on the “Kuala” and the “TP” at PRO)
DONOUGH – Mrs. Donough “…18 hours Davo…”; see also Miss Perera as possibly being the same person(CAS); Ms. H. H. Donough reached Padang (ALFSEA)
DORRITY – Mr. G. O. Dorrity, British, - died around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC); Dorrity (senior) missing at Pom Pong (passenger list at PRO); somewhat at odds with this is the ALFSEA record at the immediate conclusion of the War is “…MR. G. O Dorrity, PWD, reached Padang…” so there was clearly some question here; also “… Dorrity G. O. ex PWD left with Wynne NEI?...” (BPPL); [possibly connected here is Deputy Inspector Melvin Llewellyn Wynne, SS. Police Force, who died 4.4.42 (CWGC) – there is a contemporary record that Wynne died around 4 – 8. 4. 42 of dysentery at Pladjoe near Palembang (BPPL)]; Mr. Geo. O. Dorrity was a long term resident of Singapore and possible World War One veteran - he is noted in 1914 as having arrived on a steamer in Singapore and also that year being a guest at dinner with Tunku Abu Bakan of Trengganu (Straits Times)
DORRITY – (junior) seen in Bombay (passenger list at PRO); also possibly the same person “… Dorrity J. D. Peng Kallan GMT Tempy ??? POW left Devonshire…” (BPPL); Captain J. D. Dorrity, who was an Immigration Officer, Perlis, evacuated on 1.3.42 from somewhere in Sumatra on “HMS. Dragon” and then 3.3.42on “HMS Hobart” from Padang to Colombo. He later became a member of Force 136 and was infiltrated back into Malaya in April 1945 (MVDB and Moffatt); by 1949 he was Administrative Officer, Sarawak (Straits Times)
DOUGHTY – Mrs. & Misses (2) Doughty, Ayer Molek, on the “Kuala” (CAS); Mrs. Daughty (sic) KL on “Kuala” (Ruperti); Mrs. “…Reached Sumatra…” (STF); a Mrs. Doughty was listed as “...last heard of in the NEI…” (MRB 2/42); Mrs. L. Doughty, aged 59 years of 12 Rifle Range Road, Kuala Lumpur, and recorded as Indo-Eng ,was listed as interned in the British Women’s Camp at Padang and being moved to the Mission complex on 24.643 ( Mr. H. van den Bos); at the end of the war “Mrs. L. Doughty in Singapore” (ALFSEA); one daughter survived the sinking with her,
DOUGHTY - Miss Alice Doughty; Miss .A. Doughty, aged 36 years of 12 Rifle Range Road, Kuala Lumpur, and recorded as Indo-Eng, was listed as being in the British Women’s Camp in Padang and moving to the Mission Complex I on 24.6.43 (Mr. H. van den Bos); Ms. A. Doughty , teacher, in Singapore (ALFSEA); Miss A. M. Doughty retired in 1961 as Supervisor of English teaching in the state of Selangor (Straits Times); sadly Mrs. Doughty’s other daughter was killed ,after the war there was an article in the “Straits Times “ on the book by Captain Jennings “Ocean without Shores” whish records seeing in Padang “ … Miss Doughty of Kuala Lumpur accompanied by her sister, who had the misfortune to have her leg amputated and who later died…” STA 1.10.??); and her sisiter
DOUGHTY – Miss J. Daughty (sic) good swimmer, leg injured and amputated on Pom Pong (Ruperti); Miss Janet Lucille. Age 34 years.”… Young school mistress form Malacca; suffered both legs injured and one amputated on beach at Pom Pong Island; died in Padang on night of 17.2. 42…” (IWMDM); also Janet Lucille Doughty, aged 34 years, daughter of Lurline Doughty, Rifle Range Road, Kula Lumpur, died 16.2.42 (CWGC); Note : the last three above all stayed in the Hospital at Savoe Loentoe (Ruperti)
DOUGHTY – “… Doughty R. L. S.S. / R. E. bvd. Drowned…” (BPPL) this may be another member of the Doughty family – in fact Mr. Doughty could be the interpretation - on the “Kuala” but there is no direct information link and he could have been on another ship,
DOWLING – Miss N. G. Dowling, QAIMNSR on “Kuala” (Inglis list at PRO); Miss. G. QAINMS. escaped ( STF); she was picked up (with Benda Macduff and 75 others) by Captain Bill Reynolds in his requisitioned Japanese fishing boat “…by great good fortune Sister Dowling was among those picked up and was, with the medicaments we had brought along, able to give the badly wounded some measure of comfort…” ( letter from Capt. Bill Reynolds 16.5.43); Gwen Dowling, QAINMS – from Australia reached Padang and evacuated with six other nurses including GARVIN (SIA); Sister Dowling gave evidence to 1943 inquiry (CAS); Dowling, QAIMNSR. 20th General Hospital, “…now stationed at Quetta…” (Evans)
