Passengers and Crew

Presumed Dead
Died During Internment
Presumed to have Survived (known to have survived the sinking, but nothing further known)
fate not known
MACALISTER – Sister J MacAlister, “not identified “ as to fate (PRO WO 361/462); Jenny MacAlister was a Scots nurse from Seremban and in December 1941 was engaged to a planter , she was known to Phyllis Briggs and ended up in Palembang internment camp with Phyllis (PBD)
MACDONALD – Mrs. MacDonald, Singapore escaped. (STF); also Miss MacDonald, Sister MMS., seen in Bombay ( passenger list in PRO)
MACDUFF – Mrs. Macduff, Ipoh on “Kuala” (STF); Mrs. B. Macduff, QAIMNSR, ( Malayan Service EMNS) “… last seen by members of QAIMNS at Renjet (sic) ,Sumatra …” (EVANS); Nurse (Mrs. ) Brenda Macduff survived the sinking and was rescued with other nurses ( who had not gone on the “TP”) and men by Capt. Bill Reynolds on his fishing boat ( later to become the “Krait”) , she nursed a wounded servicemen across Sumatra only to arrive too late in Padang for evacuation. She was interned in Bankinang camp and survived the War (BMP); also Sister (Miss) Mcduff (sic), L.M.A., “Bengal” (CAS); Mrs. Brenda Macduff now lives in New Zealand.
MACFARLANE – Sister Olive MacFarlane, “killed by bombing of “Kuala” before ship left Singapore (BMP and IWMDM ) ; also Miss MacFarlane (killed at wharf) G.H., (CAS); buried at sea at midnight of 13.2.42 (IWMDM); Sister Olive Lees MacFarlane, age 27 years, Malayan Nursing Service, daughter of James and Annie Macfarlane, Cliffe – on Sea, Hampshire – died on the “TP” (CWGC)
MACGREGOR – Sister A. MacGregor, TANS, Alexander Hospital, Singapore “…not seen since taking to the water following the bombing of ship by any survivors…” (Evans); Nurse A. MacGregor, listed as missing in 1943 (CAS); Sister Annie MacGregor, Territorial Army Nursing Service, aged 33 years, # 213823, daughter of Donald and Mrs. C. MacGregor of Shiskine, Isle of Arran – she died on 14.2.42 (CWGC)
MACKAY – Mr. D. Mackay, of the Eastern Smelting Company, wrote a very detailed account of his experience on the “Kuala” (Report No 2, Malayan Research Bureau. CO 908/217) and ended up , despite having only one leg, swimming through the bombing at Pom Pong Island before finding a small row boat which he righted and then proceeded to tow a raft with some 14 people on it to an island some 16 miles away. He and the others were rescued by a Malay sampan and taken to Senajong (sic) where he rested for three days before boarding another sampan for Dappo (sic) the chief town of Sinkep (sic). . He reached Padang and on the 6 March boarded the “Palopo” for Colombo where he boarded a ship for South Africa; his efforts and courage despite having only one leg are also recorded by G. J. O’Grady, Report No.4, Malayan Research Bureau
MACKINNON – Miss MacKinnon, Matron, MMS ( list of civilians on “Kuala” and “TP” at PRO ); “…Ms, McKinnon, Colonial Nursing Service, wounded, last seen at Dabat …”(sic) (Ruperti); also recorded by G .J. O’Grady as being one of the nurses who worked tirelessly at Dabo under primitive conditions and lack of supplies; she was captured and ended up in Belalau internment camp on Sumatra’s west coast with Phyllis Brigg’s “…Miss MacKinnon had been assistant matron of Penang Hospital. She came from Edinburgh…she was tall and thin with long, black, untidy hair. She was one of those people who, whenever they are not well, refuse to say anything about it until just on the verge of collapse. She used to nearly kill herself with work and in the end she developed typhoid and very nearly died... Poor Mac was very kind and sincerely religious but she certainly was a trial to live with – with all her eccentric ways…” (PBD)
MACLEAN – Sister Lydia MacLean – see McLean below
MACMILLAN – Sister Nell Macmillan – see McMillan below,
