Passengers and Crew

Presumed Dead
Died During Internment
Presumed to have Survived (known to have survived the sinking, but nothing further known)
fate not known
PAPE – Mr. G. R. Pape, PWD (PWD list at PRO); Captain George Rawlings Pape, 1st Btn SSVF, aged 46 years, engineer Rolling Stock dept Singapore Traction, also Lt. Quarter master, SSVF, wounded and evacuated on “Kuala” and reached Padang then Perth, arrived Colombo on “HMAS Hobart” 5.3.42 (MVDB & CO 980/7); at Pom Pong Island he took charge of a lifeboat, with some nurses and oarsmen, to rescue many people whilst being bombed by the Japanese (SJ)
PARKER – Mr. H. Parker believed died in Singapore 19.10.44 (ALFSEA); Harold Parker, Government Rice Mill, Began Serai, Perak, and husband of Gladys Evelyn May Parker, he died in Sime Road camp on 18.10.44(CWGC)
PARR – Dorothy Armstrong Stokes Parr, aged 49 years of Sepang Valley Estate, Nilai, FMS, wife of Henry Anthony Mervyn Parr – she died in the sinking of the “Kuala” on 14.2.42 (CWGC); in view of the similar initials , it is possible that her husband was Private A. H. Parr, #20009, ‘D’ Company, 1st Btn SSVF ( JBDB)
PARR - Mrs. Parr, wife of Sgt. Parr, last seen in Jambi (Ruperti); it is possible that this person is actually Mrs. Dorothy Parr above and the husband rank is incorrect
PARR – Mrs. Parr, “Husband, Rev. St Andrews “is listed as seen on the “Kuala” (CAS); and a reference to her husband “… Parr Rev. A. C. St Andrew School POW wife int NEI…” (BPPL); Mrs. Evelyn Mary Parr, (nee Tarbot), married rev Parr 1940, Masseuse, evacuated but seriously wounded in “Kuala” sinking. Palembang, Sumatra internee. Died in captivity 11.145 (JM); her husband was captain reverend Alfred Cecil Parr, 1st Btn SSVF, born Italy in 1904, VP St Andrews School, Singapore, Chaplain – he died at Konyu, Thailand on 24.6.43 [Times obit. 30.12.43] (JBDB) and his record in the CWGC adds that he was the husband of Evelyn Mary Parr (CWGC)
PARRY – Mrs. Dorothy A. S. Parry, on “Kuala” (list of civilians on “Kuala” and “TP” at PRO); Mrs. Dorothy Armstrong Stokes Parry, aged 49 years, British, wife of Henry Parry (died Malaya) of Sepang Valley Estate, Nilai, FMS – died on 14.2.42 around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC); Henry Parry , who had been interned in Changi internment camp never knew what had happened to his wife and he himself died in internment “…Poor old H. M. Parry died this afternoon he was about 56. Poor soul had never heard whether D. Got away safely; she was on Kuala and feared lost…” ( diary entry dated 7 June 1943 of Douglas Gibson civilian internee in Changi , held at IWM)
PATTARA – Mrs. Pattara, fate unknown? (STF) and three daughters listed on “Kuala” (STF); Mrs. and Miss Pattara are recorded as having reached Bombay (CAS); Mrs. Anthoula L. Pattara was the wife of Zacharia Pandazzi Pattara, b. 1876, they were both originally from Greece, but had been in Singapore for many decades Mr. Pattara had a business in High Street, Singapore near Da Silva’s the jewelers, selling Panama hats, dresses, shirts and “Camel” coffee which the Sultan of Johore came over regularly to buy. They had five daughters Clio and her twin Ino, Thetie, Terpie and Thalia – all named after Greek Goddesses. After experiencing shelling of their house they had moved into town to stay with a friend, Mrs. Haggart, in the Capitol Apartments and soon after decided the family must evacuate. Mrs. Pattara, Ino, Clio and Thetie agreed – but Terpie was by then engaged to a school teacher (Benny Szynkiewicz who would later lose his life as a POW on the death march in Borneo) and Thalia decided she would stay with her father. So four evacuated on the “Kuala” and those remaining were soon interned in Changi were Zacharia, Terpie Pattara aged 22 years and Ms. Terinthaly Pattara aged 20 years. Zacharia died in Sime Road camp in May 1945. Mrs. Pattara and Ino were both rescued (presumably by Capt. Bill Reynolds in one of his two voyages between Pom Pong Island and Sumatra) and reached India – where Anthoula lived in Nanital (deep in the Himalayas) and Ino had a job in Dehli. There is a record of Mrs. and Miss Pattara embarking on a ship from Padang on 1.3.42 (ECEP).Mrs. Anthoula Pattara died in 1951 aged 66 years (Straits Times). Ino later married Jack Friel and moved to live in Auckland, New Zealand. She passed away in about 2000. In 2009 both Terpie and Thalia are living in the UK. (Conversation with Miss Terpie Pattara in May 2009); see also Peter Thompson’s book “Battle for Singapore” for the story of the Pattara family.