DOWN – Mrs. J. Down, Singapore (Inglis list at PRO)
DUFF – Miss M. D. Duff, Nursing Sister, General Hospital Medical Dept., Alor Star, Kedah. Killed by enemy action on Pom Pong Island 14.2.42 (MVG and CWGC)
DUKE – Duke, Optician, was on “Kuala” (ALFSEA); Duke, Optician – last seen on “Kuala” (Mrs. E. Cross at PRO); this is John Duke, FBOA, and Optician of Singapore. He lived at 12 Battery Road, Singapore and is also recorded as evacuating on the “HMS Grasshopper” which was sunk and he received wounds. He reached Padang and then Ceylon on the “SS. Palopo” finally rejoining his wife in Capetown ( JM Evacuees)
DUNCAN – Mrs. Violet Duncan (British/Eurasian) – died around sinking of “Kuala” (C1342); in fact it is also recorded that “…Jean Duncan’s mother and two little sisters were amongst those who thankfully went aboard (The “TP”). That grieving mother would never know that her eldest daughter had survived the wreck of the “Kuala” (QH)Mrs. Violet Duncan, applicant for PODC was Mr. W. W. Duncan, c/o Municipal Secretariat, Singapore (PODC); mother of to young daughters ( less than eight years of age ) who were ,
DUNCAN – Clare Barbara Duncan (British/Eurasian). – died around sinking of “Kuala” (C1336) and (CWGC); Clare Barbara Duncan, applicant for PODC was Mr. W. W. Duncan, c/0 Municipal Secretariat, Singapore (PODC); the sister of
DUNCAN – Sheila D. Duncan, (British/Eurasian) - died around sinking of “Kuala” (C1341) and (CWGC); Sheila Duncan, applicant for PODC was Mr. W. W. Duncan, c/o Municipal Secretariat, Singapore (PODC); this was the family of :-
DUNCAN – Miss Jean Duncan, whilst on Pom Pong Island Oswald Gilmour says “…I spoke to little Jean Duncan… she was 11 years old …her mother had been killed while embarking at Singapore and she had continued the journey in someone else’s care…” (STF); child born 1933.; almost certainly the daughter of the abovementioned Mrs. Violet Duncan, on “Kuala” and listed as interned in Padang but with no other Duncan adult listed as interned in Padang (C1338); the child in Padang and Bankinang internment camps (only British child in these camps remembered by Brenda Macduff) who was taken under the wing of Army Nurse Naomi Davis who cared for her during the rest of the War and reunited the child with her natural father after the War in Singapore (BMP).; also Miss Jean Elizabeth Duncan aged 8 years, believed to have reached Singkep ( passenger list at PRO); also Jean Duncan evacuated Feb 1942. Ship sunk. On Senajang Island (which is near Pom Pong island) (MVG); Miss Jean M. Duncan, aged 10 years of age, of Balmoral Road, Singapore , was listed as interned in the British Women’s camp in Padang and moving to the Mission Complex on 24.6.43 ( Mr. H. van den Bos); also Miss J. M. Duncan, child, to UK on “Ranchi” (ALFSEA); in fact the story comes together in “Quiet Heroines” where it is recorded that she had been taken a board a crowded lifeboat and swept far away from Pom Pong island whir the boat made a landing at night on the uninhabited island of Kebat and the party of thirty nine went ashore “…close by Sister Davies’ side lay an unattended little girl of eight years old. Jean Duncan’s Scottish father had stayed to fight for Singapore when the child was put on board the “Kuala”. In the confusion of the shipwreck, Jean had become separated from her Chinese mother and two baby sisters. Arthur Ross pulled her from the water and Naomi Davies took upon herself the responsibility for the child, a trust she was to keep until the end of the war. Both survived Bankinang camp and Jean eventually trained to become a nurse. Naomi Davies became godmother to her first child...”(QH)
DUNCAN – Miss Duncan, Sister in Law of Mrs. Law. Teacher, Penang - listed as on “TP” (JB and Ruperti); (Note: Mrs. Elizabeth Law is also a casualty listed below); possibly same person as Miss Robina DUNCAN. b.1888, civilian , aged 54 years, daughter of Charles and Mary Duncan, Broughty Ferry, Angus – died in sinking of “TP” (CWGC) – died on “TP” (C1340) and (CWGC); ALFSEA also state Miss R. Duncan, teacher, Penang boarded the “TP” ; Ms. Robina Duncan , Headmistress, Wellesley Primary School, Sister of Mrs. law – lost at sea 17.2.42 (MVG)
