Alex Jamieson

1915/11/23 - Born Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Son of James and Elizabeth Jamieson
Gordon Highlanders
2nd Battalion
Aldershot Cook Training
The 2nd Battalion arrived at Singapore in 1937 with new recruits joining them in 1939.
The new recruits had trained at Bridge of Don, Aberdeen. Training in the snow-bound winter, then taking an uncomfortable 24 hour journey from Aberdeen to Dover, crossing to France. They sailed in the ‘Andes’ from Marseilles, via the Suez Canal, with a 12 hour leave at Port Said. The on to Calcutta for stores without a shore leave, sailing down the Burma Coast and Malay coast to Singapore Harbour.
Alex off duty in Singapore
The 2nd Battalion were stationed at Selerang Barracks before the Japanese attacked Malaya on 8th December 1941.
Singapore surrendered 15th February 1842.
1942/03/16 - WO 417/40, Casualty List No. 772.
1944/01/19 - WO417/70, Casualty List No 1346. Previously Posted on Casualty List No 772 as Missing now reported Prisoner of War in Japanese Hands.
Japanese PoW
PoW No. M1949
Japanese Index Card - Side One

Japanese Index Card - Side Two

1942/10/24 - Transported overland to Thailand in ‘Y’ Party
16th Train from Singapore to Thailand
New PoW No. I 25907
Thailand Camps changed to Workparty 4
New PoW No. I 9265 (4 Workparty)
1945/08/30 - Liberated Thailand
Flown from Bangkok to Rangoon and into ‘Recovery of Allied Prisoners of War and Internees’ centres (RAPWI).
1945/09/27 - WO417/97_1, Casualty List No. 1869. Previously reported on Casualty List No. 1346 as Prisoner of War now Not Prisoner of War. Previous Theatre of War, Malaya.



Pacific Star
War Medal
1939-1945 Star
Debbie Kevanaugh
Japanese Transport
Thailand-Burma Railway
KEW Files:- WO 392/24, WO 345/27, WO 361/2196, WO 361/2165, WO 361/2061, WO 361/2166, WO 361/2068,