PATTARA – Miss Ino Pattara, despite being wounded in the bombing of the “Kuala” ,survived with her mother Mrs. A. Pattara (above) and reached safety in India : also Miss Ino Pattara embarked on a ship from Padang on 1.3.42 (ECEP); Kenneth Hartley ( above) recalls meeting Ino Pattara in Bombay where evacuee housing had been provided by the British High Commission., “…she had survived a minor shrapnel wound to her abdomen before being shoved off the “Kuala” as it sank…” he recalls.
PATTARA – Cheo (sic) Pattara – listed as on “TP”(JB); Miss Pattara noted having been on “Kuala” , fate unknown (STF); C. Pattara, daughter of Zacharia and A. L. Pattara – died on 17.2.42 in sinking of “TP” (CWGC); also a Miss Pattara ( researcher’s assumption is that this was Clio) met up with Miss Aurea da Silva on Pom Pong Island and they both boarded the “TP” ( see da Silva record for detail) ; this is Miss Clio Pattara daughter of Zacharia and Anthoula Pattara.
PATTARA – Thetie Pattara – listed as on “TP” (JB); “Miss Pattara. Fate unknown.” (STF); T. Pattara, daughter of Zacharia and A. L. Pattara – died in sinking of “TP” (CWGC); however in contradiction to the CWGC record the da Silva record mentioned above records only one sister leaving with Aurea da Silva on the “TP” and also only one sister wounded and with Mrs. Pattara on the Island; also during 2008 Miss Terpie Pattara was advised by a family member that the body of Miss Thetie Pattara had been found by survivors on Pom Pong Island in the days after the bombing and buried on Pom Pong Island (conversation with Terpie Pattara); the conclusion then must be that Thetie lost her life trying to reach the shore at Pom Pong island during the bombing.
PEARS – “…Pears Capt Kuala NEI SAL ? …” (BPPL)
PEDLOW – Miss E. D. Pedlow, QAIMNS, Alexander Hospital, Singapore “…seen by members of QAIMNS. On island after shipwreck. Evacuated from island on “SS.TP”. Not heard of since…” (Evans); Nurse E. D. Pedlow – listed as missing in 1943 and having boarded the “TP” (CAS); also is listed a Miss D. Padlow , QAIMNS, as being on the “Kuala” (CAS), but presumably this is the same person; Sister Edith Doreen Pedlow, QAIMNS, #206391, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Pedlow – she is recorded as dying on 20.2.42 which indicates that she survived on one of the rafts after the sinking of the “TP’ for three days (CWGC)
PENSELER - Mrs. Lucy Penseler, Nursing Sister, age 47 years, of Bukit Koman, Selangor, FMS, wife of Wolfram H.H. Penseler, DSC., MA., - she died in the sinking of the “TP” (CWGC); also “VAD on duty at the emergency hospital in Singapore ( letter from Mrs. L. S. Davis , Auckland NZ, to the NZ POW and Missing Agency Nov. 1947): in this letter it is revealed that Mrs. Penseler is also the sister of Mrs. Dorothy Ball ( above) who also lost her life in the sinking of the “TP”; Wolfram Penseler was a highly qualified mining engineer from NZ and an internee in Changi;
PERERA – Miss Perera ; see also Mrs. Donough as possibly being the same person (CAS)
PERRY – Sister M. Perry was either a Civilian or Colonial Nursing Service nurse (QH); Miss Madeline Perry, boarded the “TP” ( list of civilians on “Kuala” and “TP” at PRO); Miss Madeline Perry, civilian, daughter of Mrs. E. Perry of Stanford Bridge, Worcester – died on 17.2.42 in the sinking of the “TP” (CWGC) – the Perry family was related by marriage to the Reutens family (see below)
