Passengers and Crew

Presumed Dead
Died During Internment
Presumed to have Survived (known to have survived the sinking, but nothing further known)
fate not known
VAN DER STRATTEN – “… Van Der Stratten H. C ???? KL left Kuala w. wife & 5 children…” (BPPL); this is Mr. Halley van der Stratten, husband and father of the following family,; Halley managed to reach an island after the sinking and made his way to Padang and eventually the UK, he remarried in the UK in 1944
VAN DER STRATTEN – Mrs. Molly van der Stratten, born Butler Madden, with Margaret seven years, Michael and an unnamed infant. Molly ( wounded at Singapore dockside)) and one child seen at Pom Pong Island by Oliver Hartley (MH); Mrs. Molly W. van der Stratten, Eurasian wife of Halley, survived the sinking of the “Kuala” but was lost on the “TP”; there is also the record of “Mrs. H. Van der Stratten and three children, Singapore (Inglis list at PRO); Molly van der Stratten did actually board the “TP’ since the CWGC records also show “ Molly VAN DER STRATTEN , wife of Halley van der Stratten of Leeds, Yorkshire – she died in the sinking of the “TP” (CWGC); Molly and Halley had three children in KL, Margaret (“Maggie”), Michael and an unnamed baby boy ( Genealogy Forum, genealogy. co./singapore), so this corroborates ( except for the reference to a Mark) records showing
VAN DER STRATTEN – Margaret, known to the family as ‘Margie’ was a bright forward young lady with an opinion of her own ( correspondence between Shirley Eames and the researcher - see above for family )
VANDER STRATTEN – Michael ( see above)
VAN DER STRATTEN – Infant (see above)
Note: The background of the van der Straaten families has been clarified by Nina van Dort and Shirley Eames who have explained that Molly Louise van der Stratten , who had been born in 1919, was on board with the two named children above and an unnamed baby boy possibly born after they had escaped from the invading Japanese in Malaya. Molly had been a headstrong teenager who married Halley against her parents’ wishes. Molly’s father forbade her returning to the house and there was never reconciliation with Molly’s father. She has clarified that Mr. Halley van der Stratten later remarried in the UK in 1944. ( Nina van Dort)
VAN DER STRATTEN – another child ( see above reference that there were five children); it is clear that there were two Van der Stratten families on board given that there are records showing entirely different names for both mothers and two or three children,
VAN DER STRATTEN – “…Sybil Vander Stratten with William 5 and Sally 2…”(MH); also Mrs. W. van der Stratten and 2 children , Singapore ( Inglis list at PRO); also Mrs. Sybil van der Stratten, wife of William van der Stratten of 45 Gopeng Road, Ipoh , Perak - died around the sinking of the “Kuala” (CWGC); Sybil and her two children successfully made it into the sea after the bombing and Mrs. van der Stratten ( full name has been advised to be Sybil Ferdinance Elliott van der Stratten by Nina van Dort) held her son in the water whilst Sally Ann was held by Gerald ‘Dicky”’ Newman until the mother and children were rescued by Malay fishermen, family memories say they were taken to an island but were later shot by the Japanese ( Nina van Dort)
VAN DER STRATTEN – William aged 5 years, son of William and Sybil van der Stratten of 45 Gopeng Road, Ipoh, Perak – died around the sinking of the “Kuala” (CWGC) ; he was a fair-haired, handsome lad ( conversation between Shirley Eames and the researcher)
VAN DER STRATTEN – Miss Sally Ann, aged 2 years, daughter of William and Sybil van der Stratten, 45 Gopeng Road, Ipoh, – died around the sinking of the “Kuala” (CWGC) ; Sally Ann was born on 21 March 1940 (SE)
one of these VAN DER STRATTEN families is the same family group that the ‘Japanese Broadcast’ had evidence of as being on the “TP” , but with a slight spelling difference that could have been a clerical, transmission or some other error,
VAN DER KRATTON – Mrs. Naval Base and three children – listed as on the “TP” (JPB) – almost certainly a duplication of the entry for Mrs. Molly van der Stratten.
