Walter George Mole
Known as Wally

1914/04/13 - Born East Ham, London
Son of Walter Alexis and Annie Louisa Mole
Occupation Storekeeper
Royal Army Service Corps.
No.9 10 Mac.
Japanese PoW
1942/02/15 - Captured Singapore
PoW No. IV 6229
Japanese Index Card - Side One

Japanese Index Card - Side Two

1942/10/26 - Transported overland in Letter Party ‘W’ to Thailand
Camps Unkown
1944 - Transported back to Singapore

1944/09/04 - Transported to Japan in Kachidoki Maru
On 4th September 1944, convoy HI-72 sailed from Singapore. Two of these ships, Rakuyo Maru and the Kachidoki Maru carried PoWs. The Rakuyo Maru carried 1317 Pows (British and Australian) and the Kachidoki Maru a further 900 (all British).
On the 12th of September the convoy was attacked by US submarines and both these ships were hit. The Kachidoki Maru was torpedoed by the US submarine Pampanito at 22:40 hours.
The Japanese rescued some of the POWs from these two ships and they continued their journey to Japan on the Kibitsu Maru.
All of those who survived the sinking of the Kachidoki Maru jumped within the first ten minutes of the ship being hit.
After reaching Japan they were taken to Sendai POW Camp B9 - Sakata-SH, Yamagata-Ken
New PoW No. IV 43372
Used as stevedores at the train yards and at the docks, loading and unloading all forms of materials
1945/09/14 - Liberated Sendai 9B
Japanese Homeland Camps
KEW:- WO 361/1970, WO 392/25, WO 345/36, WO 361/2005, WO 361/1983, WO 361/1987, WO 361/2169, WO 361/2062, WO 361/2069,