PLENCKERS – Mrs. Lilian Elizabeth Plenckers, aged 47 years, British, of 24 Chapel Road, Singapore. Widow of John Plenckers. – she died on 14.2.42 around the sinking of the “Kuala” (CWGC); Mr. Johanne Plenckers, Asiatic Petroleum Company, had died aged 40 years in 1926 ( Straits Times)
PLENCKERS – Miss Lilian Plenckers ( “Girlie” according to ALFSEA list ) Patricia, aged 18 years, British, daughter of John and Lilian Plenckers, 24 Chapel Road, Singapore – died on 14.2.42 around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC)
PLENCKERS – Miss Sylvia Plenckers, aged 16 years, British, daughter of John and Lilian Plenckers, 24 Chapel Road, Singapore – died on 14.2.42 around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC)
POTTS – Mr. A. C Potts is implied by the ALFSEA records as having been on the “Kuala” ; he was certainly on Pom Pong Island as recorded by Oswald Gilmour “…Mr. A. C. Potts who got ashore with long trousers, converted them into shorts, used the balance to wrap his feet in and lashed those wrappings with trailers from the jungle…” (STF); Mr. Potts, Commercial Union Insurance Company, was for certain in the group with Messrs. Brewer, Joyce, Feakes and Riviere in the small boat operated by Messrs Parsons, Poole and Hedley from Dabo to Tembilihan ( STF); Mr. A. C. Potts in England (ALFSEA)
POTTS – Mrs. A. C. Singapore – “…boarded “TP”… (STF);
POTTS –also Mr. and Mrs. Potts seen on Pom Pong Island, Mr. and Mrs. Potts, Cold Storage, in Padang (Ruperti); then “…Mrs. S Africa, Mr. N. Nil…”; also Mrs. Kate Potts boarded “TP” (list of civilians on “Kuala” and “TP” at PRO) - which raises the question on whether there were two Mrs. Potts on board or casts some doubt on her survival?
PRENTIS – Mrs. Prentis, “…believed lost…” (STF); also Mrs. Prentice, sister-in-law of A. C. Baker, M.N.C. – believed killed ( list of civilians on “Kuala” and TP” at PRO); Mrs. Joyce Evans Prentis, age 52 years, wife of Roger Prentis of Singapore – died around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC); Roger Prentis . b.1892, was a Rubber Broker with Dupire and an internee in Changi (C4015), he is also recorded as Managing Director of Dupire Marrell & Co and a Municipal Commissioner, he returned to Singapore after the war and there is a record of him becoming engaged again in 1946 ( Straits Times)
PROUD – Mr. H. Proud, Singapore Traction Co., in Singapore (ALFSEA)
PRINCE – Mr. J. R. Prince, PWD (PWD list at PRO); it is not clear whether this is the same person as 2nd. Lt. J. E. Prince, FMSVF, AMICE, Agric. Drainage & Irrigation Engineer, Negri Sembilan (MVDB)
RAE – Tempy. Actg. Sub. Lt. G. R. Rae, (E), RNVR, died 14 .2 42 around sinking of “Kuala” (NHN and CWGC); “…RAE G R EURAS 3RD ENG KUALA NAF…” (BPPL)
RAFFERTY – Commissioned Gunner ( ex- Repulse) Anthony Rafferty, MBE, Royal Navy aged 43 years, husband of Evelyn Rafferty of Harrow-on-the- Hill, Middlesex – he died on 17.2.42 (NHN and CWGC); presumably Gunner Rafferty was wounded in the bombing of the Kuala” and Pom Pong island and died on the Island two days after the sinking.