DUNLOP – Mrs. Dunlop, she “…died within minutes of my getting into (life) boat …” i.e. at Pom Pong Island (Sister L. M. Hartley in “SIA”); Mrs. Doreen Violet DUNLOP, QAINMS. Nursing Sister – lost on “Kuala” (MVG); Mrs. Dunlop, nee Bedford, of Sungei Patani believed killed (passenger list at PRO); Sister (Mrs.) Doreen Violet Dunlop, QAIMNS, aged 40 years, #363771, wife of Major Louden Dunlop of Sungei Patani, Kedah – she died 14.2.42 (CWGC); also “…wife of Dr. Alexander Dunlop, Physician. Capt in KVF and Major, RAMC. Estate MO. Of United Palani Estates. Mrs. D. V. (Dunlop) left on Kuala, Interned at Palembang..”- this is would seem to be an incorrect record from POWs during the war (MVDB); there is also the reference “… Dunlop Dr. A L Selan B AU POW…” (BPPL)
DUNN – Mr. D. J. Dunn, PWD (PWD list at PRO); Lt. D. G. Dunn, Volunteers, Engineer PWD, arrived Colombo 10.3.42 on “Chitral” (MVDB & CO 980/7); also on ALFSEA list
DUTHIE –Mr. D. H. H. Duthie ,aged 42 years, an Importer was interned in Bankinang Men’s camp, Sumatra and died on 9.5.45 ( Mr. H. van den Bos);a post war record indicates that he was on the “Kuala” and states”… Mr. D. H. Duthie died 8.5.45 at Bankinang…” (ALFSEA)
EAMES – ALFSEA list states that Mrs. Eames and child were on the “Kuala”, viz. Mrs. W. Eames with child Shirley to UK on “Antenor” after the surrender of the Japanese(ALFSEA); Mrs. Wilhelmina van der Straaten Eames, aged 33 years was interned in Bankinang Camp (C1378); and it is also recorded that Irene Shirley Eames aged 3 years was interned in Padang ( C1377); Mrs. Wilhelmina Eames , Indo-Eng and aged 33 years of age is listed as interned in the British Women’s Camp and moving to the Mission Complex on 24.56.43 ( Mr. H. van den Bos); also Frederick Robert Benn Eames ( tin miner/engineer) was interned in Changi (C1376) - they were married in 1935 and Mrs. Eames had been the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P.E. van der Straaten ( see the two van der Straaten families below); she had boarded the “Kuala” with her daughter, Shirley, and her sisters-in-law Sybil Eliot van der Straaten and Molly Madden van der Straaten who also had their children with them. Wilhelmina was one of 12 children in the large and popular van der Straaten family in Kula Lumpur – their family life was busy, social and the children experienced a very happy existence in the pre – War years. Wilhelmina had worked in an accountant’s office in Singapore prior to the war and her marriage and, as did most vivacious and social young women at the time, danced at Raffles and attended the society events such as the races. The family recounts that she even encountered and danced with the Prince of Wales during his state visit to Singapore. She was a slim, petite, and charming young woman with an engaging smile and a tendency for thoroughly modern dress fashions. She married the young Englishman Benn Eames in 1936 after a long engagement. They moved into special quarters at the mines and enjoyed the typical expatriate life of a household supported by a cook, a syce, a gardener and an Amah. More often than not the whole family (except children) would go dancing at the Bukit Bintang dance Hall and the Selangor Club – this was a large widely related family which enjoyed each other’s company. Grandfather van der Straaten was proud of his Dutch ancestry and the family tree was housed in a long metal container along with his cherished coat of arms. When the Japanese invasion occurred the family went to stay with the Newmans in Singapore. Grandfather van der Straaten took his large family to the docks and waved them off – Wilhelmina did not know that this would be the last time she would see her father who would later die in internment just a few weeks before the end of the war. This researcher has been privileged to learn of the experiences of Wilhelmina and Shirley and is able to quite the following account of what happened after the bombs hit at Pom Pong Island “… the Captain was ordering everyone to leave the