Lance Corporal
George Gerrard

1917/12/12 - Born Manchester
Son of William and Mary Gerrard
Occupation Dairy Worker
Manchester Regiment
1st Battalion
1942/03/21 - WO 417/40, Casualty List No. 777. Missing
1944/01/26 - WO417/71, Casualty List No. 1352. Previously posted Missing, Casualty List No. 777, 15/02/1942. Prisoner of War in Japanese Hands
Japanese PoW
1942/02/15 - Captured Singapore
PoW No. IV 5026
Japanese Index Card - Side One

Japanese Index Card - Side Two

1943/04/26 - Transported overland to Thailand with ‘F’ Force
71st train from Singapore to Thailand
New PoW No. IV 4682
1943/05/19 - Illness - Dysentery and Pneumonia
Age 25
Cause of Death Dysentery and Pneumonia
Grave 47, Nieke Camp (Ni Thea), Thailand
George’s remains were not recovered in the first grave recoveries in 1945 to 1946 and it was not till 1948 when a second recovery party was sent that the cremation pyres at Ni Thea were found which is why his name is on the wall of the Special Memorial Building at Kanchanaburi and remains in Special Memorial 9. M. 09
1946/01/16 - WO417/101, Casualty List No.1961. Previously shown on Casualty List No.1352 as Prisoner of War, with Duty Location as Malaya. Died
Loved Ones
Son of William Henry and Mary Annie Gerrard, of Manchester
Husband of Elsie Gerrard, of Hulme, Manchester
Sp. Mem. 9. M. 9.
(Photo by Ian E. Scott 2010)
Kanchanaburi War Cemetery
Ian E. Scott - Nephew
Andrew Snow - Thailand Burma Railway Center
Japanese Transport
Thailand - Burma Railway
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
KEW Files:- WO 392/24, WO 345/20, WO 361/1947, WO 361/2060, WO 367/2, WO 361/2234, WO 361/2201, WO 361/2025, WO 417/40,