David (Dewi) Jones
(nickname Taff in the army)

Army Catering Corps
77th ACC regiment (South Wales)
Japanese POW
Tandjong Priok (Java)
Boei Gloduk (Java)
Bycile Camp (Java)
The Goodnight Melody
F. G. Fryett
November 10th, 1942
This is the Camp Orchestra of the Tandjong Priok Prisoner of War Camp playing the Goodnight Melody, and this your naughty little compere saying GOODNIGHT to our friends all over the world.
Tomorrow is November 11th and we are hoping that our friends will be thinking of us, as we are thinking or them.
Here in captivity there is little else we can do but think, except occasionally to remember that we are British. So, on this memorable day, for the sake of those who laid down their lives for the Empire in past generations, we will make this resolve – we will bow but not bow lower than is necessary.
So, GOODNIGHT from Priok Prison Camp to our friends that sail the sea. We will not mind waiting here a long time yet, if we can know that you sailors are getting the food into the Old Country. So, GOODNIGHT sailors, and Good Luck – Keep sailing.
GOODNIGHT to the Flying men of the Air Force. We have had plenty of time to think back to September, 1940, and we want you to know that we have not forgotten, and we assure you that we keep looking to the South Skies – hopefully. GOODNIGHT, Good Luck – Keep flying.
GOODNIGHT to our Empire soldiers everywhere. We are sorry we can do nothing here, but we still believe in you. GOODNIGHT and Good Luck.
GOODNIGHT to Doctors, Nurses and Red Cross Workers everywhere. Goodnight and God bless you, and God guide the steady hands that are doing so much to alleviate the suffering which is the inevitable consequence of a nation pitting the strength of its machines of destruction against those of another nation.
GOODNIGHT to Lighthouse Keepers, Coast Guards, Observer Corps and all those who work and watch through the night. The limelight does not fall on you, but we will not forget. GOODNIGHT – Keep watching.
GOODNIGHT to all Air Raid Wardens, Firemen and Firewatchers, Ambulance Drivers, Blood Donors and Munition Workers. We know that in your own way you are producing the ANSWER.
GOODNIGHT to Mothers everywhere. Mothers whose mental anguish is causing the deeper suffering that only a Mother can know. Mothers who pray for their sons, mothers who mourn for their fallen sons, and Mothers who can neither pray not mourn but wonder, wonder, with a soul-destroying anxiety if their son lives or rots in a corner of a foreign field. GOODNIGHT, Mothers – Keep Praying.
GOODNIGHT to Wives everywhere. Wives who are still listening for the postman’s footsteps. Wives who are separated by thousands of miles from the men they have chosen to love. Wives whose faith is not shaken after nearly a year’s silence, saying to themselves all the time: “He must come back – He will come back”.
GOODNIGHT children, GOODNIGHT kiddies. Little boys and girls who wonder why there is no big man to play bears and elephants with. No gruff-voiced man who seemed to like having his hair pulled even if Mummy did say “It’s you who spoils the child”, and pretends to look very stern.
No, sonny don’t play with your wooden soldiers tonight, not tonight of all nights. It sort of reminds Mummy of your Daddy’s uniform, and then you won’t understand why she stands with her back to you by the sideboard while two silent tears roll down her cheeks.
List of Names from Tandjong Priok
Baxter, J F
Harwell (?) London
Bowen, H J
Glanamas, Ammanford S Wales
Goodall, E C
Walthamstow London
Hernbrow, C C
Abertridwr, Caerphilly S Wales
Heywood, P A or E A
Horwich (?) Bolton, Lancs
Holder, Ron
Hengoed, S Wales
Hulton, Angus
Knaresborough, Yorks
Jenner, A W
Brixton Hill, London
Kent, Ivor
Swansea S Wales
Laing, E
Lavender Bay, NSW Australia
Lees, J
Lichfield, Staffs
Lindsley, J
East Chevington, Morpeth
Lovell, D S
Fulham, London
McLaughlan, R
Higher Tranmere, Birkenhead
Millward, B E
Perry Barr, Birmingham
Walton, G
Corbridge-on-Tyne, Northumberland
Windhurst, R C
Rumney, Cardiff, S Wales