Gerardus Bernardus Johannes van Herwaarden

1915/09/21 - Born WeRkendam, Holland
Son of Johannes Hermanus and Wilhelmina Maria Herwaarden
Husband to L. E. Israel-van Herwaarden (Born 1924/11/12)
Father to daughters Corrie, Lucie, Paula, Magda
sons Alexander, Richard, Gerard, Wim
Netherlands Army
Signalling Company Madoera
Travelled to Indonesia with ship ‘Indrapoera’
Japanese PoW
1942/03/08 - Captured Java
PoW No. J-4811
Japanese Index Card - Side One

Japanese Index Card - Side Two

1943/01/13 - Transported from Batavia, Java to Singapore in ‘Wein’, Java Party 8. With 1699 PoWs. 700 PoWs from 10th Battalion Camp and 1000 PoWs from Kampong Makassar Camp, Batavia.
1943/01/17 - Arrived Changi, Singapore
1943/01/27 - Transported to Thailand in Train 41st train from Singapore
625 PoWs (549 Dutch).
New PoW No. I 4512
Although no records on his movements in Thailand he probably worked in the area from Lin Thin through Kui Yae, Kuishi to Kui Mang before returning to Nong Pladuk 2
New PoW No. I 24525
1945 June-July - Chungkai Hospital with Pleurisy
1945/08/30 - Liberated Thailand
To Holland with ‘HMT Johan van Oldenbarnevelt’
After an overhaul on November 25th, 1945 the ship sailed to the Far East, berthing Singapore on December 22nd and departing on the 25th. She then sailed to Penang Malaya arriving December 26th and departed on January 7th, heading again for Singapore arriving on January 9th and departed January 13th, sailing via Batavia, Colombo, Suez, Port Said arriving Amsterdam on February 13, 1946 with 3079 Dutch troops as well as 2018 repatriates.
Post War

29th July 2008 - L. E. Israel-van Herwaarden
10th October 2010 - Gerardus Bernardus Johannes
Alex Van Herwaarden
Java Index
Japanese Transports
KEW Files:- WO 361/2170, WO 361/1956,