VAN HALEN – Mrs. Van Halen, wife of Mr. P. G. Van Halen of Dutch Embassy, on “Kuala” and South African List reports killed (ALFSEA); also (no gender or initials) Van Halen, British, civilian died on 14.2.42 around the sinking of the “Kuala” (CWGC)
VAN PRAAGH – Aux. Nurse Walburg Regelinda Ludmilla. b. 1897 –died around sinking of “Kuala” (C4002); Mrs. Walburg R. M. L. T. Van Praagh, aged 45 years, Auxiliary Nurse, wife of Bernard Van Praagh, MC. - died around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC)
VANSTONE/ VANSTEN/ VANSTAL – Mrs. Vanstone, husband Eng. F. G. S. Govt., was seen on the “Kuala” (CAS); also Miss Helen Vanstone ( List of civilians on “Kuala” and TP” at PRO); also Mrs. Vanstal (Vansten) , husband Senior Mechanical engineer, KL, left on “TP” (Ruperti)
VAXALOO/ VATSALOO – Miss Helen Vaxalaoo. Katong. Singapore – listed as on “TP” (JPB); also Miss H. Vatsaloo, Singapore, John Little ( Inglis list at PRO); given the contradiction in surnames and the unusual spelling of the surname this might be a spelling mistake again and actually someone from the “VATSALOO” family
VILLIERS – “…Villiers H R Gibson A ? Butler left Kuala…” (BPPL); also 2nd Lt. Harold Roger Villiers, Selangor Btn., FMSVF, and a Chartered accountant with Gibson Anderson Butler, KL., was captured in Padang on 17.3.42 and became a POW on the Burma Railway (MVDB)
WALES - (J) .Dancer. Katong. Singapore – listed as on “TP” (JPB); also listed as ‘Miss Wales and two boys’ as on the “Kuala” and seen on Pom Pong island (CAS); a Miss L. Wales died in Palembang internment camp in January 1945, but the connection with the person on the “Kuala” is not known
WALKER – Miss Emily Lucy Walker, British, daughter of Mrs. D. G. Robb of Southsea, Hampshire – died around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC)
WALKER – Mr. J. Walker, Sec. Sg. Ujong Club, recorded as having arrived at Tembilihan (CAS); also Mr. F. Walker, Club Secretary, Singapore left Padang on “HMS Dragon” on 3.3.42 (ECEP)
WALKER – Mrs. Walker, wife of Mr. J. C. Walker seen in Padang (ALFSEA); Note, a Mrs. Robina M. J. Walker was interned in Padang and then Bankinang women’s camp.
WALTHO – “… Waltho Sidney C Str Trd Kuala NEI wife Emp Star…” (BPPL); Sidney Charles Waltho, aged 48 years, Weights Inspector and Air raid warden, Pulau Brani, husband of Bessie Waltho - reached Dabo but was captured by the Japanese and died in internment in Bankinang, Sumatra on 8.4.45 (CWGC, Moffatt and Mr. H. van den Bos’ Bankinang camp list)
WANG – Mrs. Wang (aged 38 years), the wife of Mr. Wang Hau-nan ( who was on the “Tien Kwang” also sunk at Pom Pong island), and her daughter had been rescued from the sinking “Kuala” by a lifeboat and reached Pom Pong island , but later boarded the “TP” (Wang)
WANG – Miss Wang, the 16 year old daughter of Mr. Wang Hau-nan was rescued from the sinking “Kuala” by a life boat but later boarded the “TP” with her mother (Wang)