RAINNIE – “… Rainnie R A Cherilang??27 Evatt Kuala Died…” (BPPL); Robert Albert Rainnie, civilian, aged 52 years, Malayan Volunteer reserve, husband of Jean Eleanor Rainnie – he died around sinking of the “Kuala” (CWGC); Robert Albert Rainnie was a planter Manager, Lang Chau estate and a Private in the Pahang Reserve. His wife Jean Eleanor Rainnie and son Alistair evacuated on the “Orion” to Freemantle (Moffatt)
RAYNER – Miss Rayner. Teacher, Penang. – listed as on “TP” (JPB); also Miss Raynor, (injured at wharf) teacher (CAS); also Miss Vivien May Rayner boarded “TP” ( list of civilians on “Kuala” and “TP” at PRO); V. M. Rayner, civilian, -died in sinking of “TP” (CWGC)
REDDIE - Miss Reddie, G.H., “…seen in water…” at Pom Pong island (CAS); Mrs. Reddie, Colonial Nursing Service left on “TP” (Ruperti)
REUTENS – Miss. A. Reutens, Singapore – listed as on “TP” (JPB); also Miss A. Reutens boarded the “TP” ( list of civilians on “Kuala” and “TP” at PRO); also Mrs. A. Reuters left on “TP” (Ruperti); Senior Superintendent Aurea Melinda Reutens, Medical Auxiliary Service, age 41 years, wife of Esmond Reutens, of 44 St. Michaels Road, Singapore – died around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC) – the Reutens family was related by marriage to the Perry family ( see above)
RICHARDS – Mrs. Eunice Richards, British, wife of Mr. R. G. Richards, - she died around sinking of the “Kuala” (CWGC); Ronald Garnet Richards was a Corporal in the Signal Section, 4th Btn. SSVF (MVDB) and there is also the reference “… Richards R. G. Motor Eng. POW…” (BPPL)
RIVIERE –Mr. Riviere might actually have been on the “Grasshopper” since he is mentioned in John Robins (C& W) diary as having been on Pulau Mas in the Lingga group of islands (John Robins); Mr. Riviere of Cable and Wireless was in the group with Messrs. Joyce and Feakes of the same company and Messrs. Potts and Brewer in the small boat operated by Hedley, Parsons and Poole between Dabo and Tembilihan (STF); he appears to have arrived in Padang too late to be evacuated and was interned there with five other C & W staff and Messrs Robertson and Scott-Ram (John Robins diary); Mr. C. H. Riviere aged 48 years, Manager of Cable & Wireless was interned in Bankinang Men’s camp, Sumatra (Mr. H. van den Bos); “…Mr. C. H. Riviere in Australia…” (ALFSEA)
ROBERTS – Mr. R.R. Roberts, PWD ( PWD list at PRO)
ROBERTS - Eunice Richards (Nee de Souza) youngest daughter of Cissy de Souza and sister to Gladys Aeria. presumed died in bombing of S.S. KUALA. Patrice Aeria recalls her Mother telling her they were rescued by a Chinese fisherman and taken to one of the nearby islands. They spent 3 1/2 years as internees. Information by James Ahchak, husband of Patrice Aeria.
ROBERTSON – Mr. Duncan Struan Robertson was in a Shell Oil or APC employee escape party with Messrs. Woollerton, Sturt and Scott-Ram , he was seen on Pom Pong Island and later at Rengat and “…expected in Padang shortly..” (letter by Mr. W. G. Taylor of Shell Oil dated 2.4.42, whilst in Durban after escaping from Singapore , to Shell Oil company magazine July 1942); D.S. Robertson was a Private in the Support company, 1stBtn ., SSVF(MVDB); there is also the 1942 reference “… Robertson D. S. APC Kuala NEI wife also capt? (INF X UK)…” (BPPL);he was captured and interned at Padang on 17.3.42 ( diary of John Robins, Cable & Wireless) and then in Bankinang camp; after the war Duncan Struan Robertson was Area Rep/Manager, Shell Oil in Penang and retired in 1952 (Moffatt); his wife below lost her life on the “TP”
ROBERTSON – Mrs. Robertson, husband A. P. C. – listed as on “Tandjong Pinang” (JPB); also Sister (Mrs.) Robertson, G.H., noted as on the “Kuala” (CAS); “Mrs. Robertson, Singapore …boarded “Tandjong Pinang” (STF); also “… Bisseker told me Mrs. Robertson was on the same ship; she had a flesh wound from a bomb splinter, but was not seriously hurt, and was taken on board another ship which was bound for Batavia with all the women and children, but I have heard no news of this ship ever arriving… ( letter by Mr. W. G. Taylor of Shell Oil dated 2.4.42 , after he had escaped to Durban , to Shell Oil Company magazine July 1942); also a Mrs. Robertson having boarded the “Tandjong Pinang” is confirmed by another “Kuala” passenger ( Mrs. Stevens letter 21.6.42); also Mrs. Gladys Robertson boarded the “Tandjong Pinang” ( list of civilians on “Kuala” and TP” at PRO); and the same person as Mrs. G. Robertson, civilian, British, wife of D.S. Robertson, Arundel, Sussex – died in sinking of “TP” (CWGC); Gladys Robertson had served in the British Navy and had been one of the first WRENS in the UK ( her likeness had been in Madam Tussauds until later melted down); when she was in Malaya she had also been a nurse in the VAD.; she and her husband ( above) lived in Penang at the time of the Japanese invasion ( from son Struan Robertson 2010 and 2011 and their two children, Margaret and Duncan [Alexander Struan] had been evacuated to Australia ahead of the Japanese invasion).
