Passengers and Crew

Presumed Dead
Died During Internment
Presumed to have Survived (known to have survived the sinking, but nothing further known)
fate not known
JACKSON – Mrs. Jackson died on the “Kuala” ( Mrs. E. Cross at PRO); Ms. Jackson died on the “Kuala” (ALFSEA)
JACQUES –Mrs. Jacques , mother of Mrs. Stafford, on “Kuala” ( passenger list at PRO); Mrs. Jacques seen on Pom Pong Island (CAS) ; and Mrs. Jacques, Taiping. “…boarded ‘TP’ …“(STF); Nurse (Mrs.) Kathleen Jacques, born 1892. – died on “TP” (C2490); Nurse Kathleen Jacques, VAD., age 50 years , (British), wife of Eric Taylor Jacques – died on “TP” (CWGC); Eric Taylor Jacques was in the MRNVR and Manager, Malang Estate, Perak, also an internee in Changi and Sime Road (MVDB) – perusal of the “Straits Times “ archives confirms that Mr. & Mrs. E. T. Jacques, did work and live on Malang Estate as far back as 1926 and their daughter Diana married Mr. C. U. Stafford in 1937 bringing together two of Taiping’s oldest European families – see Stafford below
JAMBU – Mrs. Jambu, civilian – died around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC); also Mrs. A. Jamba, Singapore on the “Kuala”(Inglis list PRO)
JANSON – Mrs. and two children, listed as on “TP” (JPB)
JANSON – child (see above)
JANSON – child (see above)
JAKEO – Mrs. Jakeo, husband was planter, Perak. – listed as on “TP”(JPB) - this is very possibly a misspelling of the name “Jago” or “Jageo” or “Jacques”
JEAVONS – Mrs. Kathleen “Peggy” Jeavons. Noted as being on Pom Pong Island. Reached Australia, Capt David Nelson records as on “Aorangi”, wife of Mr. A. C. Jeavons (MVG);Mr. A. C. Jeavons, Customs, was an internee in Changi (MRB)
JENKINS – Dora Jenkins. (British) b. 1901. – died around sinking of “Kuala” (C2530); Mrs. Dora Jenkins, age 41 years, wife of William Edward Jenkins, Gaol House, Changi. - died around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC); however, there is a contradictory record “…Mrs. Jenkins left on “TP”” (Ruperti)
JENKINS – Sister Jenkins, QAIMNS, #208541, reached Sinkep Island and then Sumatra ((WO 361/462); Sister K. M. Jenkins listed as POW in Sumatra in 1943 (CAS); also Miss Jenkins “…18 hours Davo…” (CAS); Sister K. M. Jenkins became interned in Bankinang camp and survived the war (QH); listed as one of the camp hospital team in the Fraterhuis and Bankinang camp by Marjorie de Malmanche(IWMDM)
JEWKES – (Dato) Stanley Edward, aged 31 years, PWD Engineer. Lt. in FMSVF Engineers.. Reached Padang, then Colombo on 10.3.42 on “Chitral” and finall
y India where he joined the Indian Army engineers. Currently living in Florida. (MVG and MVDB and CO 980/7); also on PWD list at PRO and in BPPL; also “Indian Engineers” (ALFSEA)
JOACHIM (sic?) – Mrs. Taiping – listed as on “TP” (JPB)- see JOAQUIM below
JOACHIM (sic?) – Miss. Taiping. – listed as on “TP” (JPB) – see JOAQUIM below
JOAQUIM / JOAQUIN – Mrs. Joachin(sic), Taiping, & daughter left on the “TP” (Ruperti); ; also listed as Mrs. Marie A. Joaquim, aged 52 years on the “TP” ( list of civilians on “Kuala” and “TP” at PRO); Mrs. M. P. Joaqui(m), wife of B. J. P. Joaquim – died in sinking of “TP” (MVG); finally M. P. Joaquim , civilian - died in sinking of “TP” (CWGC); Mr. J. P. Joaquim, Federal Motors, was listed as “…last seen in the NEI…” (MRB 2/43), then in 1944 was listed as an internee in Changi (MRB); also “Joaquim J. P. Fed. Mtrs. (BML) POW…” (BPPL)