WARD – “… Ward Ben J Rtd C&W Chief Censor? Bvd drowned Kuala…” (BPPL); Mr. J. B. ward, Telegraph Censor, on “Kuala” (ALFSEA); Benjamin John Ward, aged 53 years, civilian, husband of Violet Mary Ward of Linton, Cambridgeshire – died around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC)
WARE? - seaman on “Kuala” ( I. A. Inglis list PRO)
WARHAM – officer on “Kuala” (I. A. Inglis list PRO)
WARNETT – Ms. P. Warnett on “Kuala” (ALFSEA)
WARRE (or is it Waugh)
WATTS - CARTER– Mrs. Watts-Carter, Sitiawan. Fate unknown (STF); Molly Watts - Carter survived sinking of “TP’ but died in internment in Palembang during September 1945 (i.e. after the War had ended ) but before internees could leave their camp in Palembang ( PBD); also Mrs. Watts-Carter, wife of planter ( list of people on either “Kuala” or “Tien Kwang” at PRO); a Mr. Watts-Carter was also an internee in Palembang ( Mrs. E Cross _ British internees in Palembang)
WAUGH – Mrs. Waugh, Rengat Hospital, seen on Pom Pong Island (CAS); also Mrs. Mabel May Waugh ( list of people believed to have been on the “Kuala” at PRO); also Waugh, Matron, MMS ( list of people on either the “Kuala” or “Tien Kwang” at PRO); also Mrs. Waugh last seen Rengat (Ruperti); Mrs. Warre (sic) “..From the Hospital in Penang,… she had severe head injuries and …was saved and on Pom Pong Island...was delirious and …in a coma by the time she arrived in Sumatra and …died in Padang on the evening of 17.3.42 (IWMDM); Matron Mabel May Waugh, General Hospital, Kuala Lipis, aged 50 years, widow of Vernon Waugh and daughter of Thomas and Selena Cross of Bristol, died on 17.3.42 at Padang (CWGC)
WEAR – Mr. A. Wear, PWD (PWD list at PRO); Senior Engineer Algernon Wear, Volunteers, 38 years of age, Senior Executive Engineer, PWD, Pahang: arrived Colombo 10.3.42 on the “Chitral” (MVDB & CO 980/7)
WEBBER – Mr. and Mrs. A.G. Webber, Eastern Smelting, listed as on “Kuala” and made it to Colombo (CAS and Inglis list at PRO); also listed as Mr. and Mrs. Webber, Eastern Smelting?, reached Colombo ( list of people on either the “Kuala” or the “Tien Kwang” at PRO); interestingly there is a record of a Miss R. M. Webber embarking on a ship in Padang on 1.3.42 so it is possible the she was a relation of Mr. and Mrs. Webber and also on the “Kuala” (ECEP)
WEIR – Miss Anne Weir, G. H., on “Kuala” (CAS);
WELLS – Miss B. I. Wells, QAIMNS, 17th C. General Hospital, “…last seen in water by members of QAIMNS. Not seen on islands by any survivors…” (Evans); Sister Wells, “…seen in the water after the bombing of the “Kuala”… “ (CAS); Sister Brenda Irene Wells, QAIMNS, #206534, aged 32 years, daughter of Arthur and Ethel Wells of Louth, Lincolnshire – she died on 14.2.42 (CWGC)
WEST – Matron ( Miss) West, No. 1 Malayan General Hospital Group – died around sinking of “Kuala” ( SIA); Killed in cabin with other senior nurses by bomb hitting “Kuala” (QARANC website); Matron Cicely Lucy May West, QAIMNS, aged 51 years, RRC and Mentioned in Dispatches, #206503, daughter of Edwin and Eliza West – she died on 14.2.42 (CWGC)
