Lance Sergeant
Geoffrey Frederick Noakes

1902/04/22 - Born Mosman, New South Wales, Australia
Occupation Overseer
1941/05/20 - Enlisted at Paddington, age 39
Next of kin mother Sarah Noakes
Australian Military Forces
General Base Depot Malaya

Japanese PoW
1942/02/15 - Captured Malaya
PoW No. i 3830
1944/11/ 01 on roll at Malayan Camp
Sergeant Noakes was a PoW in Japanese hands from Febrauary 1942 till August 1945. He acted as an operator of secret wireless sets and also assisted in the construction and maintenance of such sets from July 1942 to August 1945 in Changi PoW Camp.
The performance of those duties was risky in the extreme because if discovered it would have meant a long term of imprisonment or execution.
The work, courage and devotion to duty of Sergeant Noakes contributed greatly to the morale of the personnel in the camp.
Post War
Notice of Special Awards

British Empire Medal
Services while POW
Aged 74
14th June 1976
New South Wales, Australia
Northern Suburbs Memorial Gardens and Crematorium
East Terrace 3 Wall 4