ship. He saw mum hesitate ’Jump or I’ll have to push you’, he shouted. Mum could not swim but she prepared to jump. The three women elected to jump together. At the last minute, Dickie (Newman) threw Mum a child’s lifejacket. Sybil turned to Mum and said ‘Where’s a man when you need one’. Mum turned to me and told me to hold tight, then she closed her eyes and jumped into the sea. Sybil, a strong swimmer went next carrying Bill; Dickie Newman held Sally Ann, and someone took Michael from Molly. That was the last Mum saw of her sisters- in-law. The currents were so strong we were swept right away from the sip. She (Wilhelmina) remembered the fear and the cold, being so completely at the mercy of those waves… She could not see her sisters-in-law, was just aware of screams as people thrashed about in the water. Some had lost their minds, believing they were still in Singapore and trying to hail a taxi. We drifted further and further. Only my lifejacket kept us afloat. As the day progressed the screams and shouting grew fainter… We floated, just the two of us, when Mum heard her name called, ‘Mina, Mina’. She thought she was hallucinating when a figure bobbed up. It was Millie Hartley, Mum’s cousin. Millie was a strong swimmer, but both her legs had been injured [by bomb blast or shock}. She got Mum to put her legs on top of Millie’s injured ones, and the three of us floated together…We floated on and I sang all the while, every song I knew… as the day went on Mum became convinced we were going to die. ‘At least we will go together,’ said a defiant Mille. Darkness was falling with no sign of rescue. I’d overheard them talking. ‘We are not going to die’; I promised’ Jesus will send us a boat’. I fell asleep. When I awoke it was very late evening…’I called out there is a boat’ and there was, just a sampan rowed by Malay fishermen. We were hauled out of the water, and with several others who had been rescued, were taken that night to a small fishing village with houses built on the water on stilts…”. Wilhelmina and Shirley recuperated and then spent weeks travelling from island to island and then crossing Sumatra. Sadly they arrived too late to be evacuated and were interned firstly in Padang and then in the Bankinang Women’s Internment camp. Both survived the war to return to the UK and then later Kula Lumpur before finally settling in the UK. Wilhelmina Eames passed away in 2004 after a long battle with cancer ( Correspondence between Shirley Eames and the researcher)
EAMES – Miss Shirley Eames, aged 3 years; Miss Shirley Eames, aged 4 years of age of “Shirley”, Pahang Road, Kuala Lumpur was listed as interned in the British Women’s camp at Padang and moving to the Mission Complex on 24.6.43 (Mr. H. van den Bos); Shirley Eames had been born at the Bungsar Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, the only child of Frederick Robert Benn Eames and Wilhelmina van der Straaten. Robert Eames was a mining engineer with Renong Tin. She was a year older than her also two year old cousin, Sally Ann van der Straaten, who lost her life after the sinking of the “Kuala”( Correspondence between Shirley and the researcher).
EASTWET? – officer on “Kuala” ( I. A. Inglis list PRO)
EDWARDS – Mrs. Edwards, senior (CAS); also
EDWARDS – Mr. & Mrs. Edwards and children (2) on “Kuala” (CAS); also a record of “…Edwards L left 10/2 with wife & 2 granddaughters & Miss C. E. Edwards for Java…” (BPPL) but this does not say on “Kuala and it could be a confusion with the story of Mr. C. P Edwards who escaped from St. Johns Island on 16.2.42 with his Mother (aged 62 years) and his two daughters - they reached Java (MVG)
EDWARDS – Miss Edwards on the “Kuala”, (CAS)
EDWARDS – Mrs. Edwards – listed as on “TP” (JPB); also “…Japanese observers came over so I took cover in a cubby hole with Mrs. Edwards wife of an estate agent who I had known in more peaceful times as a charming hostess. With the all clear we emerged….Mrs. Edwards reached Pom Pong and left in the ill-fated Tanjong Pinang I much grieve to learn…( H. Scobie Nicholson diary IWM 96/19/1); also Mrs. Edwards, wife of Tommy Edwards, Auctioneer, Singapore (passenger list at PRO); possibly the same person as,
