Warrant Officer Class I (R.S.M.)
James Issac Goodfellow
(Known as Issac)

Royal Scots
2nd Battalion
Japanese POW
Captured Hong Kong
Transported to Japan
Aged 38
31st October 1942
Regimental Sergeant-Major James Goodfellow, Royal Scots, was a native of Inverbervie. He married Helen Ogg, Wallace Street, Arbroath and made his home in Arbroath. He had completed 18 years in the regular Army and was stationed for three years of that period in India. He later went to Hong Kong and was stationed there at the outbreak of war. He was taken prisoner when Hong Kong was captured by the Japanese, and died in Osaka prisoner of war camp, Japan, on the 31st October 1942. Regimental Sergeant-Major Goodfellow, who was 38 years of age, was survived by his wife and son, both of whom had been evacuated from Hong Kong.
Loved Ones
Husband of Helen Ogg Goodfellow, of Arbroath, Angus

Family Grave - Arbroath
Buried at - Brit. Sec. M. A. 3.