MACPHERSON – Nurse Catherine MacPherson. She had trained at Middlesex Hospital with Brenda Macduff – “boarded the “TP” (BMP); “…left on “TP” ...“ (IWM-S); Nursing Sister Catherine Munro MacPherson, age 27 years, General Hospital ,Singapore, British, daughter of Lilian and Robert MacPherson – died on the “TP” (CWGC); also Kathleen Munro MacPherson, nursing sister, General Hospital, Singapore, who was reported to have been on either the Kuala or Tanjong Pinang…” was reported presumed dead by the Missing Persons Bureau, Colonial Office, Singapore in 1946 (STA 29.5.46)
MARSHALL – Chief Engineer, LT., RNR –the Chief Engineer in the crew of the “Kuala” survived sinking (WNSF); on Pom Pong Island “…he set about and built a canopy overhead [ the wounded in the jungle] using branches and vines for lashings, in order to protect the wounded from the heat of the sun’s rays and dampness during the night…” ( Lt. Caithness statement to Lt. Creer, RAN, Naval Historical Society of Australia )
MARSHALL – Mrs. E. A. Marshall , but listed as not passenger on “Kuala” (CAS)
MATHER – Mrs. Mather & child boarded “TP” (Ruperti); Mrs. Mather, Prisons Dept., Kuala Lumpur – listed as on “TP” (JPB); also L. P. Mather, female, b.1917, on “Kuala” (C3124); Mrs. Mather, civilian, British, age 25 years, died around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC); Mrs. Dorothy Louise “Cissie” Mather ( nee Hatton) was the wife of Mr. James” Jimmy” Mather, b. 1909, a Prison Officer at Pudu prison and who also became an internee in Changi, she was the daughter of Lena Hatton ( above) and was accompanied by her only child, her daughter Maureen who was about 3 years old; Cissie had been in the Signals Divison of the Volunteer Forces and she also sought shelter with the Brett family in Singapore ; Cissie told her young relative Kenneth Hartley , when they all met up on Pom Pong island that, being unable to board a life boat with her little daughter she started swimming with Maureen in tow until tiring,; she eventually came across an empty wooden crate so she took off her lifebelt( which had been hindering her efforts to swim) and placed Maureen in the crate still wearing her lifebelt) braced the crate on her chest and swam backstroke until eventually reaching the Island; tragically Cissie and her little girl boarded the “TP” and lost their lives a few days later( Kenneth Hartley “Recollections”) – there is a lot of potential confusion with Mrs. Dorothy Mathew below because of name similarities
MATHER – child - listed as on “TP”(JPB and C3128); child, by name of MATHER aged 3 years, died around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC); Maureen Mather on “Kuala” (C3130); also Miss Maureen Mather, aged 7 years(???), seen in water – daughter of above, boarded “TP” (list of civilians on “Kuala” and “TP” at PRO); this is Maureen Mather, aged three years, the daughter of Cissie and James Mather ( Kenneth Hartley “recollections”) who had accompanied her mother in boarding the “TP”.
MATHEW – Dorothy Mathew on “Kuala “(C3129); Mrs. Dorothy Mather (sic?), aged 31 years, seen in water at Pom Pong Island and boarded the “TP” (list of civilians on “Kuala” and “TP’ at PRO); Dorothy Mathew, civilian, British, died 14.2.42 around sinking of “Kuala’ (CWGC); Mrs. Dorothy Mathew, wife of James Mathew, 52 Pearl Hill Terrace, Singapore (PODC)
MCCANDISH (DENNISON) – Mrs. McCandish (Dennison) was seen on Sinkiep (sic) (CAS); see also DENNISON record
MCCONNACHY/McConachy/ McConaghie – Sister E. F. McConachy was either a Civilian or Colonial Nursing Service nurse (QH); Miss. E. McConnachy, MEO listed as on “TP” (JPB); also Miss McConoghie, G.H., seen at Pom Pong Island (CAS); also Miss Ethel Florence McConachy, aged 50 years, boarded “TP” ( list of civilians on “Kuala” and “TP” at PRO); Miss E. McConnacky (sic) left on “TP” (Ruperti)
MCDONALD – Miss Mcdonald, J.B. Hospital on “Kuala” (CAS); Ms. C. McDonald, nurse, Govt. Hospital Nairobi Oct. 1945 (ALFSEA)
