John Albert Griffin
Known as Jack

1919/01/14 - Born Staines, Middelsex
Son of Beatrice (nee Goble) Griffin
Occupation Gas Works Purification Attendant
Member of St John Ambulance Brigade 2
1939/10/16 - Enlisted
Royal Army Medical Corps
198th Field Regiment
1939/10/16 Enlisted Crookham


Transportation With 18th Division.
1941/10/30 - Sailed from Liverpool
Within Convoy CT.5 sailing for Halifax
1941/11/08 - Reached Halifax

1941/11/08 - Transferred to USS Mount Vernon

After a brief visit to Trinidad to refuel, Cape Town was reached on December 9th. Shore leave was granted before sailing on the 13th December for Bombay only to be then ordered on the 23rd to sail for Mombassa and then finally Singapore. She was escorted by the H.M.S. Emerald and reached Singapore Harbour on January 13th 1942.
Posted to Alexandria Military Hospital - Jack survived the dreadful massacre by having been on the second floor, locking himself in one of the lavatories in the corridor and staying there until the Japanese troops had departed the following day . It was a nerve-racking experience as he could hear the rampaging soldiers outside and could see their feet under the door.2
1942/02/15 - Singapore Surrendered
Japanese PoW
1942/02/15 - Became Japanese PoW
PoW No. 8045
Jack Shuttle first met Jack Griffin whilst attending the newly established skin clinic before the war to be treated for another outbreak of sores, he was attended to by a talkative little orderly, Jack Griffin, who told him that he hailed from Staines in Middlesex. They lived only three miles or so apart, Jack Griffin worked for the local Gas Company which was next door to the Waterworks where Jack Shuttle worked. However they were strangers but now became good friends, remaining together for the rest of their captivity. 2
Japanese Index Card - Side One

Japanese Index Card - Side Two

Roberts Hospital, Changi
Col. Craven
Transported to Thailand
In Letter Party ‘L’
Chungkai Hospital, Thailand
Col. Barrett & Maj. Read
New PoW No. II 4959
Nacom Paton Hospital, Thailand
Col. Coates
New PoW No. II 7670
1942/09/04 - Liberated Thailand
Post War

Photo taken 1946
1947 - Married Gladys Joan Hewitt
Trained as a nurse and moved to Sunderland in North East England with his wife and daughter Pauline.
Divorced Joan who moved to Hastings with Pauline.
1958 - Married Edna Copeland
They had two sons.
Jack worked as a Charge Nurse in cardiothoracic surgery at Seaham Hall Hospital.
In 1973 Pauline traced Jack and during the summer they met.
In the November of the same year Jack died.
Age 54
Cause of death - Heart Attack
Keith Griffin
2 An extract from a book ‘Destination Kwai’ by Jack Shuttle which referred to Jack (He was know in Staines as Jack but in the North East as John).
Kew:- WO 361/2172, WO 392/24, WO 345/21, WO 361/1979, WO 361/1954, WO 361/2196, WO 361/2167, WO 361/2060, WO 361/2180,