JOAQUINM / JOAQUIN – Miss Francis Joaquim, aged 32 years, was on the “TP” ( list of civilians on “Kuala” and TP” at PRO); F. Joaquin, civilian – died in sinking of “TP” (CWGC)
JOHNSTON/JOHNSON – Mr. G. A. Johnston, aged 39 years of age, employed by the Chartered Bank , was interned in Bankinang Men’s Camp, Sumatra (Mr. H. van den Bos); a post war record indicates that he had been on the “Kuala” and states”…Mr. Johnson, banker, to UK on “Antenor”…”(ALFSEA)
JOHNSON – Capt. Johnson ,Retd., on ”Kuala” (ALFSEA)
JOHNSTON – Mr. G. A. Johnston, to UK on “Antenor” (ALFSEA)
JONES – Mrs. Evelyn Amanda Jones, mother of Mrs. .Hartley and family mentioned above, had been collected by her grandsons from their home at Utan Melintang and driven to Tapah to join up with the wider family group before heading for Kuala Lumpur by road, at Pom Pong island she boarded one of the lifeboats with Kathleen Hartley and her grandsons but then with her daughter abandoned that life boat because it could not make headway away from the burning, sinking ship. Because of the strong currents she drifted apart from her daughter and grandsons and never made it to Pom Pong island but was instead later picked up by local fishermen with Milly Hartley and taken to an inhabited island off Sumatra; she was interned ( possibly initially at Muntok but definitely in Padang and then Bankinang) and on 1.1.44, aged in her mid seventies, died in Bankinang camp of dysentery and malnutrition ;another reference suggests about four to six months before the end of the war ( grandson Kenneth Hartley’s “recollections”
JONES – Mrs. Jones and child, husband Borneo Motors, left on “TP” (Ruperti); Mrs. Jones, C/- Borneo Motors. – listed as on “TP” (JPB); Mrs. P. Jones, wife of N. R. Jones. – died on “TP” ( CWGC); also listed as Mrs. Phyllis Jones, aged 30-35 years, on the “TP” ( list of civilians on “Kuala “ and “TP” at PRO); Mrs. Phyllis Jones, was the wife of Norman Jones, Manager of Borneo Motors in Kuala Lumpur, and the sister-in-law of Mrs. Kathleen Hartley, she survived the sinking of the “Kuala” and were in the Hartley/Jones family group on Pom Pong Island , the Phyllis with her daughter Evelyn boarded the “TP” (Nephew Kenneth Hartley) and her daughter,
JONES - child. – listed as on “TP” (JPB); Jones aged 4 years – died on 14.2 42 on “Kuala” (CWGC); however it seems clear that this is Evelyn Jones aged 4 years and the daughter of Mrs. Phyllis Jones above who boarded the “TP” with her mother (nephew Kenneth Hartley); there is a record at the CWGC of the next person who could be a confusion between Evelyn and her grandmother Evelyn Amanda Jones (above)?,
JONES – E. A. civilian, son (sic) of N. R. Jones and P. Jones – died on “TP” (CWGC) this is an error on the part of the CWGC since Phyllis and Norman Jones had only one child, a daughter as listed above (nephew Kenneth Hartley)
JONES – Miss Jones, Singapore. Noted as being on the “Kuala” – fate unknown (STF); also Miss K. Jones J.B. (CAS); also Miss A. Jones, J.B. Hospital (Inglis list at PRO) ; also Miss Jones ( Perak) Eur seen at Singkep (CAS); a Miss A. Jones arrived in Bombay from Ceylon ( UK Archives list ) - not a member of the Hartley/Jones family group
JONES – Ms. T. Jones (British). b.1918. – died around sinking of “Kuala” (C2603); probably the same person as Mrs. Jones, civilian, age 24 years – died around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC) – not a member of the Hartley/Jones family group
JONES – Miss. W. M. Jones, civilian ( British), daughter of Mrs. A. Jones, Barbourne, Worcestershire – later died on “TP” (CWGC); also Miss Winifred May Jones listed as being on the “Kuala” ( list of people believed to have been on the “Kuala” ); the same person as Ms. Winifred Jones , Nursing Sister, Colonial Service – died on “Kuala” (MVG); also Miss Jones, nurse, died on “Kuala” (SIA); also Sister W. Jones , Pekan Kuantan, seen on “Kuala” (CAS) – not a member of the Hartley/Jones family group
JONES – an Australian nursing Sister who swam back to the “Kuala” 18 times to save people (IWMDM); also Sister Ada Jones, Australian and by her account the only surviving Australian, who escaped to Western Australia (news paper cutting held by Deb Ford, Queensland); also Miss A. Jones, Civilian Nursing Sister, embarked on “Dragon” from Padang on 3.3.42 (ECEP)
JONES – Dr (Miss). (STF); possibly the same person as ,
JONES – Matron Jones, QAIMNS, Principal Matron of Eastern Command, Alexander Hospital, Singapore “…not seen by any survivor since first attack on ship. Believed killed direct hit on cabin. Direct hit witnessed by survivors…” (Evans); Matron Violet Maud Evelyn – died on 14.2.42 (WNSF); Matron Jones, Alexandra Hospital (IWM-S); there is one contrary but unsubstantiated record in the Changi Museum website “...Ms. V. M. E. Jones, (British). QAINMS, died on “TP”...” (C2605); Matron Jones had the task of ordering the remaining nurse to leave Singapore on the “Kuala” (BMP); Matron Principal Violet Maud Evelyn Jones, RRC, QAIMNS, aged 51 years, #206238, daughter of Thomas and Rebecca Jones, died 14.2.42 (CWGC)
JORDAN – Mr. S. A. Jordan, PWD ( PWD list at PRO); Captain S. A. Jordan Volunteers, Executive Engineer, Segamat, he reached Padang then India (MVDB)
JOYCE – C. N. W. Joyce, Singapore ( Inglis list at PRO); Private Charles Norman Wishart Joyce, 1st Btn. ,Scottish Company, SSVF and an employee of Cable & Wireless (MVDB); he had tried to leave with other C & W staff on the “Grasshopper” but was delayed on the docks, with Mr. Docker , also of C & W. he was on the “Kuala” and then caught up with other C & W staff on the island of Sinkep on 21.2.42 ( John Robins, C & W diary) ; Mr. Joyce was in the group with Messrs. Feakes and Riviere of C & W., and Messrs Potts and Brewer in the small boat operated by Parsons, Poole and Hedley between Dabo and Tembilihan (STF); Mr. C. N. W. Joyce died Padang on 15.4.43 (ALFSEA); Mr. C. N. W. Joyce , aged 52 years, of Cable & Wireless, was interned in Bankinang Men’s Camp, Sumatra and died on 15.3.42 ( Mr. H. van den Bos);
KEIR – Miss Anne Keir, MEO. Malayan Nursing Service, General Hospital – listed as on “TP” (JPB and Ruperti); Miss Annie Carmichael Keir , SNR, CMB, age 31 years, daughter of David & Mary Keir, Milnathert, Kinrossshire – died on “TP”(CWGC)
KELLY – Mr. R. P. Kelly, PWD ( PWD list at PRO); Captain R. P. Kelly, SSVF, Executive Engineer, South Kedah PWD, arrived Colombo 10.3.42 on “Chitral” (MVDB & Co 980/7)
KELLY –Sid Kelly, a water engineer boarded the “Kuala” with his good friend of twelve years, Oswald Gilmour (STF); S. N. Kelly, M. S. P. Eng., seen on the “Kuala” (CAS); also Mr. S. N. Kelly seen on Pom Pong Island, England (CAS); Captain Sid N. Kelly, 1st Btn SSVF, Singapore Fortress RE (V), #13195, Assistant Water Engineer (Supply) Singapore Municipality. Reached Padang( MVDB)
KERR - Mrs. Kerr, nee Fowler-Wright (CAS)
KEY – Miss Key, Penang. (STF); Miss Keye, Teacher , Penang, (CAS); also Miss Key , Education dept. ( passenger list at PRO); Miss W. J. key, Education dept arrived in Bombay from Ceylon( UK Archives list of people arriving in Bombay from Ceylon)
KING – Mrs. Colin King– boarded “TP” (STF); wife of Rev. Colin King, Penang, listed as on “TP” (JB and Ruperti); Mrs. Leonora King, age 32 years, MAS., wife of Rev. Colin King – died on “TP” (CWGC); Rev. Colin King, Educ. Penang, was listed as an internee in Changi in 1944 (MRB)
KING – seaman on “Kuala” ( I. A. Inglis list PRO)
KITCHEN – Mrs. Kitchen, Singapore – “…boarded “TP”... “ (STF); presumably the same person as,
KITCHING – Mrs. Nora Kitching, age 45 years, Nurse, wife of Thomas Kitching (who died in Changi) – died around sinking of “Kuala”(CWGC); Mrs. .Kitching was also a Nurse and her story is covered in Thomas Kitching’s diary whilst he was interned in Changi (TKD); Mrs. Kitching is recorded as having been on the “Kuala” ( list of people believed to have been on the “Kuala” at PRO); – if Oswald Gilmour is correct in STF, Mrs. Kitching actually embarked on the “TP”; this is also corroborated in a passenger list at the PRO which states Mrs. I. Kitching, wife of T. Kitching ,Survey dept ( left Pom Pong on SS Tanjong Pinang)
KLASSEN – Miss Hilda. General Hospital , Singapore – listed as on “TP” (JPB and Ruperti); also Sister ( Miss) Klassen, S/N/, N.K. seen on Pom Pong Island (CAS); Nursing Sister H. Klassen, British, - died on 17.2.42 in sinking of “TP” (CWGC)
KLIENMAN – Mr. D. H. Klieman (sic) (died of injuries) tennis player (CAS); also “… Kleimann D. H. died? Bvd? Daboh Salmond…” (BPPL); also Kleiman – believed to have died in Dabok (sic means the town of Dabo on Singkep island) hospital (list of passengers known to have left on “Kuala” prepared by T. P. Sundaran, Malayan Representative in India, Bombay, 16.10.45); David Henry “Jimmy” Kleinman, Managing Director, Queen’s Ltd., Singapore (formerly an Assistant with John Little & Co.) whose wife may have been Emily Kleinman. Aged 52 years at the time of the evacuation. He had been a champion tennis player and Hon. Sec. of the Malayan Tennis Assn. Lived at 3 Prince Street, Singapore. He appears to have also left Singapore at the same time as his stenographer, Miss Esther Brisk, who recorded that he was badly injured in the bombing at Pom Pong Island – one of his arms was blown off. He died of wounds at Dabo on 21 2 42.Recorded at Kranji cemetery.( Moffatt)
LAFFAN – Mr. L.A. Laffan, PWD ( PWD list at PRO); Captain Leonard Arthur Laffan, Executive Engineer Balang Padang, arrived Colombo 10.3.42 on “Chitral” (MVDB & CO 980/7)
LANDON – Mrs. Pen Landon. Nurse, MAS. – later died on the “TP” (grandson David Wingate); also Mrs. P. M. Landon, Slim River ( Inglis list at PRO)
LAZAR/LASAR – Miss Beatrice Lazar , aged 29 years , described as Indo-Eng, of 27 Indian General Hospital, Gillman Barracks, Singapore, was listed as an internee in the British Women’s Camp, Padang and moving to the Mission Complex on 24.6.43 ( Mr. H. van den Bos); also Ms. B. Lasar, IMNS was on the “Kuala” (ALFSEA)
LAURIE /LOWRIE– this is in fact Ellen “Paddy” Lowry ( see below); Miss Laurie, G.H., seen on Pom pong Island (CAS); “…Miss Lowrie (Irish) from General Hospital…” was seen on Pom Pong island by Captain Briggs of the “Tien Kwang” ( CO980/217,MRB report No. 23 by Captain Briggs 12.8.42)
LAW – Mrs. (sister of Miss Duncan) teacher, Penang – listed as on “TP” (JPB); Mrs. Elizabeth Law, age 59 years, widow of William Law – died on “TP” (CWGC); also Mrs. E. Law, Alex. Hospital ( Inglis list at PRO)
LE BLANC SMITH – Sister Beatrice Le Blanc Smith – survived the sinking of the “Kuala” but later died after sinking of “TP” .She had managed to get on a life raft after the “TP” was sunk, but died on the raft ( “Angels Under Fire”); also after the “TP” had sunk “…amid the terror stricken spillage in the sea Margot[Turner] and another QA [Beatrice Le Blanc Smith] tied two rafts together and swam about until they had brought sixteen people together, six of them children and two of these babies under one year old. By dawn two women had gone. The other Sister, Beatrice Le Blanc Smith who had concealed a terrible wound, died in the afternoon and by the next morning still more had slipped away…” (WBTW); she was also listed as missing having boarded the “TP” (CAS); Sister Beatrice Le Blanc Smith, QAIMNS, 1st Malayan General, aged 31 years, #206286, daughter of Frederick and Gladys Le Blanc Smith of Wargrave - On –Thames, Berkshire – she died on 18.2.42 (CWGC) which indicates she actually survived the sinking of the “TP” and was on a raft for a day.
LEE – Mr. D.C. Lee, Singapore ( Inglis list PRO) ; however this is specifically contradicted (by Wang) who recorded that Mr. D. C. Lee went on the “Chin Kwan” ( Tien Kwang” ) with him,
LEE - Mrs. D. C. Lee, Singapore ( Inglis list at PRO) ; “all the women and children …in the group with Wang Hau-nan went on the “Kuala” (Wang) meaning Mrs. D. C. Lee and her children went on the “Kuala”; then “…I heard that Mrs. D. C. Lee … had been rescued by lifeboat…;in the morning of the 17th …I was told that the two little daughters of Mr. D. C. Lee were missing; the “…about the 20th all the survivors on Pompom island including Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Lee …were carried to a small seaport on the coast of Sumatra called Intergris (sic) by one small motor boat and four junks…”; “..I was informed that Mr. D. C. Lee with his wife had all gone back to Singapore…” (Wang); sadly by deduction it should be recorded that,
LEE – two daughters of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Lee died in the sinking of the “Kuala” (Wang)
LEE – Mrs. J. Lee was on the “Kuala” (ALFSEA) ” (Wang)
LEE – Mrs. Lee, husband managing Director of Chinese Insurance Co., remained at Perigi Raja (Ruperti) – this could be one of the people above
LEE SENG TEE – Lee Seng Tee, Singapore ( Inglis list at PRO)
LEEFE – Miss V. M. Leefe was either a Civilian or Colonial Nursing Service nurse (QH); Miss Violet Marie Leefe, civilian, aged 26 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Leefe of New Milton, Hampshire – died around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC)
LEGGATT – Mrs. Leggatt, escaped (STF); Mrs. M. Legget, Sg. Patani, (CAS); Mrs. .Leggatt, wife of Kulim Planter (proceeded to UK (passenger list at PRO); a relevant reference is “Leggatt E. Bkt. Merta Est POW…” (BPPL)
LEICESTER –Mrs. Leicester died on Pom Pong island as a result of injuries (Ruperti); May Valentine Leicester, civilian – died around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC); Mrs. May Valentine Leicester (nee Innes), wife of H.R. Leicester, c/o SHB. Auxiliary Police Mess, Singapore (PODC)
LEVER – Ms. M. Lever, Nursing Sister, on Pom Pong Island on 14.2.42, in India (ALFSEA)
LEWIS – Miss Doreen Lewis, aged 28 years of age and described as Indo-Eng, of 27 Indian General Hospital, Gillman Barracks, Singapore was listed as an internee in the British Women’s Camp, Padang and moving to the Mission Complex on 24.6.43 ( Mr. H. van den Bios); also listed as being on the “Kuala” was Ms. D. E. Lewis, IMNS, to India on Felix Roussel on 20 .9.45 (ALFSEA)
LIEN – Miss Lien on “Kuala” (Ruperti)
Li – Mr. Li , husband of Mrs. Ruth Li (see below)
LI – Mrs. Ruth Li of Singapore and her young children, Patsy Li and Lottie Li, were on the “Kuala” (ACOM); she jumped from the “Kuala” with both daughters but lost hold of Patsy almost immediately. Mrs. Li and Lottie floated for some hours at sea but as they were being brought aboard a lifeboat which found them the unconscious Lottie slipped from her grip and disappeared ( EFSGR)
Li – Patsy Li, six years of age, the daughter of Ruth Li, went missing in the sinking of the “Kuala” after her mother tied her to some wreckage as they were swimming to shore. The “Miracle” story (see book ACOM) was that she turned up several years later on Guadalcanal during fighting between Japanese and US troops and was identified through medical and dental records by Mrs. Ruth Li in 1947 in an orphanage and who took her back to Singapore. If true Miss Patsy Li now lives in the USA
LI - Lottie Li, a child of less than six years of age , daughter of Mrs. Ruth Li (above and ACOM ); tragically, Lottie drifted at sea for several hours in the arms of her mother but, lost consciousness and was lost when they were being brought aboard an lifeboat (EFSRG)
LIM – “…Johnny Lim of Ho Kong Co., boarded the “Chin Kwan” (“Tien Kwang”)… in the morning of the 17th…I was told that the whole family of Mr. Jonny Lim were missing…”(Wang letter); “…Mr. Johnny Lim, Ho Ho Bank and factory, and his six year old daughter, left for Sumatra and remained at Perigi…” (Ruperti); Lim Seow Chuan and baby, Singapore (Inglis list at PRO); Mr. Lim Seow Chuan ( aka Johnny Lim aged, 32 years, whose father was the owner of the Ho Hong Company, survived with his six year old daughter Serene Lim, but tragically his wife, son and older daughter lost their lives. He managed to return to Singapore and remake his life with his daughter (grandson Kevin Lee). Johnny’s account is included because his family were involved – see following,
LIM –Serene Lim, the six year old daughter of Mr. Johnny Lim (above) survived because she was taken by a man who was a family friend from the :Kuala” to Pom Pong Island, she was later reunited with her father, reached Perigi Raja and eventually travelled back to Singapore. After the War she became involved in ballet dancing and water skiing. She passed away in Singapore aged 32 years of age. Her son Kevin Lee has been able to provide some information on this family (son Kevin Lee).
LIM – Mrs. Rachael Lim (nee Rachael Y. H. Wong), wife of Mr. Johnny Lim (above) lost her life in the sinking of the “Kuala”. She was a ballet dancer prior to the war. As she was entering the sea from the “Kuala” a man she knew asked her to hand him one of her three children – she handed him the youngest one ,Serene, . Rachael then jumped into the sea with Sonny and Anita and apparently tied then selves together with some floating object. She was pregnant at the time and, despite being a good swimmer, she was swept by the strong currents out to sea with her two children. After the war Johnny Lim returned to Pom Pong Island and neighboring islands but never found any information on Rachael and the two children ( grandson Kevin Lee)
LIM – Master Sonny Lim, aged about 9 years, son of Mr. Johnny Lim and Mrs. Rachael Lim (above) lost his life in the sinking of the “Kuala” ( nephew Kevin Lee)
Lim – Miss Anita Lim, aged about 8 years, daughter of Mr. Johnny Lim and Mrs. Rachael Lim (above) lost her life in the sinking of the “Kuala” ( nephew Kevin Lee)
LIM – Lim Chung Pang and family boarded the “Kuala” and reached Pulau Medan – Mr. Lim Chung Pang was rescued by a Chinese fisherman with many others and reached Pulau Medan but his wife and children were lost in the sinking of the “Kuala” (Wang); it may be the family included some of the following people,
LIM – Lim Chin Hiong, Singapore( Inglis list at PRO) – may be same family as below
LIM – Baby, Singapore ( Inglis list at PRO) – may be the same family as Lim mentioned below
LIM – Mrs. Lim , Ipoh – listed as on “TP” (JPB); with two children on the “Kuala” (Ruperti)
LIM – child, Ipoh – listed as on “TP” (JPB)
LIM – child, Ipoh – listed as on “TP” (JPB)
LIM – Sister (Miss) Grace Lim, N.G.H., seen on “Kuala” (CAS)
LIM – Sister Jenny Lim, Indian Military Nursing Service, 12 Indian General Hospital, daughter of Lim Thiang Liang of Singapore died 14.2.42 (CWGC); there is no direct reference to Jenny Lim actually dying on the “Kuala” but the date and IMNS fit with the people on the Kuala and also the reference by Janet Lim in her book as to her friend “Jenny” dying on the “Kuala’,
LIM – Nurse Janet Lim, author of “Sold For Silver” – badly injured by bomb blast, survived after drifting on a raft and landed at senajang Island, interned, post War Matron of St Andrews Mission Hospital (IWM-S)
LINDSAY – Mr. W. H. Lindsay, PWD (PWD list at PRO); also Major W. H. Lindsay was taken off Pom Pong Island on the ‘ex – Japanese launch’ (presumably Capt. Bill Reynolds “Ko Fuku Maru” ) and made it to Padang and Colombo (IWM 06/27/1); Major W. H. Lindsay, OBE., SSVF, #10674, Senior Executive Engineer, PWD., Pahang was evacuated to Padang and arrived Colombo on 10.3.42 on “Chitral” (MVDB & CO 980/7)
LIVINGSTONE – Miss M. Livingstone, MEO., Malayan Nursing Service , General Hospital – listed as on “ TP” (JPB and Ruperti); Miss Livingstone on “Kuala” (CAS); Marjorie, MAS.b.1902 – later died on “TP” (C3018); Marjorie Josephine Livingstone, Sister Malayan Nursing Service, age 40 years, (British), of Lower Swainswick, Bath, Somerset – died on “TP” (CWGC)
LOGAN –Miss Logan “…believed lost...” (STF); also Miss Logan (died on island) (CAS); Sister Grace Logan, (originally from the Western Infirmary, Glasgow,) made it to shore on Pom Pong Island but died later that day ( Greater Glasgow News March 2006); Sister Grace Logan injured on “Kuala” and died on Pom Pong Island 14.2.42 (CWGC); she was either a Civilian or Colonial Nursing Service nurse (QH)
LOH – Nurse Loh Meng Woo Lily, b.1916 – died around sinking of “Kuala” (C3014); also Miss Loh Meng Woo, K.K. Maternity Hospital ( Inglis list at PRO); Nurse Loh Meng Woo, Lily. Age 26 years, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Loh Lae Peng, 43 Beach Road, Singapore – died around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC); finally Lily Loh Meng Woon, daughter of Mrs. Loh Lai Peng of 43 Beach Road, Singapore (PODC)
LOPATECKI/LOPETACHI – Mr. L. E. Lopatecki, aged 34 years of age , A Rubber Chemist, was interned in Bankinang Men’s Camp, Sumatra ( MR. H. van den Bos);also “LOPATECKI L – LAYANG RE – PADANG…” (BPPL0; a post war record indicates that he was on the “Kuala” and states “… Mr. Lopetachi, Naval Base, to UK on “Antenor” …”(ALFSEA)
LORD – Miss Lord, Lady Member of IMNS, attached 27th G. Hospital “…not seen since shipwreck by any survivors…” (Evans); Sister Norine Thelma Lord, Indian nationality, Indian Military Nursing Service, #NZ 14287, daughter of Mrs. E. M. Tomlin, Karachi Cantonment, Pakistan, died 14.2.42 (CWGC)
LOW – Mrs. Grace Low, with four children. Head of Chong Hock School and a member of the MAS. Wife of Mr. N. I. Low, Head? Of Raffles Institution. She called in a passing Tongkang (junk) in an Amoy dialect and persuaded the captain to take Europeans as well as Chinese from Pom Pong Island. Eventually got back to Singapore.(NIL)
LOW – Miss Nancy Low, aged 12 years. Daughter of Mr. N. I. and Grace Low (NIL)
LOW – Miss Ethel Low. Daughter of MR. N. I. and Grace Low (NIL); in a post war (1946) newspaper article there is the report that then sixteen year old Ethel Low, daughter of Mr. Low Ngiong Ing, who was Assistant Supervisor of Chinese Schools in the Education Department, showed promise of developing into a very talented musician. She had been offered a scholarship to the American Conservatoire of Music at Peabody but her father wanted her to first have five years education in China before she thought of going to Europe or America.”…Ethel Low and her mother are among the survivors of the Kuala sunk off Pom Pom (sic) by Japanese bombers. After three hours in the water, they reached a small island from which they were taken to a nearby settlement by a firewood junk and subsequently came back to Singapore during the occupation…” (STA 22.9.46)
LOW – Miss Ruth Low, aged eight years Daughter of Mr. N. I. and Grace Low. (NIL)
LOW – Master Son, a male child Son of Mr. N. I. and Grace Low. (NIL);
LOW – Ms. F. Low, nurse, in Singapore (ALFSEA)
LOW – Sister R. E. Low was either a Civilian or Colonial Nursing Service nurse (QH); Miss Rosie Emily Low, aged 33 years of Alton, Hampshire – died around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC); Sister (Miss) Lowe, Penang, seen on “Kuala” (CAS);
LOWDON – Mrs. Lowden ( nee Miss Brow) , Colonial Nurse, left on “TP” (Ruperti); and ALFSEA records a Ms. M. L. Lowdon as being on the “TP” ; which contradicts Mrs. Marion Louisa Lowdon , aged 34 years, wife of David Lowdon of Abbey Wood, London – died around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC); interestingly Mr. D. Lowden, banker, reached Padang and embarked on a ship to safety on 1.3.42 so he might well have also been a passenger on the “Kuala”(ECEP)
LOWRY – Ellen “Paddy” Lowry, Colonial Nursing Sister, Singapore general Hospital, she survived the sinking of the “Kuala” but lost her life in the later sinking of the “Tandjong Pinang” (JM); see also the entry for Laurie and the fact that she was seen on pom pong island; Miss Lowry, MEO., General Hospital – listed as on “TP” (JPB); Miss Lowry, G.H., on “Kuala” (CAS); Nurse Ellen Carr Lowry – later died on “TP” (C3019); Ellen Carr Lowry, Nurse, British, Daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Lowry, Belfast, Northern Ireland – died on “TP”(CWGC)
LUNBERG – “…LUNBERG G. H. A. EURAS 2ND ENG KUALA NAF…” (BPPL); Tempy. Lt. George Henry Arthur Lunberg, RNR – died on 14.2.42 around sinking of “Kuala” ( NHN and CWGC)
LYDALL – Miss Lydall, child, at Padang February 1942 (ALFSEA); this could be one of the Liddlelow girls ( aged 13 and 17 years who were interned in Palembang – or another daughter who had become separated
LYE – Mr. D. H. C. Lye, Osborne and Chappell, in Australia (ALFSEA)
LYON – Dr. (Miss) Lyon, Johore Baru. Reached Sumatra (STF); Dr. Marjorie Lyon’s story is detailed in her document lodged with the IWM.
LUTIFF – seaman on “Kuala” ( I. A. Inglis list PRO)