EDWARDS – Mrs. D. Edwards (British), wife of A. T. Edwards, Liphook, Hampshire – died on “TP”(C1406) and (CWGC); Mrs. Dora Edwards is also listed on the “TP ( list of civilians on the “Kuala” and the “TP” at PRO); Mr. Edwards was a civilian Internee and worked in Board of Trade Shipping Control (MVG);
EOH SE DHOH? – Mr. Eoh Se Dhoh ( Inglis list at PRO)
EOH SE DHOH? – Mrs. Eoh Se Dhoh ( Inglis list at PRO)
EOH SE DHOH? – children , must be at least two children ( Inglis list at PRO)
ESPIE – Mr. J. R. Espie, PWD ( PWD list at PRO); Lt. J. R. E. Espie, Volunteers , Assistant engineer PWD Central Branch, arrived Colombo 10.3.42 on “Chitral” ( MVDB & CO 980/7)
ESSON/ESSEN – Mrs. Margaret Esson, MAS. (British), b.1903. - died around sinking of “Kuala” (C1539); also Mrs. Essen (sic), MAS, on “Kuala” (CAS); however in fact Mrs. Esson boarded the “TP”; Mrs. Esson, Bousteads. – listed as on “TP” (JPB and Ruperti). Superintendent Margaret Esson, age 30 years, wife of W. H. Esson - died on “TP” (CWGC); also Mrs. Margaret Essen matron of an M.A.S. Hospital and wife of Mr. W. H. Essen, reported to have been on the Tanjong Pinang and also on the Kuala but there is no evidence of transshipment…” was reported presumed dead by the Missing Persons Bureau , Colonial Office, Singapore (STA 29.5.46); Mr. W. H. “Krupp” Esson had been a awarded the Military Cross and in 1940 was a Major and Commander of the Penang LDC, he was the Penang Manager of Bousteads and became an internee in Changi,. After the war he returned to the position of Manager of the Penang branch of Bousteads and he died there in 1948 aged 57 years (MRB and “Straits Times”)
ESTROP – Miss Estrop, a Eurasian from Kuala Lumpur. Changi internee Thomas Kitching records that the “Syonan Times “ ran a story on 10.10.42 how she had been on the “Kuala” , had survived on a raft, had been rescued by Chinese fisherman and returned to Malaya (TKD p.191); also Miss Estrop, Pabang (?), seen on “Kuala” (CAS); also from the “Syonan Times’ 10 October 1942 is reported that Mrs. D. J. Estrop ,formerly staff nurse attached to Raub Hospital had returned to Kuala Lumpur after eight months .She reports having been on the “Kuala” when it sank and drifted on a piece of wood before being saved by Chinese fishermen. She eventually reached Rengat and then Singapore (copy of “Syonan Times” article); interestingly, if it is the same person, there is the contradictory record of “… Mrs. L. Estrop (Raub) left on “TP” (Ruperti) and this is in fact possible since there was another nurse by the name of Choong Kwee Cheo who died survive the “TP” sinking and made her way back to Singapore; also Miss L. J. Estrop, nurse in Ipoh (ALFSEA)
ESTRY – Estry (? Estrop) L.(Miss) ( list of people believed to have been on “Kuala” at PRO)
EUSTACE – Lt. Commander Owen Henry Eustace, MRNVR, (HMS. Laburnum and HMS Sultan), 47 years of age, MD .ICI Malaya, captured Padang 17.3.42, Changi Southern Area 1.4.42, , 5.11.42 to Chungkai, Wan lung etc( MVDB ); also Lt. Comdr. O. H. Eustace in UK (ALFSEA)
EVANS – Miss P. Evans, QAINMS? Noted as on “Kuala” (STF);Miss W. A. Evans, QAIMNS, embarked on a ship in Padang on 1.3.42 (ECEP); Sister Margaret A. Evans, QAIMNS, reached the Sisters Mess, British G. Hospital, Mhow, India by 28.5.42 and submitted a written report on the “Kuala” (PRO WO 361/.462); Sister (Miss) Peggy Evans, Q.A., gave evidence to 1943 inquiry after reaching Bombay(CAS); also listing of Mr. and Mrs. Evans left S’pore 10th and made it to Colombo(CAS)
EVELING/EVELINGS – Miss Ethel Eveling, aged 28 years of age and described as Indo-Eng, of 12 Indian General Hospital, Tyersall Park, Singapore, is listed as interned in the British Women’s Camp, Padang and moving to the Mission Complex on 24.6.43 ( Mr. H. van den Bos); Ms. E. K. Eveling sis listed as having been on the “Kuala” and at the end of the war to Madras on “Felix Roussel” (ALFSEA)
EVENNETT – Ivy Grace Evennett, British– died on “TP” (C1567); Ivy Grace Evenett – died around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC); (Miss) Evennett also on Inglis list at PRO; she was born in 1890 at Stoke Newington, London