WEST – “…As Mrs. West was in the Medical Auxiliary Service in Singapore, I think that it is likely she was also on the same ship, though I have not been able to get any confirmation…( letter by Mr. W. G. Taylor AP Co/Shell dated 2.4.42 whilst in Durban after escaping from Singapore, published in Shell Oil company magazine July 1942); so this is unconfirmed , but by reference in the letter to a Mr. J. H. West as being on the APC staff and being involved with the MAS at the time every one was escaping , it appears this was the wife of Mr. Jack Victor West, Accountant , APC, Singapore , born 1901, who was interned in Changi; it is unclear also whether this Mrs. .West boarded the “TP”
WHELAN / WHALAN– Mr. Whelan, Jockey, Ayer Molek, seen on “Kuala” (CAS); they were seen immediately after the bombing of the ship at Pom Pong island by Mr. D. Mackay after he jumped into the sea”…the tide was running strongly and my first objective was to get away from the ship…then a woman and a man clinging to a tiny upturned dinghy called for help as the man could not swim [… the two on the dinghy were Mr. and Mrs. Whalen ,Australian Jockey…].I had just reached then when the second lot of bombs arrived….This group eventually numbering 16 people on the dinghy and a raft eventually were swept to a small uninhabited island some 16 miles away and landed at 1800hours. (D. Mackay report No. 2 , Malayan Research Bureau); another account by G. J. O’Grady records that Mr. Whalan was wounded in both legs( O’Grady Report no.4, Malayan Research Bureau); Clive V. Whelan, born 1902 and Mrs. Edith May Whelan reached Singkep ( Moffatt); “… Whalan C. V. Jockey left 13/2 w. wife both Padang? ... “ (BPPL); interned Padang and Bankinang camps (Mr. H. van den Bos’ Bankinang camp list) “…Mr. C. V. Whalan, Jockey, recovered Padang (ALFSEA)
WHELAN/WHALAN – Mrs. Whelan, husband jockey, seen on “Kuala” (CAS); Mrs. Whalan was swept away from Pom Pong island with a group including D. Mackay and landed on a small uninhabited island, it is also recorded “…Mrs. Whalan gave Mr. Mackay great help in the rescues…” (G. J. O’Grady report No 4, Malayan Research Bureau); interned Bankinang women’s camp (BMP); Mrs. Edith Whalan, aged 43 years and Australian, of the Turf Club, Singapore, was listed as interned in the British Women’s camp, Padang and moving to the Mission Complex on 24.6.43 (Mr. H. van den Bos); ‘… (in) the British camp in 1942 …the Japanese gave the British in the camp 11 cents a day each for their food. Mrs. Whalen, an Australian jockey’s wife, had a little bag of unset jewels and sold a beautiful rose diamond through the food contractor for 22,000guilders.None of the other British had any money, and Mrs. Whalen did not share her windfall which lasted her nicely until the war was over…” (IWMDM). “…recovered Padang…” (ALFSEA); returned to Australia ( newspaper archives 1945)
WHYBROW/WYBRO – “…J. Wybro Wm. Jacks Padang wife with him…” (BPPL); also Mr. Whybrow reached Padang (ALFSEA); Mrs. Amelia Wybro, aged 34 years and American, of 345 Bukit Timah Road, Singapore was listed as interned in the British Women’s camp, padang and moving to the Mission Complex on 24.6.43 ( Mr. H. van den Bos).
