John Alister MacGillivray

1907/12/24 - Born Dunmaglass, Rosshire, Scotland
Son of Captain John William MacGillivray X111 Laird of Dunmaglass
(Last Clan MacGillivray Chief)
Occupation Transport Engineer
1939/10/05 - Enlisted
Royal Army Service Corps
42 Reserve Motor Transport Company
Japanese PoW
1942/02/14 - Captured Buller Camp, Singapore
1942/02/17 - Changi Camp, Singapore
PoW No. I 7
1942/08/13 - Left Changi Camp, Singapore
Japanese Index Card - Side One

Japanese Index Card - Side Two

1942/08/16 - Transported with Japan Party B, ‘Special’ Party in Fukkai Maru
to Korea.
Commander Major Holohan, 2nd Battalion, Loyal Regiment
1942/09/24 - Arrived Jinsen Camp, Korea
New PoW No. I 88
1945/01/29 - Keijo Camp, Korea (Seoul)
Commander Col. Elrington, 2nd Battalion, Loyal Regiment
1945/09/09 - Liberated Korea
Ann MacGillivray
Cec Lowry
Special Party
KEW:- WO 361/1967, WO 361/2020, WO 361/2067, WO 392/25, WO 345/33,