FALLOWS – Albert Edward Fallows, PWD. Executive Engineer, HO., Selangor. Major FMSVF. Buried at Pom Pong Island after being killed by a bomb after swimming away from the “Kuala”( Captain David Nelson records from Changi); also “Mr. A. E. Fallows, PWD, killed and buried on Pompong( PWD list at PRO); Major Albert Edward Fallows, FMSVF, aged 44 years, husband of Sarah Mary Fallows of Bournemouth, Hampshire he died 14.2.42 (CWGC); there is also (unlikely) a mention that he might have died on the “SS. ROOSEBOOM” (MVG)
FALLOWS – Mrs. Sally Fallows, reported lost on the “SS. Rooseboom” but was apparently listed as living in Bournemouth in her husband’s death notice – this could have been a misunderstanding and she presumably survived(MVG)
FARQUHARSON – Mr. Farquharson was a very successful member of the Singapore Police – from at least 1923 until the Fall of Singapore, he was appointed an Inspector in 1923 and by 1924 was in charge of the Weights & Measures section, after that a Court Inspector and awarded the King’s Medal for Bravery in 1932. he is noted in the social pages of the Straits Times in 1936 as embarking on the “Gorgon” on leave for Australia with his wife and three children (Straits Times); Mr. F. Farquarson (sic), Police Retd., on “Kuala” and died in Padang 31.7.42 (ALFSEA); Mr. F. Farquharson, aged 55 years of age, Policeman, was interned in Bankinang Men’s Camp , Sumatra and died on 31.7.42 (Mr. H. van den Bos); Frank Farquharson, aged 52 years, Straits Settlement Police, husband of Hilda Farquharson of South Perth, Western Australia died on 31.7.42 (CWGC); it therefore seems highly likely, but unproven at this stage , that his wife was also on the “Kuala” viz,
FARQUHARSON Mrs. Hilda Farquharson, aged 47 years and described as Indo-Eng, of 397 New Bridge Road, Singapore was listed as interned in the British Women’s camp, Padang and moving to the Mission Complex on 24./6.43 ( Mr. H. van den Bos); given that there appears to have been three children it seems likely that the following person may have been one of their daughters ( and possibly another unaccounted for?) killed in the sinking of the “Kuala”,
FARQUHARSON – Ms. J. Farquarson on “Kuala” (ALFSEA); but appears that her brother survived with their mother as follows,
FARQUHARSON – Master Ian Farquharson, aged 10 years, of 397 New Bridge Road, Singapore and described as Indo-Eng, was listed as interned in the British Women’s Camp, Padang and moving to the Mission Complex on 24.6.43 ( Mr. H. van den Bos)
FAWCETT – “…the Brigadier was asked to take the service when the two bodies killed on board while leaving Singapore were buried at sea ’..a terribly raw and bare funeral..’, I thought…” (Major George Richard Storry, IWM 01/34/1); “…senior officers, Army and Air force, were also included[in the evacuees on the ship] amongst whom was Brigadier General Fosset (sic) who had lost three fingers in the bombing .He nearly passed away…” ( edited account of “Kuala” sinking related by Lt. Franklin Caithness to the late Cdr. H. V. Creer, RAN – Naval Historical Society of Australia); “…FAWCETT BRGDR? WOUNDED NEI…” (BPPL);”…Brigadier Fawcett, badly wounded, was dragged out of the water [by McHugh] and put on the “TP”…” (J. N. McHugh report, Malayan Research Bureau papers, CO 980/217 National archives Kew0); “Brigadier Fawcett…presumed lost at sea while on his way from Singapore to India to take up his appointment as Director of Military Operations there. However, later evidence suggests that his boat was wrecked on a small island where he and his companions were discovered by the Japanese and killed…” (Roll of Honour, Sedburgh School, Cumbria – where Brigadier Fawcett had been a pupil); Brenda Macduff recalls a very senior, wounded, Army person insisting on getting on the “TP” because he had to get to Sumatra on important military business (BMP); Brigadier Walter Lindley Fawcett, MC., General Staff, Commands and Staff, 9th Gurkha Rifles ( formerly 2nd Battalion), aged 46 years, husband of Margaret Fawcett of Dunstone, Yealmpton, Devon – he died 13.2.42 (CWGC)
FEAKES – Mr. G. J. Feakes, aged 49 years of age, of Cable & Wireless, was interned in Bankinang Men’s Camp, Sumatra ( Mr. H. van den Bos); a post war record indicates that he had been on the “”Kuala” and states “…Mr. C. J. FEAKES in Australia …”(ALFSEA)
