Duncan McArthur

1908 - Born Dumbarton
Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
2nd Battalion

Basic Training at Stirling in Scotland.
In March 1937 the regiment were posted to India.
1938 to Waziriston, North West India frontier post where he stayed till September 1939.
The Battalion were then transported to the Far East in where Lt-Col Ian Stewart prepared them for jungle warfare in Malaya, preparing them in the harshest terrain in tactics which gave them the nickname of ‘The Jungle Beasts’. They became part of the 12th Infantry Brigade.
On the 8th December 1941 the Japanese invaded the North of Malaya after landing troops on the South East coast of Thailand, they soon gained a foothold after ‘Operation Matador’ was not put into action.
The already battle primed Japanese Troops infiltrated behind the defending troops forcing them to fall back. The 12th Infantry Brigade gave rearguard action to the retreating 11th Indian Division, until eventually a stand was made at the Slim River on January 7th. The troops held until Japanese tanks arrived and turned the battle of the Slim River to their advantage. The Argylls were hit badly and it was left to every man to find his own way back to the safety of Singapore, later named the ‘Long Retreat’. Many Argylls found themselves trying to evade the Japanese and survive in the jungle of Malaya.
1942/03/13 - WO 417/40, Casualty List No. 770. Reported ‘Missing’.
1946/04/13 - WO417/102, Casualty List No. 2026. Previously posted on Casualty List No. 770 as Missing 15/02/1942. Date of casualty recorded on original source as 'On or shortly after 13/02/1942'. ‘Presumed Killed in Action’
Age 34
13th February 1942
Loved Ones
Son of John and Margaret McArthur
Husband of Elizabeth McArthur, of Renton, Dunbartonshire

Column 82.
Singapore Memorial



Pacific Star
War Medal
1939-1945 Star
Andrew Davidson - Uncle
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
KEW Files:- WO 304/17, WO 417/40, WO417/102,