MCDONALD – seaman on “Kuala” ( I. A. Inglis list PRO); it is very possible that this is Seaman Donald McDonald, Royal Naval Reserve, D/X9594B, attached to the shore base “HMS Sultan” in Singapore and who died 16.2.42 (CWGC); since many men from “HMS Sultan” were assigned to ships such as the “Kuala” and others during the last few days before Singapore’s Surrender to the Japanese but ( understandably naval records were never updated and the men were officially classified as ‘AWOL’ or absconded
MCEACHERN – Mrs. Catherine (Kitty) McEarchern, aged 44 years, wife of Thomas McEachern of Edinburgh – died around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC)
MCEACHERN – Thomas Cray McEarchern, aged 43 years, husband of Catherine McEachern - died around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC); also “…McEarchern Thos. PCCL (BCL) left Kuala w. wife…” (BPPL)
MCGREGOR – nurse (SIA); see also MacGregor
MCHUGH – Mr. J. N. McHugh, PWD, in Australia (ALFSEA)
MCINTYRE – Mr. R. D. McIntyre, PWD (PWD list at PRO); in India (ALFSEA); Captain R. D. McIntyre, Volunteer, reached padang and then India( MVDB)
MCINTYRE – Mrs. McIntyre, Singapore. (STF); however it appears she might have died on the “TP” since there is a record of Mrs. Thea McIntyre boarding the “TP”(Mrs. Stevens’ letter 21.6.42 and list at PRO); and possibly the same family - Mr. Hugh McIntyre, aged 49 years , Osteopath and Radiologist, New Zealander learned on 10 May 1943 in Changi where he was interned that his wife had been on the “Kuala” and had been interned (TKD p.265)
MCKERROW - “… MCKERRON [sic] R. W. P Simons Kuala – missing - drowned?.. “ (BPPL); on 6 January 1942 Thomas Kitching made the notation in his diary (TKD p.29) “…Maj. Nicholson takes over from McKerron[sic] as Chief Censor, Malay: I don’t know why, or what McKerron [sic] will do instead…”( this is a reference to Mr. Scobie Nicholson who was on the “Kuala”); also Ronald Walter McKerrow, JP., Municipal Commissioner and Director of Paterson Simons & Co., Singapore was lost at sea around 13 - 14.2.42 (Moffatt); Ronald McKerrow was a successful business man in Singapore and had been made a member of the Board of Trustees of the Singapore Improvement Trust in 1940
MCKINLEY – Sister McKinley, G.H., “…18 hours Davo…” (CAS)
MCLEAN – Miss L. M. McLean, QAIMNS, # 208650, Alexander Hospital, Singapore ; Sister L. M. QAINMS., listed as seen Singkep Island and POW in 1943 (CAS); listed as one of the team in the camp hospital in Fraterhuis and Bankinang camps by Marjorie de Malmanche (IWMDM); Miss Lydia M. MacLean, aged 31 years and of English nationality, of Alexandra Military Hospital, Singapore , was listed as an internee in the British Women’s Camp and moving to the Mission Complex of 24.6.43 ( Mr. H. van den Bos); Sister Lydia McLean was interned and survived the war in Bankinang Camp (QH); Miss L. McLean, QAIMNS, after war to UK on “Antenor” (ALFSEA)
MCLELLAND – Sister A. M. C. McLelland was either a QAIMNS or TANS nurse who lost her life (QH); Sister A. McLelland is listed as having been on the “Kuala” (WO 361/462); Miss A. M. C. McLelland, Alexander Hospital, Singapore “… not seen by any survivors since bombing of ship …” (Evans); Nurse A. McLelland– listed as missing in 1943 (CAS); Nurse Alice McLelland, is listed on the Kranji Memorial ; however she is not listed on the CWGC website
MCLURE – Mr. A. L. McLure, PWD ( PWD list at PRO); also a Volunteer and reached Colombo on 10.3.42 on “Chitral” (MVDB & CO 980/7); resident engineer Kluang, believed in Palestine (ALFSEA)
MCLURE – Mrs. McLure, wife of the above (ALFSEA)