FINCH – Mrs. Daisy Winifred Finch, Auxiliary Medical Service, b. 1894 (British).(C1645) Wife of John Colin Finch, civilian internee - she died around sinking of “Kuala” ( CWGC)
FINLEY – Nurse M.R. Finley – listed as missing 1943 .Fate unknown(CAS); Sister Margaret Raven Finley, QAIMNS, aged 31 years, #206153, daughter of Harry and Lilian Finley – she died 14.2.42 (CWGC)
FISHER – Sister (Miss) Fisher seen on “Kuala” (CAS); possibly two people by this name; Sister Heather Fisher was an Australian, had worked at Batu Gajah Hospital, Ipoh, and was also interned in Bankinang Camp (with Drs Crowe and Lyon, Sister Macduff etc) and nursed in that camp (BMP); there is a question however over whether this Miss Fisher was in fact on the “Kuala” since Marjorie de Malmanche states in her diary”… Miss Fisher was a little older than the rest of us and was very senior in the Colonial Service. She had left Singapore on a gunboat – Grasshopper I think, commanded by Captain Hooper, RNVR. They were shelled and the Captain had to beach the vessel. Casualties were heavy and Miss Fisher received the OBE after the war for her services during and after the action….” (IWMDM) Nurse H. V. Fisher, Perak, recovered Padang (ALFSEA)
FISHER – Nurse D. R. Fisher, in South Africa (ALFSEA)
FLINT – Mr. and Mrs. Flint seen on “Kuala” (CAS); almost certainly the Flinter’s below
FLINTER – By 1930 Moritz Flinter had established himself as a well known diamond merchant in Singapore. In 1925 he was living at 3 Mount Sophia. (Straits Times); Mr. M. Flinter, Diamond merchant, is listed as “…last seen in the NEI…” (MRB 2/43); Moritz Flinter survived the bombing of the ‘Kuala’ and made it to Pom Pong island…he returned to the UK on the ‘Orantjes’ and later returned to Singapore in 1946 to resume his diamond business…” (Family account on ‘Singapore Evacuation 1942’ website); Mr. Moritz, A. Flinter Ltd., Penang. Reached Chilichap, DEI. Retuned to Malaya in 1946 (MVG); Mr. M. Flinter to UK on “Orantes” (ALFSEA); he was the husband of,
FLINTER – Mrs. Lucy L. Flinter, British, wife of Mr. M. Flinter of Singapore – died around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC); Lucy Flinter “…was killed in the first wave of bombing ( family account on ‘Singapore Evacuation 1942’ website) however there remains a contradictory record of “…Mrs. Flinter left on the “TP” (Ruperti)
FONSECA/FONSOKA/FONSEKA – Miss Fonseka is first recorded by G. J. O’Grady of the PWD who was pulled onto a raft after being three hours in the water. The raft supported two European nurses, both wounded, Two Indian nurses, one named Miss Fonseka and two wounded soldiers…the raft drifted ashore on the same uninhabited island as O’Grady swam to the following day after earlier leaving the raft ( G. J. O’Grady, report No .3 Malayan Research Bureau); also “Miss Fonsoka… IMNS., ?18 hours Davo…” – the meaning is not clear of this latter statement (CAS); there is also a record of Miss Phyllis Fonseca, aged 26 years of age and described as Indo-Eng, of the 20th Combined General Hospital, Gillman Barracks, Singapore, as interned in the British Women’s Camp, Padang and being moved to the Mission Complex on 24.6.43 ( Mr. H. van den Bos); during 1942, Father Louis Ashness, a Eurasian priest from Malacca (at the time) recorded in his papers (now in IWM) that he visited an estate [it is the researchers’ best guess here that he is referring to Phyllis Fonseka];
“…saw one ‘Phillis’, MAS nurse, not able to get home from Singapore. Had left on the Kuala with other MAS. Into the sea with a life belt and clutching a log. Drifted away from the others. To island, fell unconscious. Corpses in the sea – some she knew. Fishing boat refused rescue. Elderly Javanese rescued her in the evening and took her to his house. She said next three days a blank. Englishman came to the hut, said someone would come for her but they had 1000s of casualties on the island so he didn’t know when. No one came. A fisherman agreed to row her over to the island but he was an opium addict and fell asleep halfway. But a boat came by with a Britisher, B….from the MCS. To island. Many people missing. Dutch sent a launch, so to Singkap (sic) and interned there. Women used as waitresses in the officers’ mess. Japs okay. In the end those born in Malaya were returned to Singapore…”
