Leslie Jones

1918/07/24 - Swansea, Wales
Son of George and Edith Jones
Royal Artillery
Japanese PoW
1941/12/25 - Captured Hong Kong
PoW No. 2138
Working on Kai Tak aerodrome.
In September 1942 he was tested for Typhus with the glass rod test, it proved positive and was kept at Hong Kong.
Japanese Index Card - Side One

Japanese Index Card - Side Two

1943/08/18 - Transported in the Manryu Maru, which was the fourth draft from Hong Kong with 473 men.
1943/09/01 - Arrived Osaka, Japan
1943/09/02 - Osaka 12B - Oeyama, Japan
New PoW No. 5517
When the camp was first established the men worked in the Oeyama Mine as general labour for Nippon Yakin Kogyo, which was a nickel mine with a ferro-nickel smelting plant. Some also worked in the Hachidate Branch Nickel Refinery. After June 1945, some of the POWs started working at the Miyazu Harbor as stevedores and labour at the temporary dry dock. The men were guarded by guards furnished by the company at the place of work, civilians attached to the Army, and some Army guards.
1945/08 - Renamed Osaka 3B, Oeyama POW Camp, Japan
New PoW No. 5495
1945/09/09 - Liberated Osaka 3B, Japan
Derek Jones
Japanese Transports
Tony Banham’s books:-
‘Not the Slightest Chance’
‘The Sinking of the Lisbon Maru’
‘We Shall Suffer There’
KEW Files:- WO 361/1160, WO 392/24, WO 361/1160, WO 361/1160, WO 345/28,