MCMILLAN –Sister N. S. McMillan was either a Civilian or Colonial Nursing Service nurse (QH); Mrs. McMillan, Colonial Nursing Service, wounded, last seen Savoe Loentoe (Ruperti); Sister (Miss) N.E. McMillan, G.H., seen Sawalentoe (CAS); in Padang”…we also me a Sister McMillan, A Sister from Singapore, and to my astonishment she was wearing one of my siren suits…found my luggage abandoned on the wharf (in Singapore)…” (IWMDM); also from Brenda Macduff diary”…in the staff of the Camp Hospital …there was a Miss MacMillan who ,I think, had been a Matron of a Singapore or Malaya Hospital; Miss MacMillan died in the Fraterhuis in December 1942…”(BMP); Miss MacMillan (sic), suffering from abdominal pain…Miss Macmillan (sic) was transferred [from the Fraterhuis camp] to the local hospital. Where a Japanese surgeon operated on her and discovered inoperable cancer. She was brought back to us and died a few days later …” (IWMDM); Miss Steele – MacMillan, aged 50 years was listed as an internee in the British Women’s Camp, Padang and deceased on 8.12.42 ( Mr. H. van den Bos); also Sister Nell McMillan, aged 49 years, daughter of Duncan and Helen McMillan, of Paisley road, West Glasgow, died at Padang on 8.12.42 (CWGC)
MCMULLEN –also Dr. (Mrs.) McMullen, J, B. noted as being on the “Kuala” (CAS); Mrs. W. McMullen, Batu Pahat escaped (STF); also Dr. ( Miss) McMullan wife of W. McMullan, Lithographers, Singapore ( passenger list at PRO); also Doctor E. McMullen, Civil , embarked on “Dragon” on 3.3.42 (ECEP); Dr. (Miss) Elizabeth McMillan(sic) , c/o Mrs. F. H. J. Podger, The Dower House, Bitton, Gloucestershire (Ruperti)
MIDFORD – Mr. W. L. Midford, PWD (PWD list at PRO); also a Volunteer and Executive Engineer PWD arrived Colombo 14.3.42 on “Johann De Witt” and Perth (MVDB) in Australia (ALFSEA)
MIDFORD – Mrs. Midford, wife of the above , in Australia (ALFSEA)
MILLAR – “… MILLAR John Str. Trad. Kuala…” (BPPL); also the record that John Millar, aged 51 years, son of James and Ann Millar of Duntocher, Hardgate , Dumbarton, Scotland and wife of Annie Millar died in Bankinang Internment camp on 12.4.45 CWGC); Mr. J. Millar. Born 1885, Accountant, Straits Trading was interned in Bankinang Men’s camp, Sumatra and died on 12.4.45 ( Mr. H. van den Bos)
MILLER – Mr. D. M. Miller, Charter Bank, Penang, died typhoid Colombo (ALFSEA); “… Mr. David Millar…died shortly after reaching safety ( letter from Jim Hutton’s sister dated 20.7.98)
MILLER – Mr. H.R. Miller, on “Kuala” (ALFSEA)
MILLER – Mrs. Katherine Mary Miller, wife of Mr. E. V. Miller – died around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC); also Mrs. E. V. Miller and baby, Singapore ( Inglis list at PRO)
MILLER – Miss Margaret Mary Miller, daughter of Mr. E. V. Miller and Mrs. Katherine Miller – died around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC)
MILLER – seaman on “Kuala” ( I. A. Inglis list PRO); it is very possible that this is Seaman Peter Miller, Royal Navy Reserve, attached to the Singapore shore base “HMS Sultan” , aged 23 years and the son of William and Joan Miller of Wick, Caithnesshire who died 16.2.42 (CWGC); since many men from “HMS Sultan” were assigned to ships such as the “Kuala” in the last few days before Singapore surrendered to the Japanese but (understandably) navy records were never updated and sadly many of these men might have been classified as ‘AWOL’ or absconded
MILNE - Miss Jean Milne, MEO. Malayan Nursing Service, General Hospital – listed as on “TP” (JPB);Sister ( Miss) Jean Milne, seen on Pom Pong Island (CAS); Miss Milne “…boarded ‘TP’…” (STF); Nursing Sister Barbara Jane Milne, aged 32 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milne, New Deer, Aberdeenshire – died on the “TP” (CWGC); “… Miss B. J. Milne , nursing sister, Johore, reported captured on the Tanjong Pinang…” was reported presumed dead by the Missing Persons Bureau, Colonial Office, Singapore in 1946 (STA 29.5.46)
MINS – Miss Mins, QAIMNS, “…not seen by any survivors after raid on ship…” (Evans)
MASSAWA/MISSAWA /MESAWA –Miss Mesawa on “Kuala” (Ruperti); Miss T. Missawa, G.H., S/N., possibly reached Bombay(CAS); also Miss T. Massawa, Civilian Nursing Sister, embarked on “Dragon” on 3.3.42 from Padang (ECEP)