FORDHAM – Mr. J. M. Fordham, PWD ( PWD list at PRO); J. M. Fordham, Engineer Volunteers, Executive Engineer Marine PWD; arrived Colombo 10.3.42 on the “Chitral” (MVDB & CO 980/7)
FORGIE – Miss M. J. Forgie, MEO Malayan Nursing Service, General Hospital – listed as on “TP” ( JPB and Ruperti) ; Sister ( Miss) M. J. Forgies (sic), G.H., seen on Pom Pong Island (CAS); Nursing Sister Mary Johnston Forgie (Miss), age 34 years, British, daughter of J. A. Forgie, Lumsden, Aberdeenshire – died on “TP” ( CWGC)
FORREST -”...Donald Stewart Forrester (sic), (Age 8), son of Mrs. Barkley by her first husband, last seen with 10 other children drifting on raft from “Kuala”…” (Ruperti); Master D.S. Forrest, last seen on raft (ALFSEA); Donald Steward Forrest, British, son of G. S. Forrest – died on 14.2.42 around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC); - it is possible there is some confusion between this person and the following Forresters,
FORRESTER – Mrs. Marion Digby Forrester, aged 51 years was on the “Kuala”. Her son Daniel went missing around the sinking of the “Kuala”. She reached India (MVG)
FORRESTER – Master Daniel Forrester went missing around sinking of “Kuala” (see above)
FOWLER – Miss Fowler, QAIMNS. Alexander Hospital, Singapore “…seen by members of QAIMNS, on island after shipwreck. Evacuated from island on “TP”. Not since heard of…” (Evans); Nurse M. H. T. Fowler - listed as missing in 1943 and as having been on the “TP” (CAS); Sister Marjorie Helen Taylor Fowler, QAIMNS, aged 28 years, daughter of John and Mennie Fowler of West Lewinson, Inverness-shire – she died on 17.2.42(CWGC)
FRANKLIN – Miss. Nursing Sister (STF); also Miss John Franklins (Fiancé Frye) (CAS); also Miss J. Franklin, Singapore General ( Inglis list at PRO); Miss Franklin arrived in Bombay from Ceylon ( Archives list of people arriving in Bombay from Ceylon)
FRAZER – Raymond Frazer, Aircraftsman, 250 AMES (Air Ministry Experimental Station), RAF, Singapore was in a group of about 20 AMES personnel who were ordered to board the “Kuala” and go to Java to establish a Radar station. He talked of being asked by civilians to load their luggage and golf clubs onto the “Kuala” but since no one was meant to be taking luggage aboard they politely just dropped all this surplus baggage over the side of the ship. When the bombers attacked at Pom Pong island he was swimming to shore and found a lifeboat where he was immediately joined by Arthur Ross, PWD and together they rescued over 30 people - Frazer swam from the lifeboat 40 times to bring another person on board. Some had already died. During this process he rescued Sister Naomi Davies and Dr. Margaret Thompson; the latter bravely joined the rowing of the lifeboat despite a serious wound in the buttocks. That group ended up on a small island near Pom Pong Island from where they were rescued the following day by Chinese fishermen hailed by two young Chinese women. They were taken to Singkep and he eventually reached Padang too late to be evacuated. He became a POW in Burma and survived the War. Whilst a POW he learned that he had been awarded the British Empire Medal for his bravery in rescuing people at Pom Pong Island. Raymond returned to the UK after the war and passed away in 2002 ( McCormick)
FRENCH – W. R. French, Pensioner, Burmah (sic) (Inglis list at PRO); Mr. French (Eur) was seen on Sinkiep (CAS); also two references in (BPPL) “…French Ang/Ind Burma Padang w and daughter?... “and “…French W. Ang.Ind Killed Kuala w. (Burmese) at large Palembang…”; so it is highly probable that Mr. French’s wife was on the “Kuala” and survived to reach Palembang and Padang
FRENCH – Mrs. French, Burmese , reached Palembang ( by deduction); Ms. M. French was on the “Kuala” (ALFSEA); this is possibly the tall thin ‘Siamese “ woman who became Janet Lim’s friend in the book “Sold for Silver
FRENCH – Miss French, daughter of above ( by deduction)