Dennis Morley
Name changed from Dennis John Morley Hickenbottom

1919/10/26 - Born London
Son of John and Cecilia Hickenbottom
Royal Scots
2nd Battalion
Joined Royal Scots as a Band Boy and played in the Royal Scots band.
1936/03/06 - Was posted to 2nd Battalion in Lahore, India.
In 1938 the battalion was posted to Hong Kong. He played in the Royal Scots band.
When the Japanese invaded he was at Wong Nai Chung Gap and he was then hospitalised at St Albert’s Convent. When the Japanese took that position, he became a prisoner of war.
Japanese PoW
1941/12/23 - Captured Hong Kong
PoW No. 1019
Japanese Index Card - Side One

Japanese Index Card - Side Two

1942/09/27 - Sailed from Hong Kong in the Lisbon Maru
On the third day at sea Diptheria broke out.
1942/10/01 - A noise like air rushing out of a tyre woke the sleeping PoWs and they realised a torpedo had just missed the ship. A few minutes later there was a loud explosion and the ships engines stopped.

The submarine, USS Grouper SS-214 had attacked and hit the Lisbon Maru.
At 7.30pm the Japanese destroyer ‘Kure’ and the Toyokuni Maru took off all the Japanese except a machine gun crew who had their gun trained on the Battened down hold.
1942/10/02 - Lisbon Maru sunk
Chinese fishing boats picked up survivors and landed them at Woosung, Nr. Shanghai. They were later transported to Japan.
1942/10/31 - Osaka 1B Kobe House Camp, Japan
1943/06/05 - B29's bombed the camp and was moved
Nagoya 10B Camp, Fushiki, Japan
New PoW No. 3039
1945/09/07 - Liberated Nagoya 10B
Post War
2019/10/26 - Celebrated his 100th birthday



Pacific Star
War Medal
1939-1945 Star
Jana Leo
Lisbon Maru
Tony Banham’s books:-
‘Not the Slightest Chance’
‘The Sinking of the Lisbon Maru’
‘We Shall Suffer There’
KEW Files:- WO 345/25, WO 392/24, WO 361/1985, WO 361/1744, WO 361/1744/2,