WILDE – Miss May Wilde. MEO. Malayan Nursing Service, General Hospital – listed as on “TP” (JPB and Ruperti); Miss M. Wild , G. H. on “Kuala” (CAS); Miss May Wilde, Nursing Sister, age 33 years, British, daughter of Mrs. P. Wilde, Sheffield – died in sinking of “TP” (CWGC)
WILDY – Mrs. Wildy, husband Brigadier Ac. Ac., seen on “Kuala” (CAS)
WILLIAMS – Mrs. Williams, Malacca. Fate Unknown? (STF); also Mrs. ”COTY” Williams, Malacca ( list of people on either “Kuala” or Tien Kwang” at PRO); Mrs. Sarah Alice Seymour Williams, wife of Francis Williams, of Garing Estate, Durian Tunggai, Malacca – died around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC); Mr. Francis Seymour Williams, b.1891, planter was an internee in Changi (C5429)
WILLIAMSON – “…Williamson Capt left Kuala…” (BPPL)
WILSON – Mr. A. C. Wilson, PWD ( PWD list at PRO)
WILSON – Miss E. M. Wilson, T. A. N. S., 1st Malayan General, “…believed killed in first salvo of bombs…” (Evans); Sister Edith Mary Wilson, Territorial Army Nursing Service, #215779, aged 37 years, daughter of William and Mary Wilson – she died on 14.42.42 (CWGC)
WILSON – J. L. Wilson, Singapore (Inglis list at PRO); possibly same person as “…Wilson G. L. Palmer Turner left Kuala…” (BPPL)
WINSTON – Mr. W. P. Winston, PWD (PWD list at PRO); Lt. William Peter Winston, Volunteers ( later a Major in the Indian Army) , Assistant Engineer, PWD, Johore Bahru, arrived Colombo 10.3.42 on the “Chitral’ and then served in the Indian Engineers during 1942-1954 ( MVDB & CO 980/7)
WONG – Wong Kam Hung, Singapore ( Inglis list at PRO)
WOODMAN – Sister (Miss) K. Woodman “…making for Jambi likely cut off …” , listed as POW in 1943 (CAS); K. Woodman, QAIMNS, # 209612, 1st Malayan General, listed as POW Sumatra (PRO WO 361/462); Miss Woodman, QAIMNS, to UK on “Antenor” (ALFSEA); Sister Kit Woodman’s story is recounted in the book “Quiet heroines” and she had been asleep when the other nurses went to board the “Kuala” but was taken hurriedly to the ship shortly before it left, she was later interned in Bankinang camp and survived the war (QH)
WOODS – Nurse Edith Woods. Survived (“When Singapore Fell” by Joseph Kennedy); probably the same person as, WOOD – Miss E. M. Wood (list of people believed to have been on “Kuala” at PRO); Miss E. M. Wood on “Kuala” (ALFSEA); and Miss Wood, EMNS, (now QAIMNSR), “…now stationed at Colaba, Bombay…” (Evans)
WOODYEAR – SMITH – Sister (Miss) Woodyear Smith, T.T.S., seen on Pom Pong island (CAS); Miss Woodyear-Smith, MNS, left on “TP” (Ruperti); Sister Woodyear -Smith was the Sister in Charge of the new Surgical unit established at Singapore General Hospital in 1940-41 , a contemporary newspaper photo shows her as a slim, dark haired , attractive woman (STA 3.1.41) Miss Margaret Angela Woodyear - Smith, daughter of Mrs. E. Woodyear – Smith, Deepcut, Surrey – died in sinking of “TP” (CWGC see also so –called Japanese broadcast listing of “SMITH - WOODYEAR”)
WOOLLERTON – “… Woollerton E NC APC Kuala bvd drowned…” (BPPL); Mr. E. N. C. Woollerton, APC, on “Kuala” (ALFSEA); Edwin Norman Collett Woolerton, aged 45 years, British, of 37 Holland Park Road, London. Son of Dr. and Mrs. Woollerton, Aylsebury, Buckinghamshire – died around sinking of “Kuala” (CWGC)
