Alfred George Goater
Known as Blacky

Lancashire fusiliers
5th Battalion
Changed to:-
Royal Army Service Corps
14th troop carrying Co.
Served in France and Belgium up to evacuation Dunkirk 1940.
Joined 198. Field Ambulance, 53rd Brigade 18th Division.
Left Greenock Scotland on troopship Duchess of Athol, to Canada, transhipped to American troop carrier, Mount Vernon, originally The Washington, shipped to Singapore.
The 53rd British Brigade reinforced the West force which comprised of the 45th Indian Brigade, and the 27th Australian Brigade. then moved to Batu-Pahat, Yong Peng, and Benut encountered fierce opposition and pushed back to Singapore Island
After terrific fighting taken prisoner after capitulation. 15/2/42
Japanese POW
Interred in Changi, also Tarso, No 4 Camp. Burma Railway.
Also Hellfire Pass.