MONCUR – Mrs. J. Moncur “…in the water I saw ...Mrs. J. Moncur and … who were not wounded and who reached, as far as I know the Sumatran Mainland safely…” (I. G. Salmond report at PRO); Mrs. Bessi Moncur, aged 41 years and English, of Serangoon English School, Singapore was listed as an internee in the British Women’s camp, Padang and moving to the Mission Complex on 24.6.43 (Mr. H. van den Bos); also after the war, “…Mrs. .B. I. Moncur, widow of J. R. J. Moncur, to Africa on “Antenor”…” (ALFSEA); Mrs. Moncur and her husband Dr. James Moncur, a highly qualified teacher who had joined the Raffles Institution in 1935, were very good golfers in the Singapore scene during the 1930’s ( Straits Times); It may have been that Mrs. Bessie Isabel Moncur , aged 40 years, a housewife and also a teacher at Serangoon School, captured after the sinking of the “Kuala” could have been returned to internment in Changi although this may be an error (C3445) whilst James Moncur , MA., PhD., who was also medical Superintendent of the Medical Auxiliary Services, was also interned in Changi , where he taught other internees Elementary German, but died at Sime Road Hospital aged 44 years, on 11.8.44 ( C3446)
MONIA/MONIER/MONICA – Miss Helen Monia, French Palais de Modes, MSA., Singapore – listed as on “TP” (JPB) ; Miss Helen Monier, Palais de Modes, Singapore, left on “TP” (Ruperti); Miss Helen Monica, French, MAS, seen on Pom Pong Island,”…transported”? (CAS) - the surname of Helen has not been determined but the Palais de Modes was a business selling lingerie , millinery and gowns initially at 20 High Street Singapore in 1933 but by 1937 was in the fashionable Capitol Building where it occupied shop 12A ( Straits Times)
MONTGOMERY – Miss Montgomerie (sic), QAIMNS, 20th General Hospital “…last seen after first bombing of Kuala. Not seen since…” (Evans); Helen Montgomerie (sic) was killed by a bomb hitting the “Kuala” (QARANC website); “…Helen Montgomerie (sic) , had just gone up to the top deck (with Lorna Symondson) and were killed by the bomb which hit that part of the ship occupied by Eurasian and Chinese nurses. The carnage was terrible…” (QH); Nurse N. L. Montgomery – seen in the water with Sister Bell-Murray after the bombing of the “Kuala”(CAS); also listed as missing in 1943 (CAS); Sister Helen Louise Montgomery, QAIMNS, # 206325, died 14.2.42 (CWGC)
MONTIGNY – “… Montigny? PLR Sitiawan Est. left 12/2 on Kuala…” (BPPL); Pierre L. R. Montigny, aged 46 years, planter , Sitiawan estate, Perak, did evacuate on “Kuala” (Moffatt) and was an internee in Sumatra, returning to Malay in 1946 (Moffatt); P. L .R. Montigny was an internee in Palembang ( list of men interned Palembang at PRO)
MOORE – Miss.? Moore (STF); also Miss Helen Moore, G.H. (CAS); also Miss Helen Moore, Sister MMS. ( List of civilians on “Kuala” and “TP” at PRO); Nursing Sister Helen Moore, Govt. Hospital, Nairobi Oct 1942 (ALFSEA)
MORDEN – Miss L. D. Morden ( list of people believed to have been on the “Kuala” at PRO)
MORGAN – Mr. G. Morgan, PWD ( PWD list at PRO); Graham Morgan , a senior PWD engineer was sighted after the bombing by K. A. Brundle of the PWD ( IWM 99/50/1); Senior Engineer G. Morgan, Volunteers, Senior Executive Engineer PWD Johore Bahru, arrived Colombo 10.3.42 on “Chitral” ( MVDB & CO980/7); also see Somerville Diary (CO980/9); “…in Singapore …”(ALFSEA);
MORRIS – Dr. (Miss)? Morris, (STF); also Dr. E. Morris, Govt., unclear whether escaped or not (CAS); also Dr (Miss) Morris, Singapore (left for UK) (list of civilians on “Kuala” and “TP” at PRO); Dr. (Miss) Ethel Morris, The Forge, Riverside Avenue, Broxbourne, Herts. (Ruperti); this is Dr. (Miss) Ethel Morris who went to Malay in 1931 as a Lady doctor for the Straits Settlements and then Kuala Lumpur and Kula Pilah, she arrived in Bombay from Ceylon ( UK Archives list ) and finally Australia, by 1943 she had become Mrs. Whitehouse( JM Malayans list)
