Aircraftman 2nd Class
William George Johnston

Born - 1908/12/30, Angus, Scotland
Son of Robert and Eva Johnston
Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
Japanese PoW
1942/03/08 - Captured Java
PoW No. 1144
Japanese Index Card - Side One

Japanese Index Card - Side Two

Transported from Java to Haruku
After 1, 200 miles at sea they arrived at Haruku where the atap hut roofs were either missing or leaked letting in the consistent rain. The natives, who built the huts, had dug their latrine at the top of the slope the camp was on and the latrines overflowed and ran into the huts, a dysentery epidemic quickly followed and the death grew.
The work at the camp was to flatten the top of the volcanic island and building an air strip. For the work the PoWs were paid 15 cents a day. As the food was poor the money was spent in the camp shop which was run by the Japanese Guard Mori. Mori kept the camp food rations poor so the PoWs had to spend their money in his shop.
It is known that the work and conditions at Haruku was causing sickness and death. It is recorded that when the PoWs left Haruku in 1944, they left 400 PoWs behind in graves.
At the end of 1943 many sick were taken back to Ambon to be transported back to Java and William is mentioned as being at Soael Village, Ambon.
As William’s death was not recorded, he either died at the village or on the SS Nichinan Maru when it left Ambon for Java. As another death is reported on the SS Nichinan Maru on 1943/12/09, I believe he died on the ship leaving Ambon.
Age 36
There are two dates of death given in KEW records 1943/12/10 and 1943/12/13
The CWGC uses 1943/12/13
Loved Ones
Husband of Annie Johnston, of Brydekirk, Dumfriesshire

Column 430
Singapore Memorial



Pacific Star
War Medal
1939-1945 Star
Ray Wallace
Japanese Transports
Roll of Honour
Commonwealth War Grave Commission
KEW Files:- WO 392/24, WO 345/28, WO 361/2008, WO 361/1656, WO 361/1222, WO 361/1222,