ROBINSON – Mrs. Robinson. The husband of a Mrs. Robinson was told whilst in Changi that she had been interned after surviving (possibly in Batavia) , this may have been a confusion with Mrs. Lily Robinson mentioned below (TKD p.257); however there is also ; Mrs. Robinson Wife of Mr. Robinson, Manager, Great Eastern Live(sic) Insurance Co., - listed as on “TP” (JPB and Ruperti); as well as a listing on the CWGC website stating – Mrs. Hilda Robinson, age 54 years, MAS., wife of Archie Robinson, 4 Gallop Road, Singapore – died on “TP” (CWGC),; Archie Robinson, aged 51 years, was Actuary General for Eastern Life and an internee in Changi
ROBINSON – Sister M. Robinson was either a Civilian or Colonial Nursing Service nurse who lost her life (QH); Miss Robinson, Nursing Sister, Penang – listed as on “TP” (JPB and Ruperti); there then seems to be a duplication of this name in that record - Miss Mabel Robinson, MEO, Malayan Nursing Service, General Hospital – listed as on “TP” (JPB); ); also Mabel Robinson, Nursing Sister, Penang – died on “TP” (C4246); finally Mabel Robinson, civilian (British) – died on “TP”(CWGC). Note: there was a Mrs. Lily Robinson, aged 30 years of age in 1943 and described as Chinese , of Flat No 5 , Tijong Bahru, Singapore interned in Padang ( Mr. H. van den Bos)
ROE – Miss Roe…(Mrs. Lowdeen) seen on “Kuala” (CAS); this would appear to be Mrs. Marion Lowdon, wife of David Lowdon, she was lost at sea on 14.2.42 “Kuala” [34] (JM).; documents point to her actually having lost her life after subsequently boarding the “Tandjong Pinang”
RON – Mrs. J. P. Ron, husband Mercantile Bank, S’pore, left on “TP” (Ruperti) – this could have been someone’s illegible writing on the beaches on Pom Pong island and it could be a reference to Mrs. Ross below
ROSS – Mrs. J.B. Ross, Mercantile Bank, Singapore – listed as on “TP” (JPB); also Mrs. John Ross, husband Mercantile seen on Pom Pong Island (CAS); also “… Ross J.B. Merc Bank Int P’B ???? wife Tanj. Pinang? “(BPPL); Isabella Ross, Nurse, Medical Auxiliary Service. B. 1890. Died in sinking of “TP” (C4283); Mrs. Isabella Ross, MA. Nurse MAS., age 52 years, wife of John Black Ross, Abington, Lanarkshire – died in sinking of “TP” (CWGC); Mrs. Isabel Clarkson Ross (Moffatt); her husband was also probably on the “Kuala”,
ROSS – Mr. J. B. Ross was probably also on the “Kuala” since he is recorded by Scobie Nicholson as “… others picked out of the sea including J.B. Ross, the Mercantile Bank Chief…” (IWM 96/19/1); he reached Sumatra but was captured and interned in the Bankinang men’s camp; John Black Ross, born 1897 and Manager Mercantile Bank, Penang1937-42,he remarried to Mary post war and died in Edinburgh in 1957
ROSS – Mr. A. F. P. Ross, PWD (PWD list at PRO); also “…a civilian named Ross, a PWD employee who had been ashore to cut branches to camouflage the “Kuala” , launched a lifeboat and tried to reach the swimmers…”(EFSGR p.124)
RUPERTI – Mrs. Lupa Ruperti noted as being on the “Kuala” (CAS); Madame. Ruperties (sic), Singapore – “…boarded the “TP” … “(STF); in fact Mrs. Luba Ruperti survived and reached India (Ruperti); also “..Mrs. Duba (sic) Rupeite (sic) embarked on a ship from Padang on 1.3.42…” (ECEP)
RUSSELL –Miss Russea (sic) Matron, QAIMNS, 17th C. General Hospital “…not seen since first bombing of ship. Believed killed by direct hit on cabin. Direct hit witnessed by members of QAIMNS…” (Evans); Matron Winifred Russell, QAIMNS, aged 54 years, awarded the “Mentioned in Dispatches” – she died on 14.2.42 (CWGC); also a reference to Miss Winifred Russell, Matron, 17th General Clearing Hospital – died around sinking of “TP” (SIA); – this raises a question as to whether Matron Russell died in the sinking of the “Kuala” or the “TP” but the QAIMNS witnesses remove any doubt and in fact it is recorded (QH) that she died when she was swimming to shore wearing a lifejacket and, since she could not submerge, was killed when the bombers returned to strafe the survivors in the water; in addition another QAIMNS, Miss Margot Turner, states that she jumped into the sea with her Matron, Miss Russell, who though thought to be a strong swimmer ,was not seen again…( SDGB, p. 37)