MORRISON – Mrs. Clara Adelaide Morrison, Govt Rest House, Seremban, Negri Sembilan, aged 57 years, wife of Douglas Home Morrison - injured on “Kuala” and died 15.2.42 on Pom Pong Island (CWGC); her son Dennis Home Morrison, CQMS., Negri Sembilan Btn., FMSVF, died in August 1943 as a POW in Thailand (MVDB); a relevant reference is “… Morrison DH Rest House S’Ban POW? Mother drowned…” (BPPL)
MORRISON – Miss Jean Morrison, MEO – listed as on “TP” (JPB); also Miss Jean Cross Morrison, aged 39 years, boarded the “TP” ( list of civilians on “Kuala” and “TP” at PRO); also Miss J. Morrison, Singapore General, ( Inglis list at PRO); Nursing Sister J. C. Morrison, boarded the “TP” (ALFSEA)
MUIR – Nurse A. W. Muir – listed as missing in 1943 (CAS); Sister Annie Wilson Muir, QAIMNS, aged 33 years, #208738, daughter of Martin and Mary Muir, she died on 14.2.42 (CWGC)
MURPHY – “Mr. F. E. B. Murphy, PWD, missing after bombing at Pompong” (PWD list at PRO); also “…Murphy F. E. Bean PWD left rptd drowned…” (BPPL) Frank Eric Bean Murphy, civilian, husband of Mrs. A. D. Murphy – he died around sinking of the “Kuala” (CWGC); Frank Murphy was an Executive Engineer, PWD., Pahang and a Sapper, No. 3 Section, Kola Tinggi Johore Engineers (retd) MVDB)
MURRAY – seaman on “Kuala” ( I. A. Inglis list PRO)
MURRAY – Miss Lilian Murray, seen on Pom Pong Island (CAS); Miss Lily Murray. MEO. Malayan Nursing Service, General Hospital. – listed as on “TP” (JPB and Ruperti); also confirmed as on “TP’ aged 47 years ( list of civilians on “Kuala” and TP” at PRO) ); Nursing Sister L. Murray – died on 17.2.42 in sinking of “TP” (CWGC);
MYERS – Miss A. C. E. Myers left on “TP” (Ruperti); Matron Ann Charlotte Elizabeth Myers, CMB., aged 43 years of Sungei Buloh Leper Settlement, Kuala Lumpur – died in sinking of “TP” (CWGC)
NANKIVELL – Mr. K. Nankivell, PWD,( PWD list at PRO); in South Africa (ALFSEA)
NAPPER – “…Mrs. Napper, wife of Mr. R. P. Napper, badly wounded body seen in sea…” (ALFSEA); Nurse Suzzana Napper, born, 1916 - died around sinking of “Kuala” (C3613); there is a reference to her husband “… Napper R. P RAI bvd left 13/2 w. Owen page and his wife…” (BPPL); Mrs. R. Napper (MVG13); Suzanna (Suze) Napper, Hospital Nurse, age 25 years, wife of Robert Pirian Noble Napper (lost on the “Tien Kwang” the same day) – died on 14.2.42 around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC)
NELSON – Miss (I) Nelson, MEO, General Hospital – listed as on “TP” (JPB and Ruperti); Miss Nelson on “Kuala” (CAS); also Miss Ida May Nelson aged 38 years, on “TP” ( list of civilians on “Kuala” and “TP” at PRO); Nursing Sister I. M. Nelson, British, daughter of Mr. W. Nelson, Helens Bay, Co. Down, Northern Ireland – died in sinking of “TP” (CWGC)
NEUBRONNER – Sister Olga Neubronner “…had a miscarriage on a raft after the “Kuala” went down…she recovered from this but was later imprisoned with five other nurses by the “Kempetai and never fully recovered from that harsh treatment. She died in March 1945 in Muntok internment camp…”(PBD): possibly a passenger on the on “TP” but this is only by inferences in a diary ;however other sources suggest that Mrs. Neubronner was a passenger on the “Vyner Brooke” and was first interned at Muntok in 1942 – either possibility remains open because the camp at Muntok saw women arrive who had been on many ships ( even Margot Turner from the “TP”) ( WBTW); Mrs. Neubronner was originally Miss Olga Mary Gunner who married Mr. Guy V. Neubronner at St. Andrews Cathedral on 27.3.39 , Mr. Neubronner was an accountant with Evatt & Co. and Miss Gunner worked at the General Hospital, Johore Bahru(Straits Times)
NEWMAN – Jim Newman with wife and daughter on “Kuala”(MH); also Mr. James Newman, husband of Minnie Newman, unofficially reported to have been on the “Kuala” ( list of civilians on “Kuala” and “TP” at PRO); the fact that he was on the “Kuala” is confirmed by a friend of Mr. Newman’s son, Dickie, who records in his book that Mr. Newman, of St. Michael’s Road, Singapore and his wife and daughter later boarded the “TP” ( F. A. C. “Jock” Oehlers’ book); Mr. Jim Newman had been born in 1879 and was a merchant ( Nina van Dort); the husband of ,
