Edwin Thomas Kirby
Known as Ted

1916/07/07 - Born Cardiff, Wales
Son of Edwin and Elizabeth Kirby
Royal Artillery
77 Heavy Anit-Aircraft Regiment
240 Battery
The Territorial Chester area 21st Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment together with the 48th L.A.A Regiment, 77 H.A.A. and 18 L.A.A. Regiments of the Royal Artillery left the Clyde for the Middle East in Convoy William Sail 14X.
1941/12/08 - Japan attacked Malaya entering the war against Britain.
1942/01/13 - By the time WS 14X had reached Durban, South Africa their destination had changed to the Singapore and they sailed in Convoy DM-2 (Durban Malaya -2).
1942/01/19 - Off Mombassa at 01.05 N, 91.28 E they merged with Convoy Bm-12 (Bombay Malaya -12) and were re-routed to Batavia, Java with their supplies.
1942/02/03 - Arrived Batavia in Empress of Australia.
The 48 L.A.A Regiment was formed in 1940 and comprised of 49, 95 and 242 Batteries.
48 LAA Regiment, Royal Artillery, on arrival in Batavia, deployed the 49 Battery around Kalidjati airfield, North of Bandoeng. The 95 Battery were deployed at Andir airfield, Bandoeng and HQ together with 242 Battery were in Batavia.
The 77 H.A.A Regiment less 239 Battery, were transported by train to Surabaya setting up their guns to defend Eastern Java against enemy aircraft. The 239 battery stayed in defence of Batavia.
1942/02/06 - At 0300 hrs a troop train carrying part of 77 HAA Regiment crashed into an ammunition train on a single track bridge just outside Surabaya, 30 were killed and 100 were injured.
1942/02/28 - A strong Japanese force landed on the North Coast of Java at Eretenwetan. Using tanks they soon reached Kalidjati airfield, destroying the 49th Battalion of the 48 L.A.A. Regiment.
1942/03/04 - By this time the Dutch forces in Java were being severely hit by the Japanese advance. The 239 Battery, 77 H.A.A and the 242 Battery, 48 L.A.A were ordered to move and defend the Bandoeng area.
1942/03/08 - Java surrendered to the Japanese.
Japanese PoW
1942/03/08 - Captured Java
PoW No. J 1421
Japanese Index Card - Side One

Japanese Index Card - Side Two

1942/10/21 - When the draft for transportation was assembled, there were many stretcher cases and many of the PoWs collapsed on the march to the docks. At the Tandjong Priok Docks the Tanjong Priok P.O.W. Camp draft of 1000 ( 90 Officers and 910 O.R.s approx ) was joined by a draft of 300 R.A.F., under command of Wing Commander Frowe, and 500 R.A. personnel under command of Lt. Col. Saunders, Royal Artillery.
At 1600 hours the daft of 1800 PoWs embarked onto the Yoshiba Maru and were crammed into the holds.
1942/10/22 - The Yoshida Maru sailed from Batavia with the 1800 PoWs to Singapore in very bad conditions as the tarpaulins leaked and the water entered the holds.
1942/10/25 - Yoshida Maru arrived at the Roads of Singapore.
1942/10/26 - Reached Keppel Harbour, Singapore. 32 sick PoWs were taken to Changi-Hospital. The remaining PoWs were herded onto the quay, disinfected and tested for dysentery and cholera (glass rod test). Then herded back aboard the Yoshida Maru
1942/10/28 - Wing Commander Frowe was instructed to draft 200 of his men to join Lt. Col. Saunders' party of 500 being transferred to another ship. Fourteen of the more seriously sick from Tanjong Priok Camp were then transferred to Singapore Hospital.
1942/10/29, 1400 hours - The remaining 1086 disembarked onto the Quay and were disinfected. During the day a further 19 went sick and were sent to shore hospital and 14 replacements were received from Changi P.O.W. Camp, making a total of 1081.
1942/10/29, 1900 hours - The 1081 embarked on the S.S. "Singapore Maru"
Commander Lt-Col. E.R. Scott and the Singapore Maru group were known as the Scott Party (Mystery Party 2).
1942/10/27 - The Singapore Maru (1100 PoWs), Dainichi Maru (1200 PoWs) and Tofuku Maru (1200 PoWs) set sail to Japan in a convoy. Some of Java Party 5a, 5b and 5c who had sailed earlier from Java and taken to Changi, joined the PoWs in this Japan daft.
1942/11/03 - Arrived Saigon, French Indo-China
Lt-Col. Scott asked for the sick to be taken off the Singapore Maru but his request was refused.
1942/11/13 - Arrived Takao, Taiwan
8 bodies sent ashore for cremation from the Singapore Maru.
600 Japanese Soldiers embarked on the Singapore Maru.
Departing Taiwan was delayed as there was a bad storm.
1942/11/25 - Arrived Moji, Japan
There are some unknown facts:-
When the Yoshida Maru reached Singapore it stayed in the dock area and no roll was carried out at Changi, so this Java Party is known as a Mystery Party.
At the dock area we understand 500 PoWs of this 1,800 Mystery Party were transferred from Lt-Col. Saunders party of Royal Artillery and a further 200 RAF, from Wing Commander Frowe’s Party to another ship in the convoy.
The Singapore Maru PoWs were split into camps as follows:-
Fukuoka 4B, Moji-Hospital
Hiroshima 9B, Ohama
Hiroshima 6B, Sanyo
Hiroshima 7B, Ube
Hiroshima 8B, Motoyama
Information on the Singapore Maru:-
The Singapore Maru was overcrowded with poor toilet facilities. The holds were not ventilated and dysentery took hold. There were 60 deaths on the voyage.
It is reported that on reaching Moji 280 PoWs were very sick, out of these a 127 died within weeks.
(Read Hell Ship also Affidavit by Lt-Col.Eric Kenneth Scott)
Edwin was taken to Hiroshima 9B but died soon afterwards.
Age 26
1942/12/07 - Place of death Hiroshima 9B
Cause of Death Bronchitis, Colitis and Dysentery
This is a list of those who died soon after reaching Hiroshima 9B, Japan. Casualties of the terrible conditions on board the Singapore Maru.
Loved Ones
Son of Edwin and Elizabeth Kirby, of Llanrumny, Glamorgan, Wales
After Japan surrendered the Army Graves Service arranged for ashes to be taken by H.A.M.S Newfoundland from Japan to Australia and reburied in Sydney, Edwin was one of these.
2Z. C. 8.



Pacific Star
War Medal
1939-1945 Star
Elizabeth O'Connor - Niece
Japanese Transport
Singapore Maru
Hell Ship
Affidavit by Lt-Col.Eric Kenneth Scott
Japanese Homeland Camps
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
KEW Files:- WO 361/1707, WO 361/1475/2, WO 361/2009, WO 392/25, WO 345/30, WO 361/1745,