Bernard George Latham

1918/05/31 - Born Ardwick, Manchester
Son of William and Norah Latham
Occupation Labourer
1936/07/24 - Enlisted
Manchester Regiment
1st Battalion
At the outbreak of the Second World War the 1st Battalion Manchester Regiment were assigned to a beach defence role, which entailed setting up of Machine gun posts, searchlights and ant-ship, and landing craft obstacles.
In November 1937 the battalion had become a machine gun unit and in January 1938 with a strength of 980 officers and men the 1st Battalion were transported to Palestine as Jewish Community protectorates. They were housed in Tiberius at ‘The Central’ and ‘Elizabethan’ Hotels. A B C and D companies occupied trouble spots at Mielia, Safad, Sarafand Jeruslem and along the Jordon border
Under orders on 4th October 1938, the 1st Battalion sailed in the ‘Dilwara’ for the Far East and Singapore. At Port Suez they had a few days in the Western Desert while peace talks took place between Chamberlain and Adolph Hitler. Then back on the ship, arriving in Singapore on the 20th October 1938. As part of the 2nd Malaya Infantry Brigade, they saw action during the Japanese invasion of Singapore island in February 1942.
1942/02/15 - Singapore surrendered to the Japanese.
1942/03/23 - WO 417/40, Casualty List No. 778. Rank Corporal. Missing.
1944/07/28 - WO417/78, Casualty List No. 1510. Casualty List No. 778. Previously reported Missing, 15/02/1942. Rank Corporal. Prisoner of War in Japanese Hands (Thailand).
1944/08/09 - WO417/79, Casualty List No. 1520. Previously shown on Casualty List No. 1510 and No. 778, 15/02/194? as posted Missing. Correction to previous Casualty List - both List No. 1510 and 778 referred to in original source. Rank should read ‘Private’.
Japanese PoW
1942/02/15 - Captured Singapore
PoW No. 3478
Japanese Index Card - Side One

Japanese Index Card - Side Two

1942/10/27 - Transported overland to Thailand in ‘V’ Letter Party
19th Train from Singapore to Thailand
With 650 PoWs
Commander Lt-Col. J.H. Stitt, 2nd Gordon Highlanders
New PoW No. II 15732
Camps on the Railway:-
Chungkai, Thailand
1942/12 to 1943/01 - Chungkai, Hospital with Malaria and Ulcers
Lin Thin, Thailand
Prangkasi, Thailand
Tha Khanun, Thailand
Chungkai, Thailand
Lonsii, Burma
New PoW No. II 10075
Aperon, Burma
Building Steel Bridges to replace the original wooden bridges
1945/08/19 - Tha Muang Hospital with Malaria
1945/08/30 - Liberated Thailand
1945/09/09 - Evacuated to Rangoon
1945/09/28 - WO417/97_1, Casualty List No. 1870. Previously reported on Casualty List No. 1510 (Corrected by Casualty List No. 1520) as Prisoner of War now Not Prisoner of War. Previous Theatre of War, Malaya.



Pacific Star
War Medal
1939-1945 Star
Carol Finch - Granddaughter
Glenda Godfrey
Martyn Fryer
‘Empire Soldier’ Book by Arthur Lane
Andrew Snow - Thailand-Burma Railway Centre
Japanese Transport
Thailand-Burma Railway
KEW Files:- WO 361/2172, WO 345/30, WO 361/1955, WO 361/2196, WO 392/25, WO 361/2061, WO 361/2167, WO 361/2167,