NEWMAN – Mrs. Newman, Singapore – listed as on “TP” (JPB); also Mrs. Newman and daughter left on “TP” (Ruperti); also Mrs. Minnie Newman boarded “TP”; Mrs. Dorothy Florence Newman ( nee Yzelman) who had been born in Singapore in 1891( Nina van Dort) they are the mother and father of,
NEWMAN – Miss Newman, Singapore – listed as on “TP” (JPB); also Miss D. Newman, Singapore ( Inglis list at PRO); also another reference which may or may not be another daughter,
NEWMAN - Miss Grace Newman boarded the “TP” (list of civilians on “Kuala” and “TP” at PRO); also the reference “… Newman G. Kuala drowned or killed…” (BPPL); Miss Grace Eleanor Newman, daughter of Jim and Dorothy Newman, was on the “Kuala’” with her parents (Nina van Dort) this is possibly the same person as “G. N. Newman, British – died in sinking of “TP” (only name in record of this family at CWGC); but there is also another reference which showed early in this research that one of the children survived,
NEWMAN – “…Newman Jun’r Kuala – son of G. N (W?). int Padang…” (BPPL); Master G. R. Newman, aged 19 years and a Student at the Trade School, was interned in Bankinang Men’s Camp, Sumatra (Mr. H. van den Bos); this is confirmed by “Jock” Oehlers in his book where he explains that after the four Newman’s reached Pom Pong Island “…A second ship picked them up, but not Dickie, as only the elderly and women were allowed on board. From the shore Dickie watched his parents and sister depart, only for the ship to be torpedoed and sunk with the loss of all on board. Dickie was interned in Indonesia…” ( F. A. C. Oehlers’ book – “That’s how it goes: the autobiography of a Singapore Eurasian”, 2008); finally it has been confirmed that Gerald Rowland ’Dicky’ Newman , the son of Jim and Dorothy Newman was on the “Kuala” with his parents and sister, but he survived the bombing to be in the sea and for some time held his relative Sally Ann van der Stratten in the water before she was rescued by Malay fishermen. Dicky, who had been born in Singapore in 1923 survived to be interned. He died in Perth, W.A. in 1998 ( Nina van Dort)
NICOL – Sister M. Nicol was either a Civilian or Colonial Nursing Service nurse (QH); Miss Mary Nicol, civilian, daughter of Mrs. Nicol of Abroath, Angus – died around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC); also Miss Mary Nichol, G. H., seen on “Kuala” (CAS)
NICHOLSON – “…Nicholson M.S. Cable ???? Chief Censor Kuala NEI…” (BPPL); in Thomas Kitching’s Changi diary (TKD) he says that in August 1942 “…I see a list of name of those in Padang….Scobie Nicholson …who left in the same batch as Nora (Kitching on the “Kuala” ; Major H. S. (Scobie) Nicholson, Chief Postal Censor , Malaya aged 66 years, was ordered out of Singapore by Bisseker ( his pass with Bisseker’s signature is in his file in the IWM) and boarded the “Kuala”, during the sinking he mentions “…clinging to the raft were several nursing sisters, a civilian, an Indian soldier and a gunner corporal. Others picked out of the sea including J.B. Ross, the Mercantile Bank Chief and a sorely wounded lady doctor, I think her name was Miss Craik (sic it should be Craig)…”, he reached Padang too late to be evacuated and after “…the Japanese took Padang by telephone…” he was interned and was 71 years of age when released (IWM 96/19/1); Mr. H. S. Nicholson, born 1874, Chief Postal Censor was interned in Bankinang Men’s Camp, Sumatra ( Mr. H. van den Bos); ALFSEA records “…H. Scobie Nicholson Chief Censor Malaya to Madras on “Karoa” 29.9. 45 …”
NIVEN – Mr. A. Niven, PWD (PWD list at PRO); “…together with most of his colleagues …he was picked up by Capt. Bill Reynolds .and taken across to Sumatra…” (WSF); in England (ALFSEA)