WRIGHT – Supply Assistant Frederick Wood Wright, P/MX84334, Royal Navy, son of William and Mary Wright of Dundee- he died on 16.2.42 around the sinking of the “Kuala” (NHN and CWGC); the facts of Frederick Wright’s death are contained in an account by Mr. G. J. O’Grady of the PWD who recorded that he had been “…pulled onto a raft after three hours in the water. The raft supported two European nurses, both wounded, two Indian Nurses, one named Miss Fonseka, and two wounded soldiers. One of the European nurses, a small dark girl died shortly afterwards… Towards dusk the raft was near an island bur appeared to be sinking, so O’Grady swam off to see if he could get help. The remaining European nurse followed him …but then could not make it back to the raft… next day O’ Grady swam to another nearby island and found that the raft had drifted there…One of the wounded soldiers had died in the night. That day a native boat sighted them and took them to Pulau Temiang…and the other wounded soldier, F. W. Wright died…” ( O’Grady Report No. 3, Malayan Research Bureau)
WRIGHT – Miss. “…boarded “TP…” (STF); she may or may not have been the same person as,
WRIGHT – Miss I. Wright, QAIMNSR, “…last seen swimming toward island by members of QAIMNS…” (Evans); Nurse I. Wright, QAINMS. – seen in the water after the bombing of the “Kuala” swimming towards Pom Pong Island with the others, but did not arrive - listed as missing 1943 (CAS); Sister Irene Wright, QAIMNS, #209440, daughter of Albert and Eliza Wright of Portadown, Co. Armagh, Northern Ireland – she died on 14.2.42 (CWGC)
WRIGHT – Mrs. Wright, Husband with Commercial Union – she is listed as on “TP” (JPB and Ruperti); Mrs. Joyce Wright, G.H., (CAS); Vera Joyce Wright, MAS. B.1904, died in sinking of “TP” (C5549); Mrs. Vera Joyce Wright, Nursing Sister, Malayan Nursing Service, aged 38 years, wife of Bertram Wright, Chew Stoke, Bristol - died in sinking of “TP” (CWGC); Bertram Wright was an Assistant with Commercial Union Assurance, aged 41 years and a 2nd. Lt. , SASC., SSVF and who became a POW in Thailand (MVDB)
WYATT- Miss N. Wyatt, S/N, seen on “Kuala” (CAS); also Miss N. Wyatt ( list of civilians on “Kuala” and “TP” at PRO); also Mrs. N. Wyatt, (K. Lipis) Nurse in Malayan Govt. Service, left on “TP” (Ruperti)
WYATT – Mr. W. H. Wyatt, Perth, Australia (ALFSEA); William Henry Wyatt, born 1892 and saw service in WW1; also Acting Sub. Lt. SS RNVR, Superintendent, Government Printing Office and lived at 141 Circular Road, Kuala Lumpur, wife Eveleen evacuated on Narkunda , but William interned at padang and Bankinang camps ( Moffatt and Mr. H. van den Bos’ Bankinang camp list)
WYBRO – see Whybrow above
YEE – Miss Yee Sin Heng, Woodville Hospital ( Inglis list at PRO)
YOUNG – Miss Agnes Young. MEO. Malayan Nursing Service – listed as on “TP” (JPB and Ruperti); Sister (Miss) Young, Kiang, seen on Pom Pong Island (CAS); also Miss Agnes McLay Greenoway Young, aged 42 years boarded the “TP” (list of civilians on “Kuala” and “TP” at PRO); Miss Agnes McLay Greenaway Young, was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Young, of Torside, Stirling Road, Larbert, Scotland. She had trained in Manchester. ( source Russell MacGillivray, Scotland)
YUENS – “… Yuens APC 2nd Eng left Kuala…” (BPPL)
ZEHNDER – Mrs. Zehnder, Family of Singapore lawyer – listed as on “TP” (JPB); same person as Mrs. Sybil Selena Zehnder, aged 45 years, British, wife of John Zehnder of Pasir Pajang Road – died in sinking of “TP” (CWGC)); there was a Law firm Zehnder Brothers, Malacca, = a Walter Zehnder, a partner in that firm was a Major in the SSVF and died as a POW in 1944 (MVDB)
ZEHNDER – Miss. Family of Singapore lawyer – listed as on “TP” (JPB); Miss Pamela “Pam” Elaine Zehnder, aged 22 years – died in sinking of “TP” (CWGC)
ZEHNDER – Miss. Family of Singapore lawyer – listed as on “TP” (JPB); Miss Joyce Audrey, aged 19 years – died in sinking of “TP” (CWGC)
ZEHNDER - Miss. Family of Singapore lawyer – listed as on “TP” (JPB); Miss Hazel Elsie Zehnder, aged 16 years - died in sinking of “TP” (CWGC); and also ,although not listed by the Japanese,
ZEHNDER – Miss Patricia “Patsy” Estelle Zehnder, aged 14 years – died in sinking of “TP” (CWGC)