Edward John Goy

Australian Infantry
2/26 Battalion
Japanese PoW
1942/02/15 - Captured Singapore
PoW NO. II 13319
1942/05/14 - Transported oversea from Singapore in the Toyokashi Mary as part of ‘A’ Force via Sumatra to Burma.
With 2000 PoWs, commander Brigadier A.L. Varley AIF.
Edward worked at Mergui then Tavoy before moving to Thanbyuzayat to start railway construction in Burma October 42.
New PoW No. II 35606
He worked on the Burma end of the Railway before moving to Thailand:-
Ni Thea, 281km from Nong Pladuk
Tha Makham, 56km from Nong Pladuk
Kanchanaburi, 52 km from Nong Pladuk
Ending up at Pratchai in August 1945, where he was liberated.
Gemma Lewis - Great Granddaughter
Andrew Snow - Thailand Burma Railway Centre
Japanese Transports
Thailand - Burma Railway
KEW Files:- WO 361/2171, WO 361/1957,