Philip Graham Lovely

1912/04/12 - Born Hounslow, Middlesex
Son of Herbert Harold (born 1877/03/29 at Shepherds Bush) and Hannah Elizabeth (born 1875/11/15 at Bow) (nee Finch) Lovely, Hounslow, Middlesex
1921 Census Philip’s Father worked as a Commercial Clerk & Under Manager with Williams Bros Amiline Dye Manufrs & Co at 179 Hamworth Rd, Hounslow.
(Parents were married 1904 and in 1939 Census they lived at 8, Isleworth, Heston and Isleworth M.B., Middlesex, England)
Brother to Herbert R, (1939 Census - born 1905/03/07 and worked in Petroleum Technology)
Philip’s Occupation was ‘Surveyor’.
1938 - Enlisted (Royal Artillery Attestations 1883-1942)
Royal Artillery
6 Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment
15 Battery
1940/11/16 - Regular Army Emergency Commission - Rank 2nd Lieutenant, Lieutenant (War Substantive)
1941 - Married Agnes Malvina Powell at Bilston, Staffordshire
(1939 Census she lived at Malvina, Amos Lane. Wednesfield, Staffordshire with her Parents and her occupation was a Clerk (Born 1915/05/29)).
1941/11/04 - 6th Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment sailed from the Clyde to Freetown on the Empress of Japan convoy WS12Z . Supposed destination was the Middle East.
1941/11/28 - Convoy arrived Freetown with shore leave.
1941/12/08 - Japan entered war and attacked Malaya.
1941/12/11 - Letters written to Philip from his wife Betty were never delivered and were found still sealed at the turn of the century (they are shown at the botom of the page)
1941/12/18 - Convoy arrived Durban with shore leave. The 6th H.A.A. were now included into the 18th Division and ordered to Singapore.
1941/12/24 - Departed Durban for Singapore SS Narkunda convoy DM.1
1942/01/13 - Arrived Singapore and defended the south coast of Singapore. A mishap had occurred on route as their stocks of ammunition had already been sent ahead to the original destination in the Middle East. The gunners found their stocks very short.
1942/01/31 - Batteries 12 and 15 were re-equipped transported to Palembang, Sumatra, to defend two airfields, P1 - Pangkalan Benteng north of Palambang and P2 - Prabumulith 40 miles south. They also defended oil refineries close by P1. Again they found that they were only equipped with 6 x 3.7” mobile guns and very little ammunition for them. After some delay 10 x 3.7” guns and ammunition arrived with the SS Subadar but again another mishap as the necessary equipment for controlling the guns had been sent to the Middle East. The airfields at P1 and P2 were important to the defence of Singapore by the RAF but when Singapore fell on the 15th February to the Japanese, the 12th and 15th batteries of the 6th H.A.A. were no longer required at the airfields as the RAF moved the planes out of P1 and P2. The defence of the oil refineries was now their only duty but the Japanese heavily attacked them in the air and after dropping paratroopers, on the ground. In an impossible situation the 12th and 15th joined together and under orders destroyed their guns and evacuated to Java on the SS Yoma.
1942/02/17 - Transported to Java. With no artillery guns the battalion became infantry on airfield defence. The survivors of the 12th defending Kalidjati and the 15th Tjilitan, both in the Batavia area.
1942/03/08 - Java surrendered to the Japanese
1942/04/18 - WO 417/3, Casualty List No. 801. Reported ‘Missing’.
1942/05/02, WO417/003, Casualty List No. 813. Previously shown on Casualty List No. 801 as reported Missing 15/02/1942 now ‘Not Missing’.
1943/03/04 - WO417/004, Casualty List No. 1074. Now reported ‘ Prisoner of War’.
Japanese PoW
1942/03/08 - Captured Java after being transported from Singapore before it fell to the Japanese
Japanese Index Card - Side One

Japanese Index Card Side Two

1942/09/14 - Departed Java in Nishi Maru with Java Party 1 to Singapore
1942/09/18 - Arrived Changi, Singapore
1942/10/09 - Departed in the Hiteru Maru for Kuching, Borneo
Liberated Borneo
1945/11/03 - WO417/9, Casualty List No. 1901. Previously reported on Casualty List No. 1074 as Prisoner of War now Not Prisoner of War. Previous Theatre of War, Netherlands East Indies.



Pacific Star
War Medal
1939-1945 Star
Agnes Malvina Lovely died 27th March 1984
Philip Graham Lovely died 17th April 1984
Both of 70 Bulstrode Ct., Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire
Probate Notice above showing Agnes was also known as Betty
Letters Found in 2002

These letters were found unopened in 2002 all from Betty
Too late to be delivered to Philip
A very sad ending to a loving relationship
(We are interested to find a relation of Philip or Betty)
Andrew Luscombe - Founder of the letters
1921 Census
Japanese Transports
KEW Files:- WO 392/25, WO 345/32, WO 361/2207,