NOBLE – Mr. Noble. It was known in Changi that a Mr. Noble had been on the “Kuala” and survived(TKD.P286); almost certainly the same person as James Morton Noble, PWD and a Volunteer who escaped via Padang and reached Colombo on 10.3.42 (MVDB); Mr. J. M. Noble, PWD (PWD list at PRO); Mr. J. M. Noble ,PWD, in India (ALFSEA)
NORTHEY – Miss Northey of the Dutch Censorship Dept., seen on the “Kuala” (CAS)
NUNN – Mrs. R. L. Nunn, Singapore. “…believed lost…” (STF); Mrs. Gertrude Nunn, British, age 49 years, wife of Mr. R. L. Nunn, of 180 Mt. Pleasant road, Singapore –she was rescued with her husband by Capt. Bill Reynolds ; they both died in the sinking of the “S.S. Rooseboom” after that ship left Padang. This was another terrible tragedy in the evacuation of civilians and service personnel in the “escape route “ from Singapore to India, with the loss of almost 600 people in one ship - see the book “The Boat” (CWGC)
NUNN – Major Reginald Lewis Nunn, Director of Public works, DSO., was rescued by Capt. Bill Reynolds and taken to Rengat ( Capt. Reynolds letter 16.5.43), he made it to Padang but died later in the sinking of the “SS. Rooseboom” on 1.3.42 after leaving Padang (CWGC); Commandant and Group Captain MVAF/ RAFVR also Legislative Council Straits Settlement (MVDB); also on PWD list at PRO
O’CONNELL – Mr. P. O’Connell, PWD ( PWD list at PRO); ‘Paddy’ O’Connell went to Malaya in 1927 as an Assistant engineer in the PWD in the Cameron highlands , moving around in the PWD in Malaya in subsequent years, he was a captain in the RE and after the sinking of the “Kuala” he reached Padang and then Colombo. He returned to Malaya with the BMA in 1945 and finally retired as Director PWD Borneo in 1951. He died in Ghana in 1965. (JM Evacuees)
O’GRADY – Mr. O’ Grady, “...PWD. Camerons, Colombo…” (CAS); also Mr. O. J. O’Grady, PWD (PWD list at PRO); Mr. G. J. O’Grady, a long serving PWD engineer evacuated on the “Kuala” and reached Padang where he boarded the little ship “Palopo” – said to be the last steamship to leave Padang before the Japanese arrived. Quite incredibly, in the middle of the Indian Ocean the “Palopo” came across the flotsam from the sinking of the “Rooseboom” (see record on Mr. and Mrs. Nunn above) which had sunk nine days previously, and amongst it found one Malay male and one Indian male survivor. The “Palopo” arrived safely in Colombo(WSF); Mr. O’Grady recorded a long, valuable account of the aftermath of the sinking and the journey to Padang ( G. J. O’Grady , Report No.4, Malayan Research Bureau)
O’Hare/O’HARA – whilst rowing a dinghy and towing a raft with 14 people on it from the “Kuala” to an island some 16 miles from Pom Pong island Mr. D. Mackay states “… so I looked for help and saw a man I know ( an Australian tin miner named O’Hara) in the distance and called him over…” . Mr. O’Hara was then in this group of seventeen people who were rescued by a Malay sampan some dys later and reached Senajong (sic) at about 7.30 am on 17 February. It is not clear whether Mr. O’Hara had arrived at Pom Pong Island on the “Kuala” or the “Tien Kwang”. ( D. Mackay Report no.2 Malayan Research Bureau , C) 980/217); Mr. T. V. O’Hare, aged 41 years, of Tongkah Tin was interned in Bankinang Men’s Camp, Sumatra ( Mr. H. van den Bos)
O’SULLIVAN – Mrs. (Eve) O’Sullivan, dress shop, Singapore. – listed as on “TP” (JPB and Ruperti); Mrs. Edith Frances O’Sullivan, civilian, British, wife of Eugene O’ Sullivan of 7 Orchard Road, Singapore – died in sinking of “TP” (CWGC); Mrs. O’Sullivan is recorded as competing in golf tournaments during 1937-40 with some other women who also boarded the “Kuala” ( Mesdames Hirst, Brooks and Walker) (Straits Times)
OSWALD – Nurse (SIA)
OWEN - “…OWEN GWYLIM RRI X TANAMERAH – KUALA…” (BPPL); in fact Mr. Gwilym Owen was on the “Tien Kwang” , after he had to abandon that ship he was later picked from the sea by fishermen and deposited on the Sumatra shore. He survived internment and was repatriated in 